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Old 14-07-2011, 19:58   #1
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Bad Car Crash In Ossy Apparently.

Nr co op, road closed , rumours of car Chase?
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Old 14-07-2011, 20:32   #2
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re: Bad Car Crash In Ossy Apparently.

Originally Posted by hairylee View Post
Nr co op, road closed , rumours of car Chase?

I heard loads of sirens earlier tonight, sounded like something large scale happening.

THis is from telegrapgh website

Union Road both ways closed due to police incident between Stone Bridge Lane and Harvey Street. The road is likely to be closed until at least 22:00.
Last updated 1 hour ago
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Old 14-07-2011, 21:10   #3
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re: Bad Car Crash In Ossy Apparently.

I didn't see the crash but I saw the aftermath.

The police where chasing a BMW which apparently was travelling at about 60mph plus up Union Road. It has lost control and hit a Toyota Yaris head on. There was nothing left of the front ends of both cars. I'm not sure how the driver of the Yaris was, but someone who saw it said she walked out of the car. The BMW driver tried to run but was arrested quite quickly. Bloody idiot, just hope the women is ok.
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Old 14-07-2011, 22:11   #4
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re: Bad Car Crash In Ossy Apparently.

As much as it pains me to say it, I'm not in favour of the police chasing idiots in suspect cars.

They're unlikely to stop safely.

More likely, they'll just drive even more dangerously to escape.

If caught they know the punishment will be picking up a bit of litter, and the loss of their licence for a short while...if they have one.

I hope any innocent victims of this incident aren't too badly injured, and make a speedy recovery.

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Old 14-07-2011, 22:22   #5
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re: Bad Car Crash In Ossy Apparently.

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
As much as it pains me to say it, I'm not in favour of the police chasing idiots in suspect cars.

They're unlikely to stop safely.

More likely, they'll just drive even more dangerously to escape.

If caught they know the punishment will be picking up a bit of litter, and the loss of their licence for a short while...if they have one.

I hope any innocent victims of this incident aren't too badly injured, and make a speedy recovery.

True much easier n safer to shoot the gets.
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Old 14-07-2011, 23:10   #6
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re: Bad Car Crash In Ossy Apparently.

Just heard about this. My niece lives close by and she said it was pretty bad. Hope the woman is OK
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Old 14-07-2011, 23:12   #7

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re: Bad Car Crash In Ossy Apparently.

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
As much as it pains me to say it, I'm not in favour of the police chasing idiots in suspect cars.
I can't agree with that one, unless I am suspected of speeding or some other offence. You can't just let them get away with it as soon as they climb into a car.
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Old 14-07-2011, 23:19   #8
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re: Bad Car Crash In Ossy Apparently.

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
I can't agree with that one, unless I am suspected of speeding or some other offence. You can't just let them get away with it as soon as they climb into a car.
So whats wrong wi my suggestion?
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Old 14-07-2011, 23:43   #9
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re: Bad Car Crash In Ossy Apparently.

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
I can't agree with that one, unless I am suspected of speeding or some other offence. You can't just let them get away with it as soon as they climb into a car.
Diddly-squat happens to them if they're caught.

Chasing them simply gives the idiots more of a sick thrill.

Though being chased adds to their speed and recklessness, and increase the chance of them injuring or killing innocent people.

They've certainly no fear of the law.

Some set out with the intention of wanting to be chased.

Personally I think more lives would be saved if they were dealt with in ways other than chasing the scum.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
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Old 15-07-2011, 00:52   #10
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re: Bad Car Crash In Ossy Apparently.

probably uninsured drivers.Its about time the penalty for no insurance was no longer cheaper than having insurance

fines need to be scrapped because they get to pay £1 a week after providing a decent sob story so it should be prison and lots of it.

also insurance companies need to be strictly regulated as some are now putting accidents that arnt your fault against you because its an accident regardless how innocent you are or were.Also if they were forced to lower prices less people may not risk driving uninsured but you will always get those that will mainly because they cant get insurance as they dont have a driving license and again these punishments need making more strict.

As for teh accident tonight it wa sa right bloomin mess and there was still a police presence after the road re-opened
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Old 15-07-2011, 06:36   #11
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re: Bad Car Crash In Ossy Apparently.

Heard the sirens last night and wondered what happened hope the Yaris driver is ok. Poor woman.
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Old 15-07-2011, 07:26   #12
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re: Bad Car Crash In Ossy Apparently.

Originally Posted by accyman View Post
probably uninsured drivers.Its about time the penalty for no insurance was no longer cheaper than having insurance

fines need to be scrapped because they get to pay £1 a week after providing a decent sob story so it should be prison and lots of it.

also insurance companies need to be strictly regulated as some are now putting accidents that arnt your fault against you because its an accident regardless how innocent you are or were.Also if they were forced to lower prices less people may not risk driving uninsured but you will always get those that will mainly because they cant get insurance as they dont have a driving license and again these punishments need making more strict.

As for teh accident tonight it wa sa right bloomin mess and there was still a police presence after the road re-opened
Makes me despair every week, when I read of local cases were the fines imposed for driving without insurance, are vastly less than their insurance would have been.

As you say, sob story/no, or low income, and it's paid back at a quid a week.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
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Old 15-07-2011, 08:59   #13
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re: Bad Car Crash In Ossy Apparently.

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
True much easier n safer to shoot the gets.
Hear Hear
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Old 15-07-2011, 09:00   #14
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re: Bad Car Crash In Ossy Apparently.

^^ As above, hope the innocent driver is OK.

We need to reassess punishments for things like this in the UK. America has it half right, but unfortunately as usual they've taken things too far and now their prisons are just slave factories. My idea goes something like this:

Put uninsured drivers to work in a prison workforce smashing rocks or some manual labour job - though this job should be of commercial value so that it earns money. When they've earned enough to buy their insurance (plus a bit extra to accomodate their stay of course), let them back out and pay the insurance with the money they've earned.

Some of you may ask why we should then pay their insurance? Well, they'd only reoffend and waste police time, so this avoids that. And in this instance, we've got one less uninsured driver on the road, who has in effect paid for their own insurance, and served a jail term.

If they don't work whilst in the jail, just keep them there. If the jails making money as well as eating it up, it can afford to keep them in until they decide to play ball. A working prison system can be quite lucrative; if we were even half as extreme as USA on this front, we could afford to do this.

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Old 15-07-2011, 09:02   #15
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re: Bad Car Crash In Ossy Apparently.

The care being chased was a BMW was it, um
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