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14-07-2009, 12:21
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IE vunerability
14-07-2009, 13:39
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Re: IE vunerability
Originally Posted by entwisi
Okay Ian, but which of those is the best and easiest to use, without having to spend a couple of days setting things up and ironing out the bugs.
14-07-2009, 14:12
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Re: IE vunerability
being honest there is no such thing as 'best'
each has their own slight differences and what suits you may not suit me and joe bloggs over there will likely have a different opinion again. Thats what makes us so interesting as a race.
My personal preference is Opera. I like it for a number of features that other often copy later.
e.g. The Voice feature is really good for me at work for example. I can open a tech site in a tab, shade the text and click "Speak" and it reads it out to me whilst I get on with other stuff. another feature I like is that each website has s set of preferences so I can easily set sites to allow pop ups on some and not on others. I like the latest versions way of showing the tabs as thumbnails of the actual web page. I like the auto sync of bokmarks and browsing history across all teh PCs/mobiles I use. I go to a website whilst at work its automagically in my history at home and vice versa.
As I said, Opera works how 'my' brain works so is best for me. You may find Firefox or Chrome or IE suits you best. The only thing with IE is all these security holes that appear.
teh best thing is to try one for a week or so and see how you get on, then try another and so on. when you feel at 'home' you've found teh one for you.
14-07-2009, 16:36
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Re: IE vunerability
And if you have a read further on down you will see this one .... thats attacking firefox ...
Unpatched Firefox flaw lets fox into henhouse • The Register
The views expressed in this post is mine and mine alone anyone want to argue well tough!!!
14-07-2009, 16:55
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Re: IE vunerability
Posted via Mobile Device
difference is mozilla will release a fix as soon as its ready. microsoft only release once a month. julys is coming up so this won't be patched till august at the earliest and if its not ready to be released by the cut off date for August then you are looking at September.
So Opera and Chrome and Safari looking favourites. But even this said these willnever be perfect and someone will no doubt find flaws in them as well at some point. The point is to see who fixes the flaws the fastest.
Last edited by entwisi; 14-07-2009 at 16:57.
14-07-2009, 17:37
Re: IE vunerability
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14-07-2009, 17:54
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Re: IE vunerability
Not a fan of IE but have it for my daughter. I have several browsers as they are all different but with the same end result though can be configured how you wish. I have Firefox as well as Opera, Seamonkey, and Chrome. It is a case of what you are comfortable with for day to day use, besides which a spare one is handy if there are issues with other browsers you might have.
14-07-2009, 18:06
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Re: IE vunerability
Originally Posted by entwisi
being honest there is no such thing as 'best'
each has their own slight differences and what suits you may not suit me and joe bloggs over there will likely have a different opinion again. Thats what makes us so interesting as a race.
My personal preference is Opera. I like it for a number of features that other often copy later.
e.g. The Voice feature is really good for me at work for example. I can open a tech site in a tab, shade the text and click "Speak" and it reads it out to me whilst I get on with other stuff. another feature I like is that each website has s set of preferences so I can easily set sites to allow pop ups on some and not on others. I like the latest versions way of showing the tabs as thumbnails of the actual web page. I like the auto sync of bokmarks and browsing history across all teh PCs/mobiles I use. I go to a website whilst at work its automagically in my history at home and vice versa.
As I said, Opera works how 'my' brain works so is best for me. You may find Firefox or Chrome or IE suits you best. The only thing with IE is all these security holes that appear.
teh best thing is to try one for a week or so and see how you get on, then try another and so on. when you feel at 'home' you've found teh one for you.
Knew there would be a snag to it, just had a look at Opera, so told it to download, first off, box with millions of code letters in it, which one do I want, how the ell do I know, so let it chose its own way, then when it opened all my favourites have vanished. Got rid of it, I don't need or want hassle at my age.
14-07-2009, 18:43
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: IE vunerability
Originally Posted by entwisi
Oh yawn, back to your old self I see, a decent salesman doesn't slag off the opposition, (though why you seem to think 'Windows' is opposition is beyond me), just stick to the advantages of 'your system', and stop boring us by slagging off what you always put down.
If it wasn't for Windows most people wouldn't be here for you to lecture to, so shut up calling what at the beginning gave you, me and everyone else a starting point that we can all refer to.

“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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14-07-2009, 18:45
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Re: IE vunerability
Originally Posted by Retlaw
Knew there would be a snag to it, just had a look at Opera, so told it to download, first off, box with millions of code letters in it, which one do I want, how the ell do I know, so let it chose its own way, then when it opened all my favourites have vanished. Got rid of it, I don't need or want hassle at my age.
Your favourites hadn't vanished, you hadn't got any in there if you've just downloaded it, you'll need to export them from IE then import them into Opera
14-07-2009, 19:06
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Re: IE vunerability
Originally Posted by Less
Oh yawn, back to your old self I see, a decent salesman doesn't slag off the opposition, (though why you seem to think 'Windows' is opposition is beyond me), just stick to the advantages of 'your system', and stop boring us by slagging off what you always put down.
If it wasn't for Windows most people wouldn't be here for you to lecture to, so shut up calling what at the beginning gave you, me and everyone else a starting point that we can all refer to.

once again Less you half read a story then go off on one
At no point in my post did I 'slag off' Windows. I offered the less technical people on here advice that may save them a cart load of hassle and strife but you would much rather try and take a cheap shot at something that wasn't even said or referred to.
so please crawl back under the stone and let people get on with trying to protect themselves.
Last edited by entwisi; 14-07-2009 at 19:11.
14-07-2009, 19:10
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Re: IE vunerability
Originally Posted by Retlaw
Knew there would be a snag to it, just had a look at Opera, so told it to download, first off, box with millions of code letters in it, which one do I want, how the ell do I know, so let it chose its own way, then when it opened all my favourites have vanished. Got rid of it, I don't need or want hassle at my age.
This is the one you want for windows
Opera Web Browser | Faster & safer | Download the new Internet browsers free
as someone else said, you need to import any favourites. Opera make it easy
choose "File -> Import and Export -> import Internet Explorer favourites"
you may neeed to follow a wizard then, unfortunately I don't have an install of windows to check what it does next.
hope that helps
14-07-2009, 19:47
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: IE vunerability
Originally Posted by entwisi
once again Less you half read a story then go off on one
At no point in my post did I 'slag off' Windows. I offered the less technical people on here advice that may save them a cart load of hassle and strife but you would much rather try and take a cheap shot at something that wasn't even said or referred to.
so please crawl back under the stone and let people get on with trying to protect themselves.
No Ian, yet again you tried to slag off Windows, maybe this time you didn't do your usual:-
"Ha yet again windows is insecure use Linux",
However, the implication is still there, you never post anything positive about that system, I know it isn't perfect, but it is good enough for the majority.
As for a 'cheap shot',
entwisi=so please crawl back under the stone and let people get on with trying to protect themselves.
You are the one that has cheap shots against a system that the majority use, it isn't perfect but it is better than you ever give it credit for.
Also if we must get personal, why on Earth must you keep reminding us all about how much of a super being you are? The real super beings are the ones that can stomach your over-exaggerated way of being better than the rest, we are bored silly with you being a master programmer, Chief Chef, Potman, Mechanic, Tyre fitter, etc, etc, give advice if you wish but allow the rest of us a little bit of bluster of our own you'res is getting well past it's sell by date, I repeat,
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
Quotes & quoting
14-07-2009, 20:13
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Re: IE vunerability
Originally Posted by Less
No Ian, yet again you tried to slag off Windows, maybe this time you didn't do your usual:-
"Ha yet again windows is insecure use Linux",
However, the implication is still there, you never post anything positive about that system, I know it isn't perfect, but it is good enough for the majority.
As for a 'cheap shot',
You are the one that has cheap shots against a system that the majority use, it isn't perfect but it is better than you ever give it credit for.
Also if we must get personal, why on Earth must you keep reminding us all about how much of a super being you are? The real super beings are the ones that can stomach your over-exaggerated way of being better than the rest, we are bored silly with you being a master programmer, Chief Chef, Potman, Mechanic, Tyre fitter, etc, etc, give advice if you wish but allow the rest of us a little bit of bluster of our own you'res is getting well past it's sell by date, I repeat,
show me where I even mentioned Windows being insecure or even a simple mention of Linux. I didn't, you are wrong, accept that and you may get somewhere. I tried to help people and you wish to slag me off, rather a strange postion to place yourself in on a community forum don't you think?
so what it boils down to is that you are somehow jealous that I have experience and opinions in many areas? That I choose to share my knowledge gets to you? geesh I don;t know whether to be humble or scared. simple fact I make it my business to learn about stuff that interests me. My brain prefers non fiction to fiction. I'll make no apologies for that or how I choose to live my life. If you don't like my posts feel free to block me.
so I've trained as a chef, sold HiFi equipment, worked in IT, my dad taught me about engines when I was young. I enjoy good cars, decent food. Is it a crime now to live a full life? Perhaps I'm different to you that I don't want to be led on my death bed wishing I'd done this that and the other.
17-07-2009, 19:42
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Re: IE vunerability
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