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Old 02-05-2005, 09:43   #226

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Re: Widening Rhyddings Street

Originally Posted by removal-man
you could call it Access Rhyddings Street Everyone
I like that one mate. If you saw the way some people park here ( mainly non residents going to the park ) you would know that it fits well.
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Old 05-05-2005, 21:59   #227
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Re: Widening Rhyddings Street

Here are a couple of pics of the trees that the council are going to SEVERLY damage/KILL If they cut into the roots to install these stones....
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Old 05-05-2005, 22:09   #228
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Re: Widening Rhyddings Street

With the cherry blossom out Rhyddings Street looks almost nice enough to live on, pity about the parking!

Seriously, great pictures showing the beauty of the avenue of trees.

If they do damage them what are they going to do, replace them with saplings that will take 30 years to mature if they're not snapped by the vandals first?
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Old 08-05-2005, 17:50   #229
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Re: Widening Rhyddings Street

Originally Posted by garinda
If they do damage them what are they going to do, replace them with saplings that will take 30 years to mature if they're not snapped by the vandals first?
No, someone should contact the planning section to make sure there are preservation orders on the trees, before any work starts. I don't think there is any way of doing what "they" are trying to do without damaging the trees.

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Old 08-05-2005, 23:04   #230
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Re: Widening Rhyddings Street

Originally Posted by Gayle Knight
Did you know that there are plans to set up a group called Friends of Rhyddings Park. The idea behind this group is much like Friends of Arden Hall. Local residents and interested parties get together to work out how best to spend the money and what action needs to be taken to regenerate the area. It is seriously worth being involved in this type of group and as soon as I know the date I'll let you all know, it's likely to be June sometime from what I understand. It's not a them and us situation, it's an us and us situation. I'm going to go to the first meeting because I use the park a lot with my kids.
Let us know and we'll come along and help get you going with some good pointers if you are interested. We are doing very well. We have had to extend the committee to 14 plus numerous co-optees and public meetings attract about 40-50. It would be great to see a FoRP up and running and I am sure it will be a success. The FoAH have also initiated a Green Spaces Forum for all the 'Friends of' to meet up and work together.
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Old 09-05-2005, 06:58   #231
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Re: Widening Rhyddings Street

Was the idea of the Heritage Grant not to restore the park to a state of "as it used to be", and involving the local residents was that not a condition of the grant set by the heritage lottery people.

The park as it is

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Last edited by park381; 09-05-2005 at 07:01.
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Old 09-05-2005, 09:01   #232
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Re: Widening Rhyddings Street

With the Heritage Grant supposedly to restore the park to it's former glory, perhaps they are going to rebuild the Hall and turn it into a private residence?

A much more fitting seat for P.B. than up New Lane?
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
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Old 09-05-2005, 11:22   #233
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Re: Widening Rhyddings Street

Originally Posted by garinda
With the Heritage Grant supposedly to restore the park to it's former glory, perhaps they are going to rebuild the Hall and turn it into a private residence?

A much more fitting seat for P.B. than up New Lane?
It would be very nice to see the hall rebuilt as it was, but I think that would cost far more than the £1M grant available

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Old 23-06-2005, 20:44   #234
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Re: Widening Rhyddings Street

The stone are now down and they look a mess. I still think cobbles would have looked better but I was out voted, and I think they would be cheeper
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Old 23-06-2005, 21:13   #235
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Re: Widening Rhyddings Street

Originally Posted by SHE
The stone are now down and they look a mess. I still think cobbles would have looked better but I was out voted, and I think they would be cheeper
Is there any chance of a photo of the mess, I no longer need to use rhyddings street, but am still interested in the outcome of the alterations

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Old 24-06-2005, 21:28   #236

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Re: Widening Rhyddings Street

Originally Posted by SHE
The stone are now down and they look a mess. I still think cobbles would have looked better but I was out voted, and I think they would be cheeper
The vote was to put cobbles down and loose the grass or to save the grass. As you say the vote went to keep the grass.

Then Councillor Brian Walmsley made a suggestion. It was to add an extra 9" kerb stone inbetween the trees so that cars could park on the now wider kerb. He was told by the Police Inspector present that it was illegal to park on the kerb but Cllr Walmsley does not appear interested in the law and the suggestion was voted on. I can remember you (SHE) voting yes for this so you only have yourself to blame. You are correct it does look a mess. You voted for it so you must take a shared responsibility for the mess. As far as I can remember there was only one person who voted no. Looking at the mess Cllr Walmsley has inflicted on us I feel good knowing that I voted NO.

On Wednesday night I suggested to him ( he also stated it looked a mess ) that now would be a good time for him to hold up his hand and admit he had made a mistake. Unfortunately he does not have what it takes to admit he was wrong and appologise to the residents for his mistake and restore the street to its former state.

The saga continues..............
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Old 25-06-2005, 07:05   #237
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Re: Widening Rhyddings Street

I think PB should share some of the blame, he was also involved in the plan, why not take some photo's and send them to the observer with the caption "Look what the Cllr's have done to our street" am sure they could make a good news article out of it.

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Old 25-06-2005, 10:11   #238
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Re: Widening Rhyddings Street


No, the longest thread in history- Rhyddings Street parking!!

Come on purleasee, let's have a new thread.

Mini bike terrorists on the balling green?
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 25-06-2005, 14:00   #239
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Re: Widening Rhyddings Street

Originally Posted by garinda

No, the longest thread in history- Rhyddings Street parking!!

Come on purleasee, let's have a new thread.

Mini bike terrorists on the balling green?
Hey, I'm looking to you to provide me with information on "Ossy" now that I've moved to a new tree a long way from the park.

Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.
Albert Einstein.

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Old 25-06-2005, 16:04   #240
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Re: Widening Rhyddings Street

Originally Posted by Neil
The vote was to put cobbles down and loose the grass or to save the grass. As you say the vote went to keep the grass.

Then Councillor Brian Walmsley made a suggestion. It was to add an extra 9" kerb stone inbetween the trees so that cars could park on the now wider kerb. He was told by the Police Inspector present that it was illegal to park on the kerb but Cllr Walmsley does not appear interested in the law and the suggestion was voted on. I can remember you (SHE) voting yes for this so you only have yourself to blame. You are correct it does look a mess. You voted for it so you must take a shared responsibility for the mess. As far as I can remember there was only one person who voted no. Looking at the mess Cllr Walmsley has inflicted on us I feel good knowing that I voted NO.

On Wednesday night I suggested to him ( he also stated it looked a mess ) that now would be a good time for him to hold up his hand and admit he had made a mistake. Unfortunately he does not have what it takes to admit he was wrong and appologise to the residents for his mistake and restore the street to its former state.

The saga continues..............
Im sorry neil but I did not vote for the kerbs I was the one that wanted the cobbles but was told it would be to expensive to do. I was not bothered about loosing the grass but wanted to keep the trees.
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