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28-07-2013, 17:06
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LED lightbulbs
I have been using LED lightbulbs for a while now. They are more expensive to buy than fluorescents but they last a lot longer and use minimal electricity (less than fluorescents).
At my new address I have more ceiling lights and need to buy some, but have encountered a slight problem.
Two of the ceiling lights are of a type I have never seen before. They have conventional shaped fluorescent bulbs but they 'push on' -(not bayonet or screw) - and they have 4 pins (two each side of a central square block shape).
I have browsed umpteen sellers of lightbulbs and haven't even seen any bulbs identical to the ones I want to replace. I have seen some spiral and rod fluorescents with 4 pins, but none that are conventional shaped, so I don't even have a proper description of the two bulbs I want to replace with LED.
The lettering on the bulbs say - "RING GLS 13W G24q-12700K"
If there are any lighting experts amongst you, can you please advise me whether there are likely to be LED equivalents on sale. I know LED are gaining in popularity but the full range of wattage equivalents aren't easily available yet, especially the ones which provide the equivalent of high wattage.
28-07-2013, 17:52
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Re: LED lightbulbs
I have very similar type bulbs in two of my rooms Margaret and have tried to get some spares but not had any luck locally.
I changed the fitting on the end of the hanging down wire for conventional ones eventually.
I have since been told that the electrical wholesaler at the start of Electricity street sells the type you are looking for, they will serve customers who are non-trade.
383421 is the number to phone.
Holland House at the top of Church street is another electrical store but I don't know if it is trade only
Best of luck.
Gremlin R.T.
Last edited by Neil; 28-07-2013 at 22:03.
Reason: removed phone number
28-07-2013, 17:54
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Re: LED lightbulbs
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28-07-2013, 17:56
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Re: LED lightbulbs
Originally Posted by Gremlin
I have very similar type bulbs in two of my rooms Margaret and have tried to get some spares but not had any luck locally.
I changed the fitting on the end of the hanging down wire for conventional ones eventually.
I have since been told that the electrical wholesaler at the start of Electricity street sells the type you are looking for, they will serve customers who are non-trade.
383421 is the number to phone.
Holland House at the top of Church street is another electrical store but I don't know if it is trade only, 231 324 is the number.
Best of luck.
Denmans is the place on electricity street and are very helpful well worth a visit 
A true man of character knows his limitations – but doesn’t accept them.
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28-07-2013, 17:57
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Re: LED lightbulbs
The key is the type, I did a bit of research and they seem to be G24 4pin, there are both 2 and 4 pin.
If you try a quick google search on that I am sure you will find some.
Although they seen quite expensive.
"your mind will find a way to be unkind to you somehow. But all we really have is happening to us right now. Happiness is the road"
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28-07-2013, 18:47
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Re: LED lightbulbs
MargaretR, check if you can buy a plug in converter so your own bulbs can be fitted- might save a bit of money!
28-07-2013, 18:57
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Re: LED lightbulbs
They are a PLL lamp available at Denmans.
28-07-2013, 18:58
Coffin Dodger.
Re: LED lightbulbs
I have always used Denmans fer electricals fer donkeys years.
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28-07-2013, 19:15
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Re: LED lightbulbs
Wow ! - what fantastic responses - thanks everybody
In response to a PM, I attach a pic of the type of fitting on the bulb - although this pic is a typical fluorescent shape, and mine is a rounded bulb shape.
28-07-2013, 20:30
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Re: LED lightbulbs
Margaret I think you might be getting a bit muddled between LED lamps & low energy. LED are very tiny non replaceable lamps that are used in more decorative fittings, low energy are what have replaced conventional bayonet / screw fit lamps'. Fluorescent lamp are the type that you would see in schools or office type fittings and vary in length from a 2` tube to an 8` tube. (Like a sun bed tube) the writing on the lamp suggests its a PLL lamp as the picture you have posted. I'll give Denmans a ring in the morning as I haven't seen a globe type PLL lamp before (I used to work there for 4 years) and I'll post tomorrow-
28-07-2013, 20:50
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Re: LED lightbulbs
Last edited by MargaretR; 28-07-2013 at 20:57.
28-07-2013, 21:05
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Re: LED lightbulbs
The LED are available in a conventional bulb shape and in bayonet and screw fitting
LED Bulbs UK | Globe Light Bulbs UK | Turnstone LED Lighting
I am looking for some with a 4 pin fitting
28-07-2013, 21:18
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Re: LED lightbulbs
Oh haven't seen those type before, but there are thousands of different types of lamps (lightbulbs). Even more so since the conventional type were made redundant. I left Denmans 8 years ago now & there's new products out probably every week. I'll still give them a bell in the morning & find out the name of the type you're after, and a price.
28-07-2013, 21:25
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Re: LED lightbulbs
I realise that they are horrendously expensive but I think they are worth it.
They use a lot less leccy than fluorescents and last a lot longer too.
I reckon that the ones I have will last for the remainder of my lifetime  , and I won't need the hassle of climbing steps to change a bulb (which matters when you get old and decrepit  )
I have never seen any that give out more light than the old 75 watts but have read that more powerful ones have been developed in USA and will be available soon.
Last edited by MargaretR; 28-07-2013 at 21:30.
29-07-2013, 11:31
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Re: LED lightbulbs
Hi Margaret I've just been into Denmans they dont do a PLL lamp enclosed in a dome so as to look like a conventional light bulb. They said manufacturers dont tend to make them anymore. The ones they have are Denmans reference CLDE 13 SW approx £3 each + vat. Which are just as the picture you posted.
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