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Old 26-03-2008, 15:59   #1
Apprentice Geriatric
jambutty's Avatar

Exclamation New Spoof E-Gold Email

Over the years there have been many spoof emails allegedly coming from E-Gold with a link to click to get to the E-Gold web site. Except that the link doesn’t take you to the real web site but a clone. These clones have been easy to spot but this latest one is good, very, very good.

I don’t know if and how many forum members have an E-Gold account but I thought it prudent to make this post. If it saves just one person from getting robbed then my post will have done its job.

The email reads:
** e-gold Transfer Notice **

You have received a spend of 121,38 grams of gold from account #2102119 (AlertPay inc) - Memo: 3CQQ7-G2ERP-F33T2-HJ3WA.
Your current e-gold account settings are blocking payments from this type of account.
If you wish to claim this gold fund anyway, please follow the link provided with SecureKey to update your e-gold account settings.

SecureKey e-gold url:

Claim your gold fund within 48hours, or it will be refused and cancelled.

Please do not reply to this automatically generated email message.
I knew straight away that this email was not genuine because:
1. It was sent to an email address that was not registered with E-Gold.

2. The URL is:

Note it does not include the ‘s’ in http.

The false E-Gold page that comes up is good, very, very good but there are anomalies.

If you use RoboForm the AutoFill window does not appear.

According to the false E-Gold page that comes up it reads:
Last account login from this computer 8 minutes ago.
It is always 8 minutes.
Whereas the real E-Gold page shows:
Last account login from this computer 1 day ago or whatever the real one was.

All the links at the top of the page including ‘Examiner’ and ‘Exchange Rates’ link to the real E-Gold site.

The logo links underneath just return you back to the logging in page whereas on the real E-Gold site you get the “Unable to login to account.” message.

The “Audible Turing Number” link does nothing.

121,38 grams of gold is valued at about $3,600 and that could be high enough to get the greedy to click the provided link and log into E-Gold. If someone did, by the time that they checked their balance it would be gone.

In the interests of finding where any money would go to I used the link and logged into a spare E-Gold account that contained 2 cents.

I got my PIN email but then I was informed that my details were incorrect and I got logged out.

I logged into my account the right way and was surprised that my 2 cents was still in place. So these thieves are getting picky. 2 cents wasn’t enough for them. I was hoping to get the account number where the 2 cents would be transferred to so that E-Gold could take action.

So I changed my password and left it at that.

Thanks for reading. If you have a few minutes to spare please visit my web site at
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