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Old 12-11-2008, 16:25   #16

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Re: New virus warning.

Originally Posted by onlyme View Post
Yet again, another case of someone trying to be helpful, getting jumped on from all angles.

And then people wonder why no one posts anymore

That is a little unfair. We have had many threads about that type of email being spam and just ignoring them is the best thing to do.

Ian was just pointing that out and my comment about posting the link was supposed to be advice not condemnation.

The best thing to do with anything that says "pass it on to everyone you know" is to pass it on to bin.

Mel, I apologise if my post offended you. It was brief because I was supposed to be working.
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Old 12-11-2008, 16:35   #17
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Re: New virus warning.

You dont open attachments unless there from someone you know and trust and only then if you know 100% sure whats going to be in it.

You dont run programs or open files just because the subject says you won a holiday or theres a pic of a naked women (or man)

But most of all you dont spread the damned thing by passing it on to everyone you know just because it told you to.

sigh .... It's called common sense.. thats all

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Old 12-11-2008, 16:37   #18
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Re: New virus warning.

i always check that people meant to send me attatchments after i got a virus from someone i knew
Like the old woman who lived in a shoe, i have so many children i can't fit the tickers in my signature.....

I finally found someone daft enough to marry me, my wonderboy is 11, my monkeygirl is 3 and my bananaman is 2, my beautiful little flower was born in feb 2012
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Old 12-11-2008, 16:39   #19
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Re: New virus warning.

Originally Posted by onlyme View Post
Yet again, another case of someone trying to be helpful, getting jumped on from all angles.

And then people wonder why no one posts anymore
No one posts anymore, well I'm a member of quite a few sites like this and in comparison, Accy Webs like Clapham Junction, some sites actually tell you how many people have posted since your last visit, they don't do it on here but if they did most days it would be in the hundreds, others our luck if its ten
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Old 12-11-2008, 16:43   #20
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Re: New virus warning.

Originally Posted by onlyme View Post
And then people wonder why no one posts anymore
What a strange thing to say... AccyWeb seems as busy as ever to me .....
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Old 12-11-2008, 16:58   #21
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Re: New virus warning.

Originally Posted by onlyme View Post
Yet again, another case of someone trying to be helpful, getting jumped on from all angles.

And then people wonder why no one posts anymore
don't see how mels gettin jumped on, nor do i see how ya come to that conclusion "no-one posts anymore."
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 12-11-2008, 16:59   #22
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Re: New virus warning.

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
That is a little unfair. We have had many threads about that type of email being spam and just ignoring them is the best thing to do.

Ian was just pointing that out and my comment about posting the link was supposed to be advice not condemnation.

The best thing to do with anything that says "pass it on to everyone you know" is to pass it on to bin.

Mel, I apologise if my post offended you. It was brief because I was supposed to be working.

Apology accepted

Neil it wasnt the advice given that offended and I 100% agree that these emails are only fit for the bin but this particular one concerned me purely because of the link it provided, I rem seeing on here somewhere i think, that the website that the link provided was a cautia (sp) one (Maybe im wrong with it being here but will certainly check)
Hence me putting it up on here although I didnt mean to put the actual link on. And rather than foward it on i decided to air it here where I knew someone would possibly know if it was good/bad
What does annoy me is the attitude that comes across in certain posts that we shouldnt put concerns like this up on here, which dosent really look good for our newer members.
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Old 12-11-2008, 18:22   #23

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Re: New virus warning.

Originally Posted by cherokee View Post
Apology accepted

Neil it wasnt the advice given that offended and I 100% agree that these emails are only fit for the bin but this particular one concerned me purely because of the link it provided, I rem seeing on here somewhere i think, that the website that the link provided was a cautia (sp) one (Maybe im wrong with it being here but will certainly check)
Hence me putting it up on here although I didnt mean to put the actual link on. And rather than foward it on i decided to air it here where I knew someone would possibly know if it was good/bad
What does annoy me is the attitude that comes across in certain posts that we shouldnt put concerns like this up on here, which dosent really look good for our newer members.
You have to be careful because some links don't link to where the name says so a bit like this one Click it and see where you go. That is how people often get caught out thinking they know the address and that it is safe.
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Old 12-11-2008, 19:23   #24
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Re: New virus warning.

I think it is better to let people know if they think they may have a problem, and agree that sending the link probably wasnt a good idea, but to be fair, cherokee both accepted that and apologised for putting it on, is a lesson learnt, presumably the respondents have noted that what seems obvious to them as techies, isnt at all obvious to people with limited technical knowledge, I for one was grateful of the warning from cherokee, and warned my staff (who use laptops on the road) about the 'potential', because I cannot afford to have computers damaged by viruses, or even the possibility of it happening, I think most everyone was right in thier way of thinking, but dont really see the need for some of the more brash comments, thank you for the warning cherokee, and thank you techies for allowing us the benefit of your expertise.
If time travel were possible, wouldn't somebody have been back or forward and told us by now?
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Old 12-11-2008, 21:42   #25
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Re: New virus warning.

and does it therefire not follow to trust teh geeks amongst us who spend ( Far too much ) time round all teh techie geek sites and will know about real threats long before they hit the public domain.

Let us tell you when you need to worry and its a good job done well. I'm sure I'm not alone in wanting to make it easier for teh non technical users to keep their data and systems safe ( as its often us that invest many (unpaid)hours and expertise in helping people fix them when they are broken).

It makes sense to trust the experts in any field, unfortunately PCs seem to be one area where people are less inclined to pay for or trust experts than any other field, mechanics included.

for example, I would trust what Derekgas tells me when it comes to fires and central heating, harwood red when it comes to housing ( and reflexology ), K-P ( or Kipax as I still like to call him) when it comes to photography. However when its PCs its a totally different ball game.

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Old 13-11-2008, 05:40   #26
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Re: New virus warning.


I have been grateful to you on more than one occasion because, as you say, you do know your stuff, its a toss up (scuse the phrase ) between you and neil who is master and guru. I think the tone of some posts was slightly harsh considering the nature and thought of the OP.

I'll blame the yellow fever drug for my attitude. Havent taken it like, but i'll blame it anyway
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Old 13-11-2008, 08:03   #27

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Re: New virus warning.

Originally Posted by onlyme View Post
its a toss up (scuse the phrase ) between you and neil who is master and guru. I think the tone of some posts was slightly harsh considering the nature and thought of the OP.
No its not, I am the toss up and Ian is the master and guru

I am too much out of things these day and just like to play about doing a bit of programming here and there.
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Old 13-11-2008, 09:07   #28
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Re: New virus warning.

Originally Posted by cherokee View Post
For gods sake I didnt put this on here to be attacked by you bloody know it alls...

wish Id not bothered now.
Accyweb is supposed to be a friendly forum not somewhere to be attacked for trying to do the right thing
The danger of a text-only format is that people trying to help might be misconstrued as being a "bloody know it all"- Even the smilies don't always get across the true intention of the message. I'm not saying that the first set of replies weren't meant the way you interpreted them, I'm saying that if you read them in a different frame of mind, they could just as easily be helpful pointers to someone who doesn't know that this sort of warning is always a hoax.

Apart from what's been said already, the key things to note are the "Microsoft" and the "Norton" bits. On the one hand you have a company not competent to identify flaws in their product before it goes out of the door. On the other hand you have a company whose core product is to protect against and fix viruses, so it's in their interests for people to be infected by them!

I do think you need to look at the timing of the messages. There was just 30 minutes between the start of the thread and the penultimate message before yours that I quoted. That's not a huge window, and suggests a whole bunch of people thinking "Let's nip this one in the bud" at the same time. However because there's a lot of them, saying essentially the same thing, it looks like an attack.

We all need to chill. Less of more of

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Old 17-11-2008, 09:17   #29
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Re: New virus warning.

Theres plenty of hoax's goin round.

Check out
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Old 17-11-2008, 13:50   #30
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Re: New virus warning.

good on ya lass we cant all be techna phobes
im sure no harm has been done
you keep up the good work
its just

like i've never been gone
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