Originally Posted by entwisi
So whose site were you quoting? One thing I also forgot until I had hit submit was that your stats show what the browsers report. There are numerous sites that do not work correctly unless your browser identifies as IE5.5 or higher. That is why most decent browser allows you to change what is presented. I use a couple of MSN forums and have my browser identify me as IE6 on XP(rather than the Konqueror on Gentoo Linux) as this makes the site more useable. Unfortunately it screws that stats as well.
Lets face it.. NO stats are 100% accurate and cant really be relied on .. and I mean NONE! .,.. but they do give you a general autline and even you cant argue hat IE has the vast majority of users... Even if I cam down a few million users and sais 80% its still THE browser used isn't it
Originally Posted by entwisi
You seem to believe that IE is a good browser, I am really sorry for you.
You feel sorry for me..? Please try not to get personal.. if you need to resort to those levels then we can stop the debate here
Originally Posted by entwisi
You seem to believe that IE is a good browser,
I ahve never said that... I think its the right browser for everyday use and it works is what i have been saying.. I also said I use Opera when needed and have other browsers installed... lets not twist words or make things up pleae
Originally Posted by entwisi
Yes it works in that it displays sites, slow and clunky but yes it does work.
The diference in speed is minimal on broadband... hardly even noticable.. Was I still on a 9600 modem I may agree..
Originally Posted by entwisi
Not to standards and this then encourages lazy developers
Now you hit my button

Lazy developers are just that.. the industry is riddled with them and isnt this where I came in? By saying if people go to lengths to make a website that only wors on one browser??? Its not the browsers fault.. its the lazy programmer and you cant blame IE for that... Thats why I ahve NS installed.. its always been better for developing because it renders the page after it gets the code and not while its getting it...
for example a table with no ending will be shown on ie while its loading... sloppy... but on NS it will not be shown because its still looking for end table..
the above is best for a developer... BUT for an end user like most people on here... IE is better because it shows the info they want to see rather than leave them with a blank page..its sloppy and bad practice but it means the user gets to see the web page
Originally Posted by entwisi
Our job as responsible techies it to promote standards and choice.
TBH ten years ago I would ahve agreed with you... I also used to fight spammers and trolls....
Originally Posted by entwisi
The more people that try Firefox et al the better. Even if this means that Microsoft pull their finger out and produce decent software. I spend far too much time fixing other peoples PCs because they have fallen victim to scams/viruses/spyware/malware. Slowly but surely they try the alternatives and my worries cease.
If you charge to fix PCs then arnt you cutting your own throat?
Originally Posted by entwisi
I wish you well with your browser, may you live happily ever after( though I doubt that will be the case  )
Well I ahve been using it for more years than i care to recall... i cant see why its going to give me problems any time soon.. certainly reading all these statistis and guess what.. even after reading them IE is still working fine