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Buy, Sell n Swap & Wanted If you've got owt to sell stick it in 'ere.

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  • 2 Post By Mick
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Old 15-07-2008, 05:33   #1
Resting in Peace

Mick's Avatar

Exclamation YOU MUST read this BEFORE posting in this section thanks

THE 15TH JULY 2008

1): All goods for sale must have a price.
putting open to offers is not acceptable see rule 2
Unless the item is FREE then you must state this in the post.

2): If a price is negotiable that's fine but only from the price stated but please remember
we are not a licensed auction site,

3): Goods for sale must be in working order,
any damage IE scratch marks or dents or defects must be reported in the sellers post.

4): If your not interested in an item for sale then don't put stupid comment's in the thread.
About the item or the price the seller is asking as this will just be deleted. without notice.
Any post Not related to the buying or selling of an item will also be removed this includes any chat .

5): All items sold on this site are the sole responsibility of the seller and have nothing whatsoever to do with AccringtonWeb

6): It must be stated if the item for sale will be delivered or must be collected and if delivered if there will be a charge.

7): No animals or fish or birds or live stock to be sold or given free through the site

8): If you are buying an item on this site its up to you to make sure its in a working condition and suitable for what you wanted the item for.

9): When an item has been sold the seller must let members know the item has been sold by posting ITEM SOLD in the thread.

10): No copyright or illegal items to be sold on this site.

11): All items put up for sale must belong to the seller.

12): All members using the buy sell section MUST be an active member of the forum. What denotes an active member will be at our discretion. As a guide a member MUST have started an introduction thread, and have submitted at least 5 worthwhile posts. Any member appearing to use the site only for the buy sell section will NOT be classed as an active member

13): You must be over 16 years of age to buy or sell on this forum

14): If your running a Business you can not sell your goods through this site

15): Members selling/Buying items MUST post 5 posts in other sections first or your thread will be deleted untill this is done.

16): As stated in the main site rules any post put on to BUMP a thread back up will also be Deleted without notice.

As your making money on this site please consider making a donation to help keep it going

Where possible a photo of the item would help to sell the item too

If you think we have missed a rule out can you pm your suggestion to a mod thanks

::::Breaking these rules will result in an infraction being sent and the whole thread being deleted:::

We reserve the right to add/change these rules at anytime without notice
Gremlin and CraggEstates like this.

Last edited by Mick; 01-10-2011 at 04:23.
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Accrington Web
Old 15-07-2008, 05:47   #2
Resting in Peace

Mick's Avatar

re: YOU MUST read this BEFORE posting in this section thanks

These rules have also been added to the main forum rules,
which can be found at this link.
Mick is offline  
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