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22-07-2013, 18:45
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Re: Porn to be banned by ISP's?
From what i have gleaned about this most of the child pervs dont access their vile filth through normal isp's so wont solve anything. They should chop the nads off a few see if that deters them.  
A true man of character knows his limitations – but doesn’t accept them.
Aggressive by Nature, Rugby by Choice
22-07-2013, 18:46
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Porn to be banned by ISP's?
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
As to the red stuff...some people hurl it for very flimsy reasons.....it doesn't have to be justified.
You're not posting right then, make sure it deserves the red stuff, it takes the sting out of the tail!

“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
Quotes & quoting
22-07-2013, 19:11
Beacon of light
Re: Porn to be banned by ISP's?
No sting in the tail of undeserved stuff!
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
22-07-2013, 19:15
Beacon of light
Re: Porn to be banned by ISP's?
Originally Posted by walkinman221
From what i have gleaned about this most of the child pervs dont access their vile filth through normal isp's so wont solve anything. They should chop the nads off a few see if that deters them.  
It isn't just about stopping those people who want to view paedophilic images, but it is about protecting children from images that they should not be able to access.
Just out of interest......in what manner to paedophiles access the images if not through ISP's...is it via networks of like minded people who indulge in file sharing?
Anyone...and I mean anyone(regardless of their celebrity/political status) caught with images of sexual abuse of children should be chemically castrated.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
22-07-2013, 19:55
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Re: Porn to be banned by ISP's?
Originally Posted by gpick24
O2`s mobile network has had restrictions for a while. Try to access something even slighly rude and you get this message.
on o2 via mobile I used to get that for all kinds of sites that wasnt 18+
23-07-2013, 06:17
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Re: Porn to be banned by ISP's?
Originally Posted by DtheP47
 They'ss be taking Willie Nelson and Fanny Craddock offa' search engines then ?
I suppose we won't be able to see Free Willie next
23-07-2013, 12:23
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Re: Porn to be banned by ISP's?
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
Just out of interest......in what manner to paedophiles access the images if not through ISP's...is it via networks of like minded people who indulge in file sharing?
most go through a system called "The Onion Ring" which is where the darker side of the net lurks, its basically anonymises your connection and you. The only way plolice can catch you on there is through infiltration and entrapment. There was a high profile case of someone who only let slip a "handle" that he'd used 15 years before as a username on a gaming site. from there they linked through to him and caught him ( although he was more into credit card/drugs stuff than kiddie P) he couldn't give up any of his cronies as even he didn't know who they are due to the nature of how TOR works.
There are of course many "sub nets" set up and managed independantly and well away from anything google etc have a hope of searching.
an interesting point was made on FB the other day that despite the Daily Wail being a major proponent of this law their own website would have fallen foul of the very rule they are looking to implement!!!
23-07-2013, 14:11
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Re: Porn to be banned by ISP's?
Originally Posted by Less
I don't see why any right minded person would want to hurl anything at you, you are only saying what most 'normal', people feel.
However let us consider the sledge hammer and the walnut?
If the Government wants to ensure that children don't see porn, throw the responsibility onto the child's parents, teachers or anyone that is supposed to keep the child safe by not giving them access ensuring the nanny protection is in place, check what they are looking at, Any child that comes to my house wouldn't be able to see porn of any kind, Parents should be far more careful when dealing with THEIR children and the web.
Some porn is legal, why should childless people be denied their pleasures?
Though I must say, if they spend their time looking at porn instead of developing healthy relationships, no wonder they're childless.
Got to say I think your absolutely spot on Less, if parents made sure their charges were on a secure internet and checked on it on a regular basis there would be no need for political intervention at all, I'm sure there are a lot more important things Cameron could be dealing with than cleaning up the internet, how's about cleaning up the immigration problems and the borders agency who aren't fit for purpose
23-07-2013, 15:07
Beacon of light
Re: Porn to be banned by ISP's?
John...you can protect your children in your own home to a degree, but you cannot protect them if they go to someone elses home...which children frequently do..you do not know what level of security is applied to someone elses system......it is foolish to believe all parents have the same vigilance as is practised at home.
I think it is better to have to opt in...to have to use a secure pin number if you really do want to access such sites.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
23-07-2013, 15:08
Beacon of light
Re: Porn to be banned by ISP's?
Originally Posted by entwisi
most go through a system called "The Onion Ring" which is where the darker side of the net lurks, its basically anonymises your connection and you. The only way plolice can catch you on there is through infiltration and entrapment. There was a high profile case of someone who only let slip a "handle" that he'd used 15 years before as a username on a gaming site. from there they linked through to him and caught him ( although he was more into credit card/drugs stuff than kiddie P) he couldn't give up any of his cronies as even he didn't know who they are due to the nature of how TOR works.
There are of course many "sub nets" set up and managed independantly and well away from anything google etc have a hope of searching.
an interesting point was made on FB the other day that despite the Daily Wail being a major proponent of this law their own website would have fallen foul of the very rule they are looking to implement!!!
Thank you for that info Ian..it is appreciated.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
23-07-2013, 15:10
Beacon of light
Re: Porn to be banned by ISP's?
I just googled 'onion ring' and now have some great recipes for battered vegetables. 
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
23-07-2013, 17:24
Resting in Peace
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Re: Porn to be banned by ISP's?
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
John...you can protect your children in your own home to a degree, but you cannot protect them if they go to someone elses home...which children frequently do..you do not know what level of security is applied to someone elses system......it is foolish to believe all parents have the same vigilance as is practised at home.
I think it is better to have to opt in...to have to use a secure pin number if you really do want to access such sites.
That's all well and good Margaret, but by your own admission other parents may not bother so your just in the same boat 
23-07-2013, 17:51
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Porn to be banned by ISP's?
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
John...you can protect your children in your own home to a degree, but you cannot protect them if they go to someone elses home...which children frequently do..you do not know what level of security is applied to someone elses system......it is foolish to believe all parents have the same vigilance as is practised at home.
I think it is better to have to opt in...to have to use a secure pin number if you really do want to access such sites.
So, do we stop there? Just protecting our own children?
Yes, they could go to a friends house, yes, their friends parents could be allowing porn to be watched.
From the little I've seen most porn sites ask if you are over 18, I don't know nor am I interested in finding out that all porn sites ask that.
However, any parent allowing access to such sites needs to be sorted, they obviously aren't fit.
If you're over eighteen then you are allowed to choose, under eighteen you have adults responsible for what you view.
If they don't take responsibility then they should be forced to.
I don't watch porn, (often), (usually I catch a glimpse when some idiot insists on showing his (I have yet to meet a woman that wants to show me porn, though I'm sure they exist) latest find), (strange how they are lonely folk that need to share their depravity with others), but if I wanted to, I should be allowed to, so long as I make sure no one underage can be allowed access.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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Last edited by Less; 23-07-2013 at 17:55.
23-07-2013, 18:11
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Re: Porn to be banned by ISP's?
It seems a good idea, in theory. It also seems a bit sketchy.
So much 'porn' is user-generated these days, and distributed by the creator, and yes how we decide what is 'porn' is an issue as well.
What of adult hobbyist sites, fetish sites, swingers sites, riggers sites, what about sex shops, Ann Summers, 'Mens' mags, The Sun online...
Is it a case that they'll ban a search on anything with the word 'adult' in it?BBC iPlayer is listed as a "risk" site by most web filtering engines already, due to the "Potential for containing Adult Content.
Protecting children is a damn important issue-I'm just not sure this will work. If it is a case of filtering any searches with the world 'Adult' in them, people will have to remove the block to access so many things.
Also, I remember a couple of years ago reading a CEOP report whereby they'd stated that many peodophiles are becoming more tech-savvy than the average internet user, more technically competent-in order to cover their tracks, It's the nature of the beast
The idea of 'helplines' and warnings popping up when a person tries to access media that features the underage is good, as is the proposal of police tracing of those trying to access it-I can kind of forsee it having a potential for going wrong, though. So many things have double meanings and/or are ambiguous.
'Ageplay' porn is already illegal, I think , or at least depicting an underage person is, regardless of their chronological age-yet it's EVERYWHERE, same with Urolagnia, banned from porn sites (apparently) banned from live porn shows, but two clicks and you can view it.
I agree with the issue of parental and other adult responsibility-not everybody is diligent at making sure children cannot see what's inappropriate.
Do we think that any media violence will be banned as well? Depictions of people hurting one another-again inappropriate for underage viewers.
Life is 10% what happens to you-and 90% your reaction to it.
23-07-2013, 18:34
Beacon of light
Re: Porn to be banned by ISP's?
Originally Posted by jaysay
That's all well and good Margaret, but by your own admission other parents may not bother so your just in the same boat 
I don't get it John.....how am I in the same boat?
If children go to visit friends I expect their parents to be vigilant about what is accessible on the internet, if they cannot(or will not do this - for whatever reason) then surely it has to be better to have a system where people who want to access this type of material need a secure way to log in to access it.
I do not want children to be able to stumble upon violent rape scenes, or scenes which degrade women......is that wrong?
If adults wish to get their pleasure in this way, then that is their choice, but it should not be freely available just by punching some phrase into a search engine.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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