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Old 13-10-2011, 18:10   #61
Senior Member+

Re: The Gobbin Lamp

I did publish a Benita book - A Lancashiore Look. It was about her job on a mobile library in the outlying villages such as Hoddlesdon. The book I wrote which mentions Gobbins was 'Lancashire Nicknames & Sayings'. In the second edition I corrected what I had said in the first edition as to the location of the Big Lamp.
They broke the mould when Benita was born.She was a genuiine 'one-off'
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Accrington Web
Old 13-10-2011, 18:18   #62
Resting in Peace
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Re: The Gobbin Lamp

Originally Posted by Bob Dobson View Post
I did publish a Benita book - A Lancashiore Look. It was about her job on a mobile library in the outlying villages such as Hoddlesdon. The book I wrote which mentions Gobbins was 'Lancashire Nicknames & Sayings'. In the second edition I corrected what I had said in the first edition as to the location of the Big Lamp.
They broke the mould when Benita was born.She was a genuiine 'one-off'
I though you published a book for Benita Bob, because I doubt I would have had it, as you know I've bought quite a few of your publications, and your certainly right about Benita a very special genuine person a one off as you said
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Old 13-10-2011, 19:28   #63
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Re: The Gobbin Lamp

Before the Lancashire Lives book i have, Benita wrote one called "Gobbin Tales" -I don't have it unfortunately -perhaps someone else on here does...Undoubtedly it's about Ossie from the title.

As to my spelling in the first post Jay -i don't see it -perhaps it's the rose-tinted lenses i like to week I'm off for an eye test -yet again. I will not hide the fact that i wear specs since the age of 2 (after measles damaged my eyes unfortunately).

Glad you remember some of the characters she writes about - she was certainly one on her own, shows the book has some relevance...In any case whenever i'm next in your neck of the woods i'll be sure to bring it with me and we can perhaps look it over together! I'll look forward to that day...

“Beauty is an experience, nothing else. It is not a fixed pattern or an arrangement of features. It is something felt, a glow or a communicated sense of fineness.”
~ D. H. Lawrence
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Old 13-10-2011, 20:00   #64
Full Member

Re: The Gobbin Lamp

Originally Posted by mobertol View Post
Before the Lancashire Lives book i have, Benita wrote one called "Gobbin Tales" -I don't have it unfortunately -perhaps someone else on here does...Undoubtedly it's about Ossie from the title.

As to my spelling in the first post Jay -i don't see it -perhaps it's the rose-tinted lenses i like to week I'm off for an eye test -yet again. I will not hide the fact that i wear specs since the age of 2 (after measles damaged my eyes unfortunately).

Glad you remember some of the characters she writes about - she was certainly one on her own, shows the book has some relevance...In any case whenever i'm next in your neck of the woods i'll be sure to bring it with me and we can perhaps look it over together! I'll look forward to that day...
I picked up 2 copies of Gobbin Tales recently in a charity shop in accrington for the pricely sum of 50p each. Very interesting books about the people who lived in Oswaldtwistle.
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Old 14-10-2011, 09:38   #65
Resting in Peace
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Re: The Gobbin Lamp

Originally Posted by mobertol View Post
Before the Lancashire Lives book i have, Benita wrote one called "Gobbin Tales" -I don't have it unfortunately -perhaps someone else on here does...Undoubtedly it's about Ossie from the title.

As to my spelling in the first post Jay -i don't see it -perhaps it's the rose-tinted lenses i like to week I'm off for an eye test -yet again. I will not hide the fact that i wear specs since the age of 2 (after measles damaged my eyes unfortunately).

Glad you remember some of the characters she writes about - she was certainly one on her own, shows the book has some relevance...In any case whenever i'm next in your neck of the woods i'll be sure to bring it with me and we can perhaps look it over together! I'll look forward to that day...
Ya didn't see the mistakes um, that's usually my excuse, Gobbin Tales is the one I have somewhere and its still for sale on the interenet
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