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Old 06-11-2012, 14:46   #1
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Anybody know much about WiFi?

Wifi was working fine up until yesterday.

The router is on, nothing looks wrong BUT I could be missing something.

My laptop can't detect the wireless network, and neither can my mobile.

Also relevant or not I am unsure, but my dongle isn't working either-it shows as connected but I cannot get on any internet pages.

It's driving me nuts is this lol-I hate when things don't work for no obvious reason!

Somebody's given me the old chestnut 'Turn the router off, and on again'. Would this maybe work?

Thanks in advance!
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Old 06-11-2012, 14:50   #2
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Re: Anybody know much about WiFi?

the old chestnut always works!

then possibly a hard reset, if you google the router model you will find instructions on how to
also can you remote into the router at all, by connecting ethernet cable?
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Old 06-11-2012, 14:55   #3
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Re: Anybody know much about WiFi?

I can borrow an ethernet cable from somebody, I've thought about that-thing is this house (as I've mentioned before but you may not have read) is only half-wired up so you can imagine there's a tonne of wires dangling about already, so I'm reluctant to do that if I don't have to.

Thank you for the tips ! As soon as I've finished what I'm doing I'll give the 'Old Chestnut' a go and see what happens, although I seem to remember that's said to work only when wireless isn't working, rather than when it's not showing up whatsoever. Thanks again
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Old 06-11-2012, 15:01   #4
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Re: Anybody know much about WiFi?

most routers have a web address that you can alter the settings, ie, but a google will tell you what your default is
Hey fiddle-dee-dee, its the green dotted line for me!

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Old 06-11-2012, 16:49   #5
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Is there a button that turns it off ?

Often there is a hole u can stick a needle into to hard reset

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
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Old 06-11-2012, 20:11   #6
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Re: Anybody know much about WiFi?

older sky routers are notorius for this, with pretty much any technology the old restart it and see if that fixes it more often than not does.

if you dont know what IP address is your routers admin page you can find it from the network connection from the network apdaptor properties, look for "default ipv4 gateway" or similar.( unless you are a geek who has set their home network up to use IPv6 in which case you know how to sort it yourself!)

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Old 06-11-2012, 20:38   #7
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Re: Anybody know much about WiFi?

Originally Posted by entwisi View Post
older sky routers are notorius for this, with pretty much any technology the old restart it and see if that fixes it more often than not does.

if you dont know what IP address is your routers admin page you can find it from the network connection from the network apdaptor properties, look for "default ipv4 gateway" or similar.( unless you are a geek who has set their home network up to use IPv6 in which case you know how to sort it yourself!)
If its dhcp and she hasn't got a connection this wont work will it?

Ipconfig would have been the same, however the devices have failed to connect and lease an ip, why I advised connect with a cable, if that worked we could then further diagnose the issue
Hey fiddle-dee-dee, its the green dotted line for me!

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Old 07-11-2012, 09:15   #8
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Re: Anybody know much about WiFi?

Originally Posted by sugarmouse0707 View Post dongle isn't working either...
I hate it when that happens.

I was called in to sort out a wifi problem, yesterday. I used wifi analyser on my phone and there was no broadcast at all. Went into the router's config page and wifi had been unchecked.

It's worth noting that I did all sorts of diagnostics before this, because I assumed nobody would be dumb enough simply disable wifi. It's an office of a handful of people, so one of them knew...

Incidentally, I noticed there were a lot of routers riding the same three channels, so I changed theirs to the one which had the least overlap and they noticed an immediate speed boost.

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Old 07-11-2012, 13:14   #9
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Re: Anybody know much about WiFi?

I've fixed it-used a combination of above suggestions lol so am not sure which worked!

Thank you all I'm glad I could consult this forum. I need the net for work and leisure!
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Old 07-11-2012, 13:48   #10
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Re: Anybody know much about WiFi?

Glad you got sorted out Sugarmouse. There is usually someone on here who knows how to is called 'The Magic of Accyweb'.
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