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27-11-2011, 12:59
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Best ever Xmas present....
What was the best, worst and most disappointing Xmas present you have ever received?
For me: BEST were 2 presents from my sons when they were very young, a vintage Vicorian-style Father Xmas candle which I got when Ricky (my eldest) was 6 -still get it out every year but have never lit it as it's too beautiful to melt away. Then at he same age Eddy (my youngest) bought me a lovely xmas wreath which i put on the door every year.
WORST: a pair of Toe-socks which my God-father gave me when i was 15 -horrendous and impossible to wear.
MOST DISAPOINTING: When i was 9 I desperately wanted the new Petite Type-writer. On Xmas day, when i opened my present, mum had bought one of those big black 1950's finger-breaking jobs second-hand (something like the one Jessica Fletcher uses in "Murder she Wrote"!) it did have a double reel though -red and black! 
“Beauty is an experience, nothing else. It is not a fixed pattern or an arrangement of features. It is something felt, a glow or a communicated sense of fineness.” ~ D. H. Lawrence
27-11-2011, 16:15
Beacon of light
Re: Best ever Xmas present....
I suppose we should be thankful to get any gift.
I am sure we have had a thread on this before.........never mind.
One of my best presents was from my daughter. I was(when younger) very much into Aerobics and exercise.......She bought me a Flash Dance Sweat shirt and sweat pants in grey with 'Flash' embroidered on the top in red.(it must've been the 80's....when Flash Dance was popular)
I loved it. It was comfortable. I wore it to go to my exercise class, to go swimming. I wore it to do my exercises at home......and was sad when it practically fell to bits from all the wear it got.
Himself bought me my least loved present. I has seen an advert for a little hand held Dirt Devil cleaner....I must have remarked that it would be ideal for doing the stairs.
I should've kept my gob shut, because that is what he bought me....and he wondered why I wanted to give it back to him as a suppository!
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27-11-2011, 16:28
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Re: Best ever Xmas present....
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
I am sure we have had a thread on this before.........never mind.
Oh dear, not again -I had no idea....  
“Beauty is an experience, nothing else. It is not a fixed pattern or an arrangement of features. It is something felt, a glow or a communicated sense of fineness.” ~ D. H. Lawrence
Last edited by Mick; 28-11-2011 at 05:15.
27-11-2011, 17:38
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Re: Best ever Xmas present....
Worst Xmas present I ever received was a computer chair last year.................
Best one - £5 in Dec 2009
27-11-2011, 17:39
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Re: Best ever Xmas present....
Best, a minature greenhhouse when I was seven. I was already interested in gardening, this present cemented it. I grew sunflowers, and a mimosa pudica, a sensitive plant which closed when you touched it. I still have the watering can.
Worst. A twelve inch ruler in the shape of a plastic yellow foot, followed the year after by a pair of scissors. I'd always received interesting books from my parents friends from Worcester before this, but when I hit 13 the presents were just odd. Though I did appreciate them, if only for the amusement at how they'd top it the following year.
Again, I still have the scissors, so thirty odd years later, perhaps it wasn't so bad a present after all.

'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.
27-11-2011, 17:45
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Re: Best ever Xmas present....
Originally Posted by Bee
Worst Xmas present I ever received was a computer chair last year.................
Best one - £5 in Dec 2009
I could do with a new computer chair if you don't want it Bee!
Expect you've already spent the fiver -or do you like to save up  ?
“Beauty is an experience, nothing else. It is not a fixed pattern or an arrangement of features. It is something felt, a glow or a communicated sense of fineness.” ~ D. H. Lawrence
27-11-2011, 18:03
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Re: Best ever Xmas present....
... but when I hit 13 the presents were just odd. Though I did appreciate them, if only for the amusement at how they'd top it the following year.
Know what you mean...
WORST: a pair of Toe-socks which my God-father gave me when i was 15 -horrendous and impossible to wear.
- before the toe socks i got some Avon Pretty Peach cologne and hand cream -they only "girly" present I received at Xmas ever. I loved it as all the other presents i ever got were Educational or useful (ie boring).
After the toe socks it was a soap-on-a-rope like a lemon, then a wooden biro to wear round the neck which clipped into the top (green), finally some burgundy leg-warmers which i used to wear for playing tennis (these I did appreciate as they were trendy back then) Pressies from my God-father stopped at 18...
Wish someone had bought me a mini-greenhouse -i just got a patch by the garage where i grew starwberries. I did go on to get a Botany degree though
Am very good at killing off house-plants these days... 
“Beauty is an experience, nothing else. It is not a fixed pattern or an arrangement of features. It is something felt, a glow or a communicated sense of fineness.” ~ D. H. Lawrence
Last edited by Mick; 28-11-2011 at 05:17.
27-11-2011, 18:06
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Re: Best ever Xmas present....
Originally Posted by mobertol
Oh dear, not again -I had no idea....  
Don't worry it's an annual tradition.
Like stuffing.
You've just stuffed us a little early this year, that's all.
Let's expand it.
What's the best present you've bought for someone else?
My mum was poor as a church mouse growing up, but had one much loved secondhand doll. As an older teenager she gave it to a young relative, who broke, then lost it.
About ten years ago I saw the exact same doll, that I recognised from seeing photographs of, at a fair in Chelsea Town Hall. Life sized baby doll, made from something like bakelite, eyes that opened, and a 'Mama' mechanism when you winded her. The poor mite was naked, so I bought some passably period clothes from a baby linen stall in Tooting market.
I was too embarrassed, to say I was buying clothes for a doll, when they asked me what size the baby was, so I said it was for a friend, whose baby turned out to be 'premature sized', apparently.
Mum cried when she opened it on Christmas morning, and couldn't believe I'd found the same doll, she'd loved as a child.
That made me happy.
She's now called Chelsea. The original one was named Sal.
Chelsea sounded a bit better than Baby Tootin'.

'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.
Last edited by garinda; 27-11-2011 at 18:10.
27-11-2011, 18:30
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Re: Best ever Xmas present....
Well there are no bad presents but the mother in law bought me a packet of cigars just 7 days after coming out of hospital, think she was trying to tell be something 
27-11-2011, 18:47
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Re: Best ever Xmas present....
Best present: Electric guitar when I was 15.
Most disappointing: When I was 9 or 10 I asked Santa for a Star Wars "Light Sabre" cos all my friends had one. What I got was a Laser Sword, an inferior imitation and half as long as a proper Light Sabre......I lost every Light Sabre duel!!!
28-11-2011, 12:36
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Re: Best ever Xmas present....
Originally Posted by steve2qec
Best present: Electric guitar when I was 15.
Most disappointing: When I was 9 or 10 I asked Santa for a Star Wars "Light Sabre" cos all my friends had one. What I got was a Laser Sword, an inferior imitation and half as long as a proper Light Sabre......I lost every Light Sabre duel!!!
Yoda's little helper?!! 
“Beauty is an experience, nothing else. It is not a fixed pattern or an arrangement of features. It is something felt, a glow or a communicated sense of fineness.” ~ D. H. Lawrence
28-11-2011, 12:47
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Re: Best ever Xmas present....
Originally Posted by garinda
Don't worry it's an annual tradition.
Like stuffing.
You've just stuffed us a little early this year, that's all.
Let's expand it.
What's the best present you've bought for someone else?
Thought it was time for something seasonal as they'd switched on the Xmas lights....
The best present I've bought for someone else was not a Xmas one (I'm still working on that one).
It was just a book but it had a special meaning to me which was also appreciated by the person who received it...
I love giving presents and have recently realised that the recipient is the most important thing and not the gift...some are never happy with whatever you give them, even if you have gone to great trouble or expense, because they will just never understand your intention in the first place.
“Beauty is an experience, nothing else. It is not a fixed pattern or an arrangement of features. It is something felt, a glow or a communicated sense of fineness.” ~ D. H. Lawrence
28-11-2011, 12:51
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Re: Best ever Xmas present....
Worst christmas present was from one of my sons and it is a book about cannabis, he wanted me to read it so that i would get an understanding as to why he smokes it. It makes a great wedge 
28-11-2011, 12:57
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Re: Best ever Xmas present....
Originally Posted by jimmi5bellies
Worst christmas present was from one of my sons and it is a book about cannabis, he wanted me to read it so that i would get an understanding as to why he smokes it. It makes a great wedge 
Lol, I thought you were going to say it makes a great support to roll 'em on.

'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.
28-11-2011, 12:57
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Re: Best ever Xmas present....
Originally Posted by jimmi5bellies
Worst christmas present was from one of my sons and it is a book about cannabis, he wanted me to read it so that i would get an understanding as to why he smokes it. It makes a great wedge 
You obviously didn't understand his intention in giving you the gift...
“Beauty is an experience, nothing else. It is not a fixed pattern or an arrangement of features. It is something felt, a glow or a communicated sense of fineness.” ~ D. H. Lawrence
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