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09-05-2004, 12:23
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nori brick
supporsidely the 'worlds hardest brick nori spelt backwards is iron
09-05-2004, 17:32
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Re: nori brick
has any one been in ossy mills & seen the little buildings of clayton-le moors done in miniture nori bricks, my mates dad did that as well as inventing something or other i cant remember what but its all written there
Ilove accy, thats why i moved back  but now im up ossy 
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09-05-2004, 17:34
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Re: nori brick
me again just remembere his name was thurston smith i suppose hes not well known but still did contribute something to the district
Ilove accy, thats why i moved back  but now im up ossy 
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24-05-2004, 06:07
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Re: nori brick
Because of their strength, which is due to high firing temperatures, the bricks were exported to the USA and now form part of the foundations for the Empire State Building. What is the difference between 'NORI' and 'REDAC'? The latter are marked 'REDAC HUNCOAT ACCRINGTON' I know the Redac works were just by the side of the station at Huncoat. Was it they who had the cable cars that used to cross Burnley Road, or was that Nori?
Interestingly, I was having a bit of a mooch around on the site before they bulldozed it to make way for new housing and came across a number of sandstone gravestones. One with the name Hindle from 1860 sticks in my mind. Is this where the stones from Macpelah or Union Street cemetery were dumped???
25-05-2004, 12:45
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Re: nori brick
This is rather interesting. Gravestones you say. My maiden name was Hindle too!!
Wonder why there were there?
Would be interesting to find out just what you saw! Many of the gravestones from Machpelah were taken to the church at the bottom of New Lane Ossy and laid out flat,there are still there, but .... .who knows where the stones from Union Street went. Maybe thats what you saw? What a shame!!
25-05-2004, 16:02
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Re: nori brick
The area concerned does not appear to have been bulldozed yet but it is included within the security fence that has been thrown around the site. if I can find a way in that does not involve pole vaulting I will try and get some photo's. Don't hold your breath though.
25-05-2004, 20:01
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Re: nori brick
Oh, I wanna come with you and have a nosey!
25-05-2004, 20:03
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redac bricks and the buckets that went across Burnley Rd
Do you mean these Bob?
26-05-2004, 05:39
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Re: nori brick
Thats the very thing, Atarah. Thanks for that. I'll drag the dog down there in the next day or so, he's very good at slipping his lead and running away so that will be a convenient excuse if I get spotted trespassing. Oooh, aren't I subversive.  If they are still there I will let you know and we can arrange something.
31-05-2004, 14:50
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Re: nori brick
waddinton road is full of them the road itself
01-06-2004, 13:39
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Re: nori brick
Full of what, gravestones????
24-11-2007, 10:20
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Re: nori brick
Originally Posted by mez
me again just remembere his name was thurston smith i suppose hes not well known but still did contribute something to the district
I worked with Thurston in the mid to late 50s. He had a motor bike with a side car made out of a wooden crate.
He made machines to make brick propellers for model aeroplanes, and also one to make brick buttons, during the war, the ones you had to take off your pants befor they were washed.
He made a wonderful scale model of a brick machine that actually made tiny NORI bricks, it was shown at a building exhibition in London, late [40's I think]
03-11-2008, 19:22
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Re: nori brick
Originally Posted by Acrylic-bob
Because of their strength, which is due to high firing temperatures, the bricks were exported to the USA and now form part of the foundations for the Empire State Building. What is the difference between 'NORI' and 'REDAC'? The latter are marked 'REDAC HUNCOAT ACCRINGTON' I know the Redac works were just by the side of the station at Huncoat. Was it they who had the cable cars that used to cross Burnley Road, or was that Nori?
Interestingly, I was having a bit of a mooch around on the site before they bulldozed it to make way for new housing and came across a number of sandstone gravestones. One with the name Hindle from 1860 sticks in my mind. Is this where the stones from Macpelah or Union Street cemetery were dumped???
No, what few stones that did survive the destruction of Macpelah, are in the Church yard up New Lane Ossy. Some years earlier, Lizzy Dripping & my self cleared off all the debris, and photographed as many stones as we could find.
A local bobby on the beat stopped and asked what we were doing, after explaining, he climbed over the railings and helped us clear the stones.
Last edited by Retlaw; 03-11-2008 at 19:26.
Reason: spelling
04-11-2008, 07:44
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Re: nori brick
but .... Retlaw, no one knows where the stones from Union Street went, so ....... my family are HINDLE, hope "our" stones werent dumped up there!
04-11-2008, 16:31
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Re: nori brick
Originally Posted by Atarah
but .... Retlaw, no one knows where the stones from Union Street went, so ....... my family are HINDLE, hope "our" stones werent dumped up there!
Eh, it was only 1966, surely some one in living memory knows what and where, I did some research for a lady in Australia, whose ancestor was buried there in a lead lined coffin, that was removed to Accy Cem. Has any one asked at the Cemetery, surely they would have to be notified if grave are exhumed, they might also know what happened to the stones. Thee and me know what happened to Macpelah, when me and Jack Broderick, hid in tree round by the old gas works and filmed them.
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