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01-06-2013, 10:29
Rest in Peace
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Windows 8 The Missing Manual
I received this on Friday 31/05/2013 and downloaded it myself, this explains quite a lot about getting around on 8.
P D F document consists of 36 short colourful pages, hope its some help to anyone using Windows 8.
01-06-2013, 19:51
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Re: Windows 8 The Missing Manual
two steps to ensure easy use of windows 8
1 : uninstall windows 8
2: install win 7 or win xp
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
02-06-2013, 21:33
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Re: Windows 8 The Missing Manual
Install something like startisback to add a windows start menu to the desktop
02-06-2013, 21:53
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Re: Windows 8 The Missing Manual
Originally Posted by Restless
Install something like startisback to add a windows start menu to the desktop
it dosnt really stop it been crap though lol
win 8 has no buissness been on a laptop or pc its a tablet operating system
new windows for pc and laptops out soon i believe
All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.
ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
03-06-2013, 06:15
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Re: Windows 8 The Missing Manual
Its a good option for those that no choice but to use it
03-06-2013, 07:57
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Re: Windows 8 The Missing Manual
Any "new" version will be the same underlying OS with just a tweaked GUI.
its been a while since I have said this but one of the beauties of Linux is the choice of how you want your machine to work. the GUI ( Display Manager ) is just a module that you can choose which type you want from full featured stuff like KDE through Gnome ( with choices of overlays such as Unity) to lighter faster, less fancy stuff such as LightDM.
dont lile what comes with your CD, download and try another.
03-06-2013, 08:39
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Re: Windows 8 The Missing Manual
I quite like Linux, I have dual boot of Ubuntu & Windows 7, and just for basic stuff like going on internet etc. it`s great, starts up a lot quicker than windows and runs a lot smoother, but I have quite a few bits of software that only runs on windows. 
03-06-2013, 09:23
Resting in Peace
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Re: Windows 8 The Missing Manual
Originally Posted by Restless
Its a good option for those that no choice but to use it
Its been okay for me Rob, its one of the things Dell modified on my computer when I complained about it, I virtually ignore Windows 8 now
03-06-2013, 10:02
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Re: Windows 8 The Missing Manual
Like what gpick?
just interested?
I've switched from Bunty to Mint at the moment but my fiddling days are far less now than they have ever been, Stuff just works in Linux and usually how I want it to ( I did a 4 month Win 8 experiment and got very frustrated with its completely illogical flow on basic stuff)
03-06-2013, 10:13
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Re: Windows 8 The Missing Manual
Sage is the main one, but there`s also excel ( needed for sages excel integrated reports ) and some label design software. I know I can run them in a virtual machine with windows installed on that, but I don`t really see the point of it, I`d rather just dual boot.
03-06-2013, 10:26
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Re: Windows 8 The Missing Manual
label wise I setup Glabel under Bunty for a guy who runs a business that works brilliantly taking a csv file of names/addresses.
Sage is a pain as you say and I guess if you are in Windows for sage then Excel is a given. I do some pretty intense things in spreadsheets under Linux though without issue ( I'm a wiz with Excel and VBA as well though through work)
03-06-2013, 12:31
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Re: Windows 8 The Missing Manual
Not that kind of label, it`s an ingredients label that gets printed onto a bag, use Colos Create that came with the printer, also use Nicelabel ( which does have a linux version ) if we need to print a barcode.
Excel is a great bit of software, use it for stock control, much better at it than Sage.
03-06-2013, 14:06
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Re: Windows 8 The Missing Manual
I use windows just for gaming. I am told performance is up on windows 8 so I am giving it a try. Metro is totally horrible.
03-06-2013, 17:10
Resting in Peace
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Re: Windows 8 The Missing Manual
03-06-2013, 18:04
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Re: Re: Windows 8 The Missing Manual
Originally Posted by jaysay
I have had several people tell me that windows 8 is better performance for gaming. Will see for myself. Metro is what they call the new start menu. Apparently m$ are releasing an update soon that reimplements the start menu to the desktop due to a plethora of complaints. But it is going to be some crazy hybrid thing that works with metro. Hmmm.
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