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Old 29-04-2005, 18:57   #211
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Re: Widening Rhyddings Street

I'll not quote that one or will be in trouble with the mods for taking up to much server space, but wow you must be well out of breath after that. I will only add one comment "conservation area" I think the yellow lines were thoughts of a few of us on here, we all have 3" brushes at the ready, and I think someone has a template, but self preservation got the better of us, cause none of us wanted arrows, knives or whatever in the back.Your post long but understandable

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Old 29-04-2005, 19:21   #212
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Re: Widening Rhyddings Street

Yep quoting it might not be a good idea! lol.

I understand the conservation area aspect, but we also have to consider that these days the majority have cars and if we cannot park on Rhyddings street just where do we go??

What about those that need their cars at the door and cannot physically walk any distance to park elsewhere? What do they do?

Give me a real alternative within walking distance, that wont have me taking another persons parking place outside their house and I'll consider it. Im not one that insists I must park outside my house, but I need an alternative. If I could park elsewhere I wouldnt have to move my car every time a delivery van or works van cannot get up the street (but at least I'm willing to do it which is more than some do & and I dont leave my car sat outside my house with no one to move it if I go away on holiday!)

Also are the paving slabs that were laid into the grass after the recent renovation in keeping with a conservation area? If that is acceptable why not an extra layer of narrow kerb - after all it retains the grass & trees.

At the end of the day I dont actually expect anything to change, I think the parking will just keep getting talked about with nothing being done by the council - it'd be nice if they actually made a decision, told us about it, and then actually did it, whether its double yellows, "widening" the road or doing nothing.

Think Id better lie down now after all this typing (phew!)
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Old 29-04-2005, 19:48   #213
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Re: Widening Rhyddings Street

It's not the one car per house that causes the problems, but the 2 or 3 cars the family own.
That I think is the major problem.

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Old 30-04-2005, 15:50   #214

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Re: Widening Rhyddings Street

I am sorry that I have quoted so much in this post (you did say you have plenty of sever capacity Roy ) but I thought it would make more sense if I did.

Originally Posted by Cougarslair
are we saying that double yellow lines should be used on the majority of streets?
No. Only where irresponsible parking causes a problem/hazard for other road users/residents.
Originally Posted by Cougarslair
especially now the trees are in blossom - except the two replacements that have blossomed before the others!!! Welll done the council for putting in the wrong type
There where 4 replacements planted last year.
Originally Posted by Cougarslair
Back to Double yellow lines....................people competing to park their cars on the street before anyone else
When the kerbs are widened there will be space for 10 cars. 6 tres up either side make 5 gaps on either side. You can park 8 easily on one side, 9 if people park carefully. So we are only talking about 1 or 2 spaces different.
Originally Posted by Cougarslair
For some people who seem obsessed about this issue who live at the ends of Rhyddings street
This is starting to look like a personal attack on me. Not very friendly for a first post.
Originally Posted by Cougarslair
The decision to add an extra layer of narrow kerb stones to allow the cars to park on, is what it was said to be at the meeting - a compromise.
From this I am not sure if you actually know what is being done. The council have ordered some India stone which I am told will match the original. The extra kerb will only be inbetween the trees. I think it will look stupid with the kerb changing width all the way up the street.
Originally Posted by Cougarslair
Are the trees really going to be so damaged that will ALL die off
It is highly likely that the trees will die. Craig Horabin - the parks and open spaces manager - stated that our type of tree are very sensitive and wont take well to having roots damaged.
Originally Posted by Cougarslair
How do trees in the middle of pedestrianised areas survive?? Im asking because I dont know, but it must be a surmountable problem.
As the pedestrian area is construction a large tree pit is dug to give the tree amble root space. Craig stated that this is not possible with the road on one side and footpath on the other without starting to dig up both.
Originally Posted by Cougarslair
The legality of parking on the narrow kerb stones wont be an issue for the council and law authorities, because the cars are not, and would not, be parked on the actual walkway.
John Scofield - Head of Enginering Services at HBC - is fully aware that it is illegal to drive on the kerb, yes the offence is driving on the kerb not parking on it. When I asked him why HBC will be asking residents to park on the kerb he said "we are not asking you to park on the kerb". I will let you read into that what you like.
Originally Posted by Cougarslair
Mowing the grass on the street. I must say I agree with `She` on this one - it should be down to the council to sort it out.
I agree also. It is a shame that the council don't do it isn't it?
Originally Posted by Cougarslair
Its very nice that some residents mow the grass, but its only in a limited area and this makes some sections look better than others.
I think if you look at the verges you will see that they are very even looking. The resident in question mowed the full length of both verges last week. If you read the thread fully you will see mention of it.
Originally Posted by Cougarslair
What about those that need their cars at the door and cannot physically walk any distance to park elsewhere? What do they do?
I don't think this applies at the moment, does it?
Originally Posted by Cougarslair
Also are the paving slabs that were laid into the grass after the recent renovation in keeping with a conservation area?
No they are not. That was another of Peter Britcliffe's idea. Need I say more.
Originally Posted by Cougarslair
If that is acceptable why not an extra layer of narrow kerb - after all it retains the grass & trees.
That is also not acceptable, as I stated earlier it will look stupid. Mick Stanworth - the highways engineer responsible for the work - said they will have to excavate at least 12" below the bottom of the new stones. This will cause massive damage to the tree roots.

Cougarslair, why don't you identify yourself so we can have a sensible discussion about these kerb stones. I have looked into it in depth and know what damage will be caused. If you think the roots wont be just look how the roots have lifted the current kerbstones on the top left hand side as you walk up the street.
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Old 30-04-2005, 16:02   #215
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Re: Widening Rhyddings Street

Wow, Neil did you stay up all night thinking of those replies,all very well thought out and true, well done mate.........we'll finish up using the 3" paint brushes yet Lol

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Old 30-04-2005, 16:11   #216
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Re: Widening Rhyddings Street

Another small point in all these parking problems is the fact that HBC have applied for a £1M grant for the park. If this project gets off the ground and the work gets done, the park will become an even bigger attraction and thus increase the traffic in the area, again adding to the present parking problems for the area.

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Old 30-04-2005, 17:34   #217

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Re: Widening Rhyddings Street

It certainly will increase traffic. I thought that at the area meeting but bit my lip about mentioning it. I am all in favour of the park refurb so did not want to say anything against it.

As far as thinking up my replies, I don't need to think about it. I have discussed the matter with half a dozen council employees, been to all the relevant area council and special residents meetings. I have even had a private meeting with Peter Britcliffe and Brian Walmsley in Peter's office. Its not true about Peters office by the way. Contrary to popular opinion on this forum there is not a burnt patch above his chair from all the hot air .

I have spoken to architects, tree experts, the Police and even the Fire Bridage enquiring about the size of fire engines. I don't need to dream up replies, I know the facts. An interesting fact for you.
Mick Stanworth, the HBC traffic department design chap, stated that you will probably get an ambulance up the street with cars parked on the wide kerbs but not a fire engine. Probably, that sounds promising I told him. When I asked him if he had the street, car and ambulance dimensions, he didn't.
It is the total lack of design and planned that concerns me most. They put horrible flags as crossing places in the grass last year. The idea is good, the materials and positon is not. They are not opposite each other so you have to cross the road diagonally. I must send John Scofield a copy of the green cross code.
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Old 30-04-2005, 17:45   #218
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Re: Widening Rhyddings Street

Perhaps part of the refurb includes a parking area within the grounds. If it doesn't perhaps it should - I would suggest that it is near the top, possibly in place of the old tennis courts ! That way it would draw the increase in traffic up Fielding Lane or Hawthorn Ave instead of Rhyddings St and it would save parking on Rhyddings St and Park Lane for residents.
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Old 30-04-2005, 18:21   #219
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Re: Widening Rhyddings Street

Originally Posted by Neil
It certainly will increase traffic. I thought that at the area meeting but bit my lip about mentioning it. I am all in favour of the park refurb so did not want to say anything against it.
Exactly, that's why I said nothing at the same area meeting, yes the park does need an injection of cash. As far as the britcliffe / walmsley folly, I think you could put that under the heading of "It was a good idea at the time" The fire brigade I don't have a problem with, they would get up the street if needed, parked cars or no parked cars. Heavy bit of kit a fire engine.

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Old 01-05-2005, 08:20   #220

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Re: Widening Rhyddings Street

Originally Posted by park381
Heavy bit of kit a fire engine.
I would be ok then. I almost never park on Rhyddings Street, its far to narrow to park on both sides you know. I cant understand people who park on there when ther is already a car opposite. It is like asking for someone to knock of your door mirror or worse.
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Old 01-05-2005, 11:12   #221
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Re: Widening Rhyddings Street

Did you know that there are plans to set up a group called Friends of Rhyddings Park. The idea behind this group is much like Friends of Arden Hall. Local residents and interested parties get together to work out how best to spend the money and what action needs to be taken to regenerate the area. It is seriously worth being involved in this type of group and as soon as I know the date I'll let you all know, it's likely to be June sometime from what I understand. It's not a them and us situation, it's an us and us situation. I'm going to go to the first meeting because I use the park a lot with my kids.
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Old 01-05-2005, 16:15   #222

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Re: Widening Rhyddings Street

It was mentioned at the Area Council Meeting, did you attend? Please do let us know about the meeting.
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Old 02-05-2005, 07:32   #223
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Exclamation Re: Widening Rhyddings Street

Originally Posted by Neil
It was mentioned at the Area Council Meeting, did you attend? Please do let us know about the meeting.
why would i attend? i live in rishton and would need sat nav to find rhyddings street. why arnt they making it narrower?
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Old 02-05-2005, 07:42   #224
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Re: Widening Rhyddings Street

Freinds of Rhyddings Park is a great idea, just as the Neighbourhood watch is.

Please keep us informed Gayle, as l for one would be ready, willing and able to be involved.

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Old 02-05-2005, 07:57   #225
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Talking Re: Widening Rhyddings Street

Originally Posted by garinda
Freinds of Rhyddings Park is a great idea, just as the Neighbourhood watch is.

Please keep us informed Gayle, as l for one would be ready, willing and able to be involved.

The more we take responsibility for our environment and are proactive in it's upkeep the better.
you could call it Access Rhyddings Street Everyone
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