11-07-2013, 22:18
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Re: Mines on the moors
Originally Posted by Lance
I have just been wandering through www.www.webbaviation.co.uk
There is a srction on Accrington;
Here are a couple of photographs of an abandond mine on top of Moleside.
One is noted, the other one is in a photograph where the pilot/photographer says he was looking for evidence of where the PALS trained prior to WWII.
Could annyone enlighten me, I lived in accrington for 23 years, and heard nothing about these mines
Not another one about the Pals digging trenches on the Coppice, the PALS NEVER dug any trenches on the coppice, they were only seen once practicing trench digging on Moleside, all evidence of which is gone. Those ditches on the Coppice that some keep going on about were dug in 1939, when the panic of a German invasion by gliders was going round, if you look on that guggle urth thingy you can see the outine of 27 ditches. It was not just Accrington, similar ditches were dug all over the country during the early WW 2 years, they shut our school, for a week, put gas detectors up in the streets, they were stiil repainting them every 3 months in 1943, we were all issued with identity cards and gas masks, & woe betide you if a copper saw you without your cardboard box on a string, then they spent a lot of money on air raid shelters & pill boxes, which were only ever used to store bonfire wood.
Incidentally you quote the PALS trained prior to WWII.
What Pals would that be then
Just seen the comments about the age of the first post, missed it first time round.
Last edited by Retlaw; 11-07-2013 at 22:26.