Originally Posted by jaysay
I would imagine that won't be true its beer isn't it  there are no bad beers some are better than others but they're all okay and palatable 
Not true, when I was a student the landlord of our digs decided to do some home brew, announcing to us that there would be a party when it was ready.
For some reason the date he had thought it would be ready passed without comment, we asked what was happening?
He told us the stuff was still fermenting for some reason.
A week later, he put his concoction into a barrel saying it will be ready within 48 hours.
We went into his living room with freshly stolen pint glasses at the appointed time, (I did mention we were students, never gave a thought to buying a glass).
He didn't exactly pour the beer as much as it exploded from the cask, lively wasn't the word for it!
We tasted one of the most sweet brews known to man, the amount of Unbrewed sugar stuck our lips together, we did risk skin and forced our mouths apart downing a substance almost the thickness of gravy.
3 pints and an hour later everyone was rolling on the floor, God it was strong!
On the 4th pint some of us noticed that as well as the room spinning those that had claimed a need for relieving themselves hadn't returned, there was definitely a thinning of the crowd.
By the 5th pint, those of us that had managed to find our way back from our ablutions were finding the barrel to be slowing down, we tilted it at the suggestion of our hero that had provided this magnificent brew and filled our glasses with the remaining sludge after all he said, it's healthy and provides roughage.
I don't remember much after that how I got to bed I have no recollection, but there I remained for three days as did everyone else.
On recovering enough to get up we asked what our generous host had made.
He informed us that, rather than make a weak brew...
He had halved the amount of water and doubled the amount of sugar and other ingredients.
So my dear Jaysay I can honestly tell you there are bad brews, even if they are drinkable!