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07-03-2005, 08:14
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Re: Widening Rhyddings Street
To shed a little light on the subject.My first post was a result of an article in the Observer relating to a plan to widen rhyddings street, it was found to be the top section adjacent to the park.
This plan came 6 months or so after PB and his sidekick Cllr W had spent council money on repairing the grass verges, at the same time notices were put up stating " Do not park on the grass" This work was done following consultation with the residents of that section of rhyddings street. Some of the residents wanted the grass verges flagging over so they could park their cars, others did not, they wanted to retain the verges. The net result was that when all residents cars were parked you needed a shoe horn to get through to park lane, making it more inaccessable to emergency vehicles.Myself and several others complained, I even emailed PB about the subject.
Then 6 months down the line, the article in the Observer, council plan to spend £8000 on widening rhyddings street, with Cllr W indicating in that article that " there has been a problem there for years, now residents will be able to park their cars at their own front doors, and emergency vehicles will have better access"
Point, Rhyddings park, the entrance and area leading to (top section of rhyddings st.) is in a conservation area, and as such will require planning permission before any alterations take place, I would assume that Simon had been talking to a planning official, or someone from the council, before making his comment, hence " from the horses mouth"
I hope this explains everything, as yet nothing has been done to alter a dangerous situation for the residents of park lane.
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07-03-2005, 08:32
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Re: Widening Rhyddings Street
Thanks for that Park. I'm puzzled by aother thing now which perhaps you or Simon could clarify. That area being a conservation area I was wondering when the grass verges were put there. Was that before it was classed as a conservation area?
I think if I lived there I would prefer the option of having a paved area to park on rather than the grass because it must surely get messed up in wet weather and be a problem getting across it to the car without trailing mud. I find Avenue Parade can be a problem when you park there and have to walk across the grass bit. At one time there used to be several parts where there were stepping stones but they seem to have disappeared over the years.
I'd have thought that access for emergency vehicles should take priority. It could be a matter of life and death and what's more important human life or grass?
Oh, and in a conservation area who gives permission for what can and can't be done? Isn't that the council or is it down to some higher authority? If it's the council then they probably gave themselves permission to put the kerb stones in.
07-03-2005, 08:43
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Re: Widening Rhyddings Street
Hi, the grass verges have been there for a long time, my neighbour has old photos of the park and area leading to and the verges were there then.(will see if I can get hold of some and post them on here)
On the conservation area bit, before any thing is done the HBC planning dept. would need to be involved. Yes I agree life is more important than parking cars.
Just found this on Ossy Gobbin website, its a recent photo, but before the "no parking on the grass" notice
Mike must have spent many hours on this lot.
Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.
Albert Einstein.
Last edited by park381; 07-03-2005 at 08:53.
Reason: photo added
07-03-2005, 08:51
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Re: Widening Rhyddings Street
I wasn't thinking so much of cars versus lives as grass verges versus lives. The cars have to be parked somewhere. Paved area sounds like the best solution.
I'm beginning to realise that although Oswaldtwistle is so close there is a great deal about it that I don't know.
07-03-2005, 08:57
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Re: Widening Rhyddings Street
Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
I wasn't thinking so much of cars versus lives as grass verges versus lives. The cars have to be parked somewhere. Paved area sounds like the best solution.
I'm beginning to realise that although Oswaldtwistle is so close there is a great deal about it that I don't know.
Yes, if the grass verges were "flagged" over then cars could park easier, and it would have the effect of widening the street.
If you have a browse through some of Mikes photos, I am sure you will find many interesting views on there.
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07-03-2005, 09:35
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Re: Widening Rhyddings Street
Where do I find Mike's photos? Mike who? Are there some old ones? I have to go out now so I'll have a look when I get back. 
07-03-2005, 09:51
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Re: Widening Rhyddings Street
Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
Where do I find Mike's photos? Mike who? Are there some old ones? I have to go out now so I'll have a look when I get back. 
Mike is an Ossy guy lived here all his life, and has spent a lot of time taking and collecting pics of Ossy, you can find his website here.
There are many interesting and old photos of ossy and district on here, Mike must have spent many many hours on the project.
After viewing Mike's photo site, it prompted me to look at fotopic, I found that you could store your digi pics on there for free, so I have done the same I store my walk pics on there, you can also order prints of the photos, very handy
Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.
Albert Einstein.
Last edited by park381; 07-03-2005 at 15:30.
Reason: additional info
07-03-2005, 10:04
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Re: Widening Rhyddings Street
I would like to reply to your comment about having the verges flagged. This was not asked for it was cobbles they were asked for and were told it was to expesive. I have also been talking to council about planning permision.
Originally Posted by park381
To shed a little light on the subject.My first post was a result of an article in the Observer relating to a plan to widen rhyddings street, it was found to be the top section adjacent to the park.
This plan came 6 months or so after PB and his sidekick Cllr W had spent council money on repairing the grass verges, at the same time notices were put up stating " Do not park on the grass" This work was done following consultation with the residents of that section of rhyddings street. Some of the residents wanted the grass verges flagging over so they could park their cars, others did not, they wanted to retain the verges. The net result was that when all residents cars were parked you needed a shoe horn to get through to park lane, making it more inaccessable to emergency vehicles.Myself and several others complained, I even emailed PB about the subject.
Then 6 months down the line, the article in the Observer, council plan to spend £8000 on widening rhyddings street, with Cllr W indicating in that article that " there has been a problem there for years, now residents will be able to park their cars at their own front doors, and emergency vehicles will have better access"
Point, Rhyddings park, the entrance and area leading to (top section of rhyddings st.) is in a conservation area, and as such will require planning permission before any alterations take place, I would assume that Simon had been talking to a planning official, or someone from the council, before making his comment, hence " from the horses mouth"
I hope this explains everything, as yet nothing has been done to alter a dangerous situation for the residents of park lane.
07-03-2005, 10:17
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Re: Widening Rhyddings Street
Originally Posted by SHE
I would like to reply to your comment about having the verges flagged. This was not asked for it was cobbles they were asked for and were told it was to expesive. I have also been talking to council about planning permision.
Not a problem, am not really bothered what they put down, flags or cobbles, as long as they improve the access for emergency vehicles, cause at the moment I dread to think what would happen if there were a major fire in one of the houses on park lane, lives could be lost due to cars blocking rhyddings street. All this has been pointed out to the powers that be, also that they have "a duty of care" H&S, to the residents of hyndburn, since it was PB and his sidekick Cllr W that caused the problem in the first place with their "No parking on the grass" notice. Who have you spoken to at HBC the planning officers?
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Albert Einstein.
07-03-2005, 15:27
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Re: Widening Rhyddings Street
Originally Posted by park381
Mike is an Ossy guy lived here all his life, and has spent a lot of time taking and collecting pics of Ossy, you can find his website here.
There are many interesting and old photos of ossy and district on here, Mike must have spent many many hours on the project.
Thanks for the link. There are some very interesting photos on there.
07-03-2005, 15:47
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Re: Widening Rhyddings Street
Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
Thanks for the link. There are some very interesting photos on there.
Hi, yes I think there is a lot of ossy history on there, like I indicated after visiting mike's site I had a good look at fotopic, very handy for free storage of digi pics, got a lot of my walking pics stored on there.
Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.
Albert Einstein.
15-03-2005, 20:30
Re: Widening Rhyddings Street
Originally Posted by park381
To shed a little light on the subject.My first post was a result of an article in the Observer relating to a plan to widen rhyddings street, it was found to be the top section adjacent to the park.
This plan came 6 months or so after PB and his sidekick Cllr W had spent council money on repairing the grass verges, at the same time notices were put up stating " Do not park on the grass" This work was done following consultation with the residents of that section of rhyddings street. Some of the residents wanted the grass verges flagging over so they could park their cars, others did not, they wanted to retain the verges. The net result was that when all residents cars were parked you needed a shoe horn to get through to park lane, making it more inaccessable to emergency vehicles.Myself and several others complained, I even emailed PB about the subject.
Then 6 months down the line, the article in the Observer, council plan to spend £8000 on widening rhyddings street, with Cllr W indicating in that article that " there has been a problem there for years, now residents will be able to park their cars at their own front doors, and emergency vehicles will have better access"
Point, Rhyddings park, the entrance and area leading to (top section of rhyddings st.) is in a conservation area, and as such will require planning permission before any alterations take place, I would assume that Simon had been talking to a planning official, or someone from the council, before making his comment, hence " from the horses mouth"
I hope this explains everything, as yet nothing has been done to alter a dangerous situation for the residents of park lane.
Just to shed a little light on what the leader of the council actually stated was going to happen on Rhyddings Street.
There are currently 9" kerb stones at the edge of the road. The council ( that is Councillors Britcliffe and Warmsley ) proposed that more 9" kerb stones will be placed next to the current ones between the trees only. The idea is that cars will park with wheels on the kerb stones. This is supposed to make the road wide enough for emergency vehicles. Unfortunatley it looks like no one has actually measured the road. Just to prove point park381 measure the gap between the two cars parked at the top of rhyddings street (where it is narrowest) when they are both on the current kerb stones. Then add 18" to that measurement (the 2 extra kerb stones). Pop down to the Fire Station and measure a fire engine. Lastly explain how the fire engine will then fit up Rhyddings Street after the £8,000 has been spent.
It is extremely unlikely that this strange parking scheme will ever happen. Who in the road planning section of the council is going to impliment a parking scheme that forces cars to illegally park on the kerb? Even with the extra width the space between parked cars does not comply with the current standards. If the road planners were forced to come up with a plan they would only have two choices - yellow lines on one side or remove the verges completely and make parking bays/widen the road/. The later would cost in excess of £100,000 .The road drainage would have to be moved and brought up to standard as would the new section of road, the trees would of course have to be removed. All this in a conservation area, I doubt it.
Just for interest can you please explain what the fire engine is going to do when it gets to Rhyddings Park gates - have a picnic - because the engine will not fit down Park Lane.
Sorry about my long first post but several people appear to have a view on this subject, most of which know only a few of the facts.
15-03-2005, 20:53
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Re: Widening Rhyddings Street
Hi Neil.
Can you shed a little more light for me please? Is there any other way for emergency vehicles to access Park Lane? What happens if there is a hous eon fir there? or if someone needs an ambulance?
Last edited by Neil; 01-05-2011 at 12:26.
15-03-2005, 20:59
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Re: Widening Rhyddings Street
Originally Posted by Neil
Just to shed a little light on what the leader of the council actually stated was going to happen on Rhyddings Street.
There are currently 9" kerb stones at the edge of the road. The council ( that is Councillors Britcliffe and Warmsley ) proposed that more 9" kerb stones will be placed next to the current ones between the trees only. The idea is that cars will park with wheels on the kerb stones. This is supposed to make the road wide enough for emergency vehicles. Unfortunatley it looks like no one has actually measured the road. Just to prove point park381 measure the gap between the two cars parked at the top of rhyddings street (where it is narrowest) when they are both on the current kerb stones. Then add 18" to that measurement (the 2 extra kerb stones). Pop down to the Fire Station and measure a fire engine. Lastly explain how the fire engine will then fit up Rhyddings Street after the £8,000 has been spent.
It is extremely unlikely that this strange parking scheme will ever happen. Who in the road planning section of the council is going to impliment a parking scheme that forces cars to illegally park on the kerb? Even with the extra width the space between parked cars does not comply with the current standards. If the road planners were forced to come up with a plan they would only have two choices - yellow lines on one side or remove the verges completely and make parking bays/widen the road/. The later would cost in excess of £100,000 .The road drainage would have to be moved and brought up to standard as would the new section of road, the trees would of course have to be removed. All this in a conservation area, I doubt it.
Just for interest can you please explain what the fire engine is going to do when it gets to Rhyddings Park gates - have a picnic - because the engine will not fit down Park Lane.
Sorry about my long first post but several people appear to have a view on this subject, most of which know only a few of the facts.
WOW...................you out of breath after all that, if that is PB's an BW's thoughts, then you have more information than I. Not only would cars be parked illegally on the kerbs, but they would be double parked which is illegal, so yes double yellow lines would be the answer, but I bet you don't live on that section of rhyddings street . As for the fire engine, well they come at it from both ends and meet in the middle as they have always done.
Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.
Albert Einstein.
Last edited by Neil; 01-05-2011 at 12:26.
15-03-2005, 21:08
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Re: Widening Rhyddings Street
Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
Hi Neil.
Can you shed a little more light for me please? Is there any other way for emergency vehicles to access Park Lane? What happens if there is a hous eon fir there? or if someone needs an ambulance?
Will answer that one for you willow, NO it's either rhyddings street, or fielding lane, in actual fact the fire services do come at any problem from each end, least that's what they used to do when we had the local lads from ossy fire station
Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.
Albert Einstein.
Last edited by Neil; 01-05-2011 at 12:27.
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