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13-01-2010, 10:34
Resting in Peace
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Re: cold weather payments
Originally Posted by Mancie
Labour have already done a better job than the Tories have ever done..I'm thinking about the 3.5 + millions unemployed in what the Tories called an economic upgrade in the 80's.. I'm talking about the reality of 17% interest on mortgages ,homes being repossed at a rate that broke the working men and women,hospital patients on trollies in corridors, no winter payments and when thousands of old people died each year.
Those 18 years of Thatcherite Tories was a bloody nightmare for most right thinking people .. there is no way Labour or any other party apart from the Tories could do a worse job than you lot did.
So you think running up unprecedented debt is a great way to run anything, somebody should have told Brown when your in a hole stop bloody digging, its always the same Labour screw it up and leave it to the Tories to sort it out, They all just like you Mancie big on mouth short on action
13-01-2010, 10:37
Resting in Peace
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Re: cold weather payments
Originally Posted by mick
Just checked my bank account and a second cold weather payment of £25 went in this morning
Snap Mick so have I
13-01-2010, 11:13
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Re: cold weather payments
Originally Posted by Taggy
I agree, i'm not advocating yet more money for the Work Shy, just a more caring, beneficial service for those who genuinely cant, and who suffer during winter months.
My lad is in his 20's, is Severely Brain Injured, cant walk and is Wheelchair bound, and only has the use of one hand. During this current spell of bad weather he has only been able to leave the house once in the last 3 weeks, he lives on a cul de sac which has been impassable, and even if he got past that then most pavements have not been gritted so are impossible for an adult in a wheelchair.
Effectively house bound and with the heating and lighting on all day, yet he doesn't receive a penny in Winter Heating Allowance, which kicks in automatically for older people at 60.
Best Regards - Taggy
I would look into that Taggy, the place I work is home to five deafblind adults who all receive Severe Disablement Allowance as part of their benefits and three of them have automatically received their £25 cold weather payment (the other two may have as well but as we are not appointee for them I can't say for sure).
13-01-2010, 12:39
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: cold weather payments
Originally Posted by andrewb
I imagine
Originally Posted by turkishdelight
And i guess
Imagine? Guess?
Hardly a couple of words that can be used to imply very strong policies are they?

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17-01-2010, 18:58
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Re: cold weather payments
What do I have to do to get the cold weather payment? I am 71 my wife is 62, we both have a state pension, or should I say just a little back from the thousands we have paid in during my 45 working years (plus army service) and my wife's 40 years working years.
I have checked our bank accounts again today and not a single payment over the usual has gone in.
Post code is BB5 0** and I can tell you it's been well below freezing for days.
Youse who have got payments must know summat I don't.
Gremlin R.T.
17-01-2010, 19:06
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Re: cold weather payments
i think you have to be on extra benifits not sure though try ringing age concern sure they'd be able to help
17-01-2010, 19:15
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Re: cold weather payments
Reckon Mancie must've run out of spanners by now as he just loves to throw them in the works. For myself, I doubt that Brown's Labour minions will leave nothing of the UK for anyone to save - let alone the Tories that Mancie simply revels in maligning at any given opportunity.
There's no FOOL like an 0LD FOOL!
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17-01-2010, 19:18
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Re: cold weather payments
Originally Posted by esteemedjuju
i think you have to be on extra benifits not sure though try ringing age concern sure they'd be able to help
I see? I don't even have un-extra benifits (if there is such a word) as I have a decent company pension as well as the state one. I will ring Age Concern to be sure but even so the cold snap didn't differentiate between me and other folk on benifits.
 Bye bye. Gremlin R.T.
17-01-2010, 21:05
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Re: cold weather payments
Since my car accident ive been on low rate Dissability Allowance and Incapacity benefit. I am not elligiable for the cold weather payment. I rang DSS to double check this and was told that i needed to be on a benefit that was topped up with Income Support to be able to recieve it.
So at a guess i would say that the majority of disabled people did not get any cold weather payments.
17-01-2010, 21:09
Resting in Peace
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Re: cold weather payments
Originally Posted by Gremlin
What do I have to do to get the cold weather payment? I am 71 my wife is 62, we both have a state pension, or should I say just a little back from the thousands we have paid in during my 45 working years (plus army service) and my wife's 40 years working years.
I have checked our bank accounts again today and not a single payment over the usual has gone in.
Post code is BB5 0** and I can tell you it's been well below freezing for days.
Youse who have got payments must know summat I don't.
Gremlin R.T.
Those on a pension should have received the Heating allowance which is between £120 and £300
You will not get cold weather payment as well
Those on Benefits must be on income support to get the £25 cold weather payment
17-01-2010, 21:11
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Re: cold weather payments
those who are on income support only get it if they have a child under the age of 5
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
17-01-2010, 21:29
Resting in Peace
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Re: cold weather payments
Originally Posted by flashy
those who are on income support only get it if they have a child under the age of 5
wrong i have had 2 payments
17-01-2010, 21:53
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Re: cold weather payments
i dont get y u only get £25 if it is 0 or below what about when its 1 degrees lol surely u shud get something
17-01-2010, 21:56
Resting in Peace
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Re: cold weather payments
Originally Posted by armani
i dont get y u only get £25 if it is 0 or below what about when its 1 degrees lol surely u shud get something
They have to have some sort of starting point to trigger payment they have decided its zero 
17-01-2010, 22:43
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Re: cold weather payments
wow £25! it was £7 when ty was little!
Like the old woman who lived in a shoe, i have so many children i can't fit the tickers in my signature.....
I finally found someone daft enough to marry me, my wonderboy is 11, my monkeygirl is 3 and my bananaman is 2, my beautiful little flower was born in feb 2012
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