I have cancelled milk deliveries.
The delivery service was impeccable, and the whole raw milk was delicious.
The reason? - I found this lecture
Since consuming 5 pints of this delicous milk per week, I have had a recurrance of my chronic diarrhoea.
This lecture is rather long - 1hr 20 mins
If you dont have the time to watch all of it, just start to look at 40mins in where there is a list of all the common medical problems caused or aggravated by consumption of dairy products.
The part of the lecture before 40mins is very a technical explanation of the digestion of dairy products.
I hope that by eliminating dairy products I will alleviate my
breathing difficulties
Other medical problems mentioned
rheumatoid arthritis
..............to name just a few.
So if you have health problems it might be worth watching all this video lecture, and maybe having a test period of eliminating dairy products might be worthwhile, in order to decide what is best for you.
I will need to eat more green veg, grains, beans and legumes, to get enough calcium. Calcium is the only good thing that milk provides.
There is a section which discusses soy milk, and says that it is better than cows milk.
I disagree- because it disrupts your hormones, so I consider it the lesser of 2 evils.
To make an informed decision you need to be informed.
That is why I have posted this - you need to decide for yourself - take responsibily for your own health.