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Old 10-05-2006, 14:42   #91
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Re: Oswaldtwistle Shops

Surely you have a responsibility to report the true state of affairs. It would be wrong to omit the Gun shop but perfectly valid to say it is unwelcome by the majority of people you speak to(if that is actually the case).

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Old 10-05-2006, 14:47   #92
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Re: Oswaldtwistle Shops

Well, that's my point really Entwisi - hate it but it should probably be in there.

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Old 10-05-2006, 15:07   #93
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Re: Oswaldtwistle Shops

Originally Posted by Gayle
Well, that's my point really Entwisi - hate it but it should probably be in there.
If you're going for accuracy surely you have to take an unbiased point of view?

If I was compiling a list I wouldn't want to include Wedding shops, or if I did include them I would want to make a remark showing my distaste, but surely that is a No, no?
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Old 11-05-2006, 09:00   #94
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Re: Oswaldtwistle Shops

why would you not want to include wedding shops Less, The chance of anyone actually wanting to marry you must be so remote its not worth considering

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Old 11-05-2006, 11:08   #95
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Re: Oswaldtwistle Shops

Originally Posted by entwisi
why would you not want to include wedding shops Less, The chance of anyone actually wanting to marry you must be so remote its not worth considering
entwisi what are you trying to say, just because I never wash, clean my teeth or cut my nails does not make me unattractive to the opposite sex, (my attitude towards women does that!).

Wedding shops are part of the ultimate female plan, once they have you agreeing to this little dressing up charade they know they have you trapped.

Forever afterwards whenever you want to go to an interesting social function you will have to fork out for new clothes for her, you will find her sitting on the bed with the wardrobe door wide open and she will be whining, "You'll have to buy me something, I have nothing to wear," then she will hit you with, "unless you want me to turn up in my wedding dress!". (if you don't buckle under straight away), she will even go through the pretence of taking it out of the wardrobe and preparing it for the said function!

Don't pretend this isn't true, if you are anything like it was with my wife there will be a large fitted wardrobe so crammed full of her 'nothing's to wear', that your two suits and one casual blazer are kept on a hook behind the door of the spare room.
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Last edited by Less; 11-05-2006 at 11:29.
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Old 11-05-2006, 13:07   #96
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Re: Oswaldtwistle Shops

I'm quite disappointed in you for giving in.

I could quite picture you sat in the Stag, sat with with a crying woman in a wedding dress.
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Old 12-05-2006, 19:10   #97
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Re: Oswaldtwistle Shops

Was this you Less?

Spurned suitor gave ring to beggar

An angry lover whose girlfriend turned down his marriage proposal threw the £500 ring in a beggar's bowl.

Tim Pockett could not believe his luck when the engagement ring landed in his collection pot, reports the Daily Mail.

The honest beggar, who plays his penny whistle for loose change in Shrewsbury town centre, handed it over to the police.

At first he thought the ring was worthless but was amazed to later find it was a 2.5-carat diamond solitaire white gold ring.

He said: "I was playing my whistle and I heard a man say: "That will keep you going for a couple of days". When I looked up he'd gone but I later noticed something in my bowl.

"At first I thought it was costume jewellery but when I picked it up it had a hallmark. I was really very surprised. I didn't know what to do with it."

If the ring is not claimed within 28 days, he will be allowed to keep what will be his biggest ever donation.

Police later discovered a man had earlier tried to sell the ring to a second hand jewellery shop but fled in tears when he was turned down because he didn't have proof of ownership.

PC Dave Walton said: "We feel perhaps that this person may have been in a particular state of mind when he dropped it into the bowl. He may now feel differently and think it was a bit rash."
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Old 12-05-2006, 19:26   #98

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Re: Oswaldtwistle Shops

Less would not waste good beer money on rings
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Old 12-05-2006, 19:51   #99
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Re: Oswaldtwistle Shops

Unless it was beer cans with ring pulls!

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Old 08-05-2008, 08:54   #100
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Re: Oswaldtwistle Shops

Ive been doing a bit of research on Ossy lately and i came across this great thread. I thought about making a new one but i thought it best to bring this back to peoples attention.

Ive been thinking of opening a shop in Ossy. BUT...What kind? We want people to be attracted to Ossy by interesting shops, but if the locals arent using them, the shop will fail.
Its a great idea to lure the visitors of Ossy Mills to the rest of the town but how do you lure them and appeal to locals at the same time?
I think its a lovely place that could be made better but my thoughts end there
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Old 08-05-2008, 11:22   #101
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Re: Oswaldtwistle Shops

beggars seem to have more scruples than me. as fer new shops in ossy Nell, can only suggest do plenty of research, walk n talk to many folk up that way, then ya can make n informed descision, still a buggar,starting a new venture up,but that gives ya better odds. good luck.
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Old 08-05-2008, 11:47   #102
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Re: Oswaldtwistle Shops

Originally Posted by Nell View Post
Ive been doing a bit of research on Ossy lately and i came across this great thread. I thought about making a new one but i thought it best to bring this back to peoples attention.

Ive been thinking of opening a shop in Ossy. BUT...What kind? We want people to be attracted to Ossy by interesting shops, but if the locals arent using them, the shop will fail.
Its a great idea to lure the visitors of Ossy Mills to the rest of the town but how do you lure them and appeal to locals at the same time?
I think its a lovely place that could be made better but my thoughts end there
Although Ossy Mills has created jobs in the town, there isn't any real knock on effect for the rest of Ossy's businesses.

People leave their coaches, or cars, on the carparks, enter the complex, and then leave.

I know quite a few shop owners at the bottom of Ossy, and none of them have ever had an Ossy Mills visitor come to their shop.

I wouldn't really know what to suggest if you're starting a new business, but I wish you luck.
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Old 08-05-2008, 13:40   #103
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Re: Oswaldtwistle Shops

As it happens I've recently conducted a repeat of the Talking Shop project and gone back to the shops I went to two years ago. Makes quite alarming reading with the number of shops that have closed.

I presented my findings to Oswaldtwistle Mills and they are very keen to develop was of getting their customers to look at Ossy as a whole.

If I were to suggest a shop I would suggest that you look at something that is not dependent on passing trade i.e. a destination in its own right. For example the Equine shop, Ball gowns, Weddings, Signs, etc. That way you can market the business beyond the street.

What I would suggest that you avoid is food, general store, clothes or cards as these come and go with great speed.

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Old 08-05-2008, 15:00   #104
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Re: Oswaldtwistle Shops

Thanks, for some good advice.

I actually went to Ossy Mills first awhile ago but the rent they want and then the commission and tax on top meant that it was impossible for me to do. No wonder they're doing well.
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Old 08-05-2008, 16:22   #105
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Re: Oswaldtwistle Shops

I think Gayle's is a good idea. Find a specialist area that will attract business to you, rather than relying on passing foot fall, because there isn't that much.

One newish business that is doing well is the music shop. People are prepared to travel to the shop, because there aren't that many, plus he also offers a complimentary service, that of music tuition.
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