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05-09-2012, 12:02
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what mpg do you get?
only really want results of "average" 4 wheeled car.
reason i ask is, i have a 52 plate picasso 1.6, getting a little tired now for 10 year old car 150,000 on clock.
but it fits all my dj equipment, like a small van with seats out.
room enough for a mucky dog, taxi to teenagers, you all know the score.
been thinking of replacing the old girl, (the car, if mrs churchfc sees this she might get her hopes up) but recentley i have been driving with fuel consumption at the forefront of my driving,
according to the onboard computer, i am getting around 50 mpg, last run out was to ambleside, 50-60 all way
around town getting about 30 mpg
how does this compare with your vehicle, also using its age, mileage, engine size that sort of thing.
trying to decide in spending a few quid, and keeping this, or looking around for summat better, if there is anything
05-09-2012, 12:04
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re: what mpg do you get?
useless piece of info, to go with it, if anyone doesnt know a gallon is about £6.50ish, if you do know you could have told me to save working it out!
05-09-2012, 13:32
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re: what mpg do you get?
Mmmm ... I drive a classic '90 Cadillac Sedan De Ville, with a 4.5 litre V8 ... and in winter, a beat up old '95 Chev Suburban with a 351 big block. So, I guess I don't do all that well on milage  I think I posted pics on a thread called "Old Motors". Fortunately, I can get cheapish gas in the Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory ... along with cigarettes for $10 a carton of 200, and Cuban cigars dirt cheap. 
05-09-2012, 13:36
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re: what mpg do you get?
2005 Accord diesel estate, 2.2 turbo diesel 193K miles, mainly sitting on motorways at "quick" speeds I get 46-47 real mpg calculated from brim to brim fill ups
I reckon driven more carefully I could easily get > 50 mpg but its a trade off of how long to get home vs the extra bit of diesel.
if your car has no real faults likely to cost more than a couple of hundred quid for a years running then it will never pay to swap to get a few more mpg.
for other "cars" I've had recently
1997 Volvo V70 T5 estate on LPG, easily hit 24 mpg with LPG at 1/2 petrol cost so equivilant of 48 mpg, driven to ~ 250K miles and still drove lovely
1998 Audi A8 4.2 V8 LPG worst 17 ( thus 34ish) best 24(48) , however this threw its gear box and a few other big bills so only lasted 1 year
05-09-2012, 14:39
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re: what mpg do you get?
I never take any notice of on board computers are they fluctuate too much. I fill up, do the miles, fill up again do the maths and get my mpg that way. I average about 40-42 mpg around town and 58-62 mpg on a run. I drive a Hyundai cxi 20 diesel "12" plate
05-09-2012, 14:42
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re: what mpg do you get?
Originally Posted by maxthecollie
I never take any notice of on board computers are they fluctuate too much. I fill up, do the miles, fill up again do the maths and get my mpg that way. I average about 40-42 mpg around town and 58-62 mpg on a run. I drive a Hyundai cxi 20 diesel "12" plate
yeah, £20 gets me about 160 miles, so the trip computer is "about" right.
but your posh you got a new car lol
05-09-2012, 15:17
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re: what mpg do you get?
£20 does me about 80 miles  NOT good....
05-09-2012, 15:20
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re: what mpg do you get?
Originally Posted by Bob97531
£20 does me about 80 miles  NOT good....

05-09-2012, 18:06
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re: what mpg do you get?
Just depends whether my mans been drinking mild or bitter 
06-09-2012, 12:22
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re: what mpg do you get?
Parkers guide is very good, find a car you want info on, it'll tell mpg, tax band, c02 emissions etc, etc. New & Used Cars, UK Car Dealers | Parkers
06-09-2012, 12:24
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re: what mpg do you get?
Originally Posted by wallop79
forgot all about that, cheers fella
06-09-2012, 12:51
Coffin Dodger.
re: what mpg do you get?
Originally Posted by churchfcrules
forgot all about that, cheers fella
As wallop is a female is yeh not doing what yeh accused Flashy n I of? he/she ing? 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
06-09-2012, 12:58
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re: what mpg do you get?
ooops, there goes me n my foot,
apologies madam, however fella could be used in a widespread matey, chum, pal, kinda way
(he says backing away from the big hole that as just opened up before him)
06-09-2012, 14:39
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re: what mpg do you get?
Originally Posted by churchfcrules
only really want results of "average" 4 wheeled car.
reason i ask is, i have a 52 plate picasso 1.6, getting a little tired now for 10 year old car 150,000 on clock...
My wife's Punto 1.4 manages 50 if I'm driving, 40 if she's driving.
I get 20mpg out of my car - but it's LPG so as far as costs go, it's like 40mpg
06-09-2012, 14:41
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re: what mpg do you get?
Originally Posted by Studio25
My wife's Punto 1.4 manages 50 if I'm driving, 40 if she's driving.
I get 20mpg out of my car - but it's LPG so as far as costs go, it's like 40mpg
so if im getting same as a punto , im not doing to bad then
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