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View Poll Results: Is Christianity a force for good?
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60.00% |
20-11-2013, 18:05
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
is Christianity a force for good?
One of the free gifts I remember, though not sure of the name, was it the banger?
Basically a triangular piece of cardboard, with some brown paper attached when waved about it made a, well, it made a bang.
Try to give that to a kid these days.
Oh, yes we have progressed, they would never put up with that.

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20-11-2013, 19:01
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Re: is Christianity a force for good?
Originally Posted by Boeing Guy
Having seen the corruption and poverty in various parts of Africa, I even have had a AKMS (folding stock version of AK47, I think) aimed at me and my crew in Nigeria, I feel I am able to comment on this.
Been there, got the T-shirt, AKs, Czech grease guns, even arrows fired at us and spears thrown because I dared to take photographs of the bush meat for sale at the roadside - yet our escorts were deeply religious. Obviously the missionaries didn't spread the word of God far enough.
However, we should remember, particularly in this month, many gave their all so that we had the freedom to practice, or not, whichever religion we choose.
Last edited by Neil; 21-11-2013 at 11:43.
Reason: fix quote
20-11-2013, 19:01
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Re: is Christianity a force for good?
Originally Posted by susie123
AAARRRGGHHH!!! Do I really look like that when I'm fuming...not a pretty sight!
Here's one for you ... At the intersection of Perth Road and Unity Road, about 15 minutes from here, there is a gas station which advertises "Frozen Ice" ... it's a minor fantasy of mine to show up there one day with a bucked and ask for some fresh ice, straight from the tap ... and I'll tell the sales clerk that, if there is any left over, I'll freeze it myself
Whatever ... Christianity must still be viewed by some as being a force for, or of, good. Many prominent folks, esp. in the States, use it when they are caught (usually leterally) with their pants down. Often it goes something like this: "I know I have sinned. And I humbly apologize to all those who voted for me; but now, everything is fine because I have found Jesus. Oh, and I'll also be starting rehab next week." I also believe that "finding Jesus" is seen as a good way of getting parole.  (There again, America is probably one of the few places in the world where a President can convince many folks that a bj isn't sex  I don't think Hilary bought it tho'.) So whether or not xianity is a force for good, that is how many people still see it.
By the by, my local corner store displays a sign informing customers that they must be 19 in order to buy smokes. 
20-11-2013, 19:21
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Re: is Christianity a force for good?
Originally Posted by Barrie Yates
However, we should remember, particularly in this month, many gave their all so that we had the freedom to practice, or not, whichever religion we choose.
Darned right there, Barrie. Something we can all agree on.
20-11-2013, 19:22
a multieloquent Mule
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Re: is Christianity a force for good?
Originally Posted by Eric
America is probably one of the few places in the world where a President can convince many folks that a bj isn't sex  I don't think Hilary bought it tho'.) 
No, she most definitely wasn't swallowing that! Come to think about it, I don't think Ms Lewinsky did either! 
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
20-11-2013, 20:06
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Re: is Christianity a force for good?
The 'gift' is free will. But like almost anything that is free it comes with terms and conditions
14-12-2013, 13:08
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Re: is Christianity a force for good?
Originally Posted by Restless
The 'gift' is free will. But like almost anything that is free it comes with terms and conditions
I've known this for a long time but just reading the October 13 - Issue of Wonderpedia. There is an article that says; under the Vatican City headquarters of the Roman Catholic Christian faith they have stored away documents from over 1,200 years ago and very few, until recently when a small amount of documents are being looked at by schollars who apply under very strict criteria, are allowed to access them and read them!
They have about 2 underground bunkers full of historic documents taken out of circulation. One area - if all the shelves were laid out in a straight line would reach 52 miles; that is from London to Brighton.
This is basically censorship of spirituality and human thinking and who knows what ideas that alternative thinkers had over the years that the catholics have censored out so that we all blindly follow them and the pope! 
Last edited by kestrelx; 14-12-2013 at 13:12.
14-12-2013, 13:26
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Re: is Christianity a force for good?
And of course the shelving is made from the bones of sacrificed virgins
14-12-2013, 15:00
Resting in Peace
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Re: is Christianity a force for good?
Originally Posted by Restless
And of course the shelving is made from the bones of sacrificed virgins
Who were dedicated nuns 
14-12-2013, 17:13
a multieloquent Mule
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Re: is Christianity a force for good?
Originally Posted by Restless
And of course the shelving is made from the bones of sacrificed virgins
Cor! They must be pretty rare then? 
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
14-12-2013, 17:17
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Re: is Christianity a force for good?
Originally Posted by Restless
And of course the shelving is made from the bones of sacrificed virgins
What a terrible waste.
Be difficult to build a 52 mile shelf with those these days.
15-12-2013, 15:10
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Re: is Christianity a force for good?
I'm not RC but this current Pope sounds like he's a different kettle of fish to any of the previous incumbents. He seems very down to earth. It puzzles me how often people refer to the RC church as if it is the only form of Christianity and then point out things to condemn about it such as the Spanish Inquisition. People have often done things in the name of Christianity which Christ himself would be appalled at - throwing the money changers out of the temple pales by comparison. Don't judge Christ by those who claim to bear his name.
15-12-2013, 15:27
Beacon of light
Re: is Christianity a force for good?
Religion like anything else in this world can be corrupted by those who want to use its influence for other reasons than it was intended for.
Power, greed and possesions are not the things that christianity is about...and the wars and the bad things which are laid at the door of religion, are made by MEN and their quest for supremacy.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
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15-12-2013, 16:52
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Re: is Christianity a force for good?
Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
Don't judge Christ by those who claim to bear his name.
Think the same goes for Mohamed too.
16-12-2013, 11:58
Resident Waffler
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Re: is Christianity a force for good?
Absolutely Eric. 
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