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Old 23-07-2013, 18:41   #31
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Less's Avatar
Re: Porn to be banned by ISP's?

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
I don't get it am I in the same boat?
If children go to visit friends I expect their parents to be vigilant about what is accessible on the internet, if they cannot(or will not do this - for whatever reason) then surely it has to be better to have a system where people who want to access this type of material need a secure way to log in to access it.

I do not want children to be able to stumble upon violent rape scenes, or scenes which degrade that wrong?

If adults wish to get their pleasure in this way, then that is their choice, but it should not be freely available just by punching some phrase into a search engine.
You dont seem to be paying attention to anything that others say.

Originally Posted by Less View Post
So, do we stop there? Just protecting our own children?
Yes, they could go to a friends house, yes, their friends parents could be allowing porn to be watched.
From the little I've seen most porn sites ask if you are over 18, I don't know nor am I interested in finding out that all porn sites ask that.

However, any parent allowing access to such sites needs to be sorted, they obviously aren't fit.

If you're over eighteen then you are allowed to choose, under eighteen you have adults responsible for what you view.

If they don't take responsibility then they should be forced to.

I don't watch porn, (often), (usually I catch a glimpse when some idiot insists on showing his (I have yet to meet a woman that wants to show me porn, though I'm sure they exist) latest find), (strange how they are lonely folk that need to share their depravity with others), but if I wanted to, I should be allowed to, so long as I make sure no one underage can be allowed access.
Meanwhile, look at Sugarmouses post, maybe you could agree with some of that?

By the way, if you need help getting off your high horse, use me as a stool.

I hope you're wearing spurs.

Joking, honest!
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Old 23-07-2013, 18:42   #32
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Re: Porn to be banned by ISP's?

I do not know what ageplay porn is....and I am unsure of what urolagnia is.....I won't google them just in case it takes me somewhere I don't want to be.......I might have been a nurse, but I am still a bit of a prude(I have told you before that in my head I am only 14) to the question would I ban media violence...yes I would make it something that was accessible only to those who had a pin number - but that is because I do not like violence of any kind...even the cartoon stuff makes me cringe.

I know violence exists in the world, but I do not consider it to be entertainment, and I do not want it in my living room.
When films come on TV and it says violence and bad language I head upstairs to read a book.

Now I guess I have made it plain why I watch so very little on TV.
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Last edited by Margaret Pilkington; 23-07-2013 at 18:50.
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Old 23-07-2013, 18:49   #33
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Re: Porn to be banned by ISP's?

Originally Posted by Less View Post
You dont seem to be paying attention to anything that others say.

Meanwhile, look at Sugarmouses post, maybe you could agree with some of that?

By the way, if you need help getting off your high horse, use me as a stool.

I hope you're wearing spurs.

Joking, honest!
Of course I am paying atention, the only way we can protect other peoples children is by making sure that when they come to our home, systems are in place to prevent them viewing unsuitable material(or is that not the point you were making?)...that is a given......but if there are people out there who either don't, or won't follow this lead then it needs something else to be done.

I have read and digested the post by Sugarmouse and yes, she makes some very valid points.
As for me getting off my high horse......what the hell Less, it took me long enough to get up here, so don't think for a moment I will be getting down just yet..besides the view from up here is I'm sure you know only too well
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 23-07-2013, 18:54   #34
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Re: Porn to be banned by ISP's?

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Of course I am paying atention, the only way we can protect other peoples children is by making sure that when they come to our home, systems are in place to prevent them viewing unsuitable material(or is that not the point you were making?)...that is a given......but if there are people out there who either don't, or won't follow this lead then it needs something else to be done.

I have read and digested the post by Sugarmouse and yes, she makes some very valid points.
As for me getting off my high horse......what the hell Less, it took me long enough to get up here, so don't think for a moment I will be getting down just yet..besides the view from up here is I'm sure you know only too well
Well I guess the only way this would be effective for the purpose of stopping children stumbling across adult content, or to stop a curious teenager searching for it, is if everybody opted for it-in theory. If a child can still view porn in some places but not others, then it's pretty much pointless.... In fact it could even have the potential for being further damaging.

If it's so restrictive that no adult content at all can be viewed with it on, then I can see many people opting out of it.
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Old 23-07-2013, 18:56   #35
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Porn to be banned by ISP's?

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Of course I am paying atention, the only way we can protect other peoples children is by making sure that when they come to our home, systems are in place to prevent them viewing unsuitable material(or is that not the point you were making?)...that is a given......but if there are people out there who either don't, or won't follow this lead then it needs something else to be done.

I have read and digested the post by Sugarmouse and yes, she makes some very valid points.
As for me getting off my high horse......what the hell Less, it took me long enough to get up here, so don't think for a moment I will be getting down just yet..besides the view from up here is I'm sure you know only too well
O.K. so suppose all porn is banned, it seems to be a thriving industry, will it just die or will it find itself being viewed under the same circumstances as the method described by entwisi?
Suddenly millions could be open to prosecution for not having a pin number, the same millions could because of the way they are forced to watch porn even go several steps further and say, a sheep for a lamb, may as well watch child porn, these same people leave the site open and your grandkid walks into a friends house then sees that.

Still the same irresponsible parent and nothing has stopped the kids from seeing it.
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Old 23-07-2013, 19:02   #36
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Re: Porn to be banned by ISP's?

Originally Posted by sugarmouse0707 View Post
Well I guess the only way this would be effective for the purpose of stopping children stumbling across adult content, or to stop a curious teenager searching for it, is if everybody opted for it-in theory. If a child can still view porn in some places but not others, then it's pretty much pointless.... In fact it could even have the potential for being further damaging.

If it's so restrictive that no adult content at all can be viewed with it on, then I can see many people opting out of it.
My understanding of what is to happen is that ISPs will use a default of not being able to view adult content for new users(from next year)...and that current customers will be told that they will have to opt in to view adult content.....and this will apply to all devices for your internet if someone is using your internet, they will be unable to access adult material unless they have a pin number.

I will stand corrected if anyone knows any different.
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Old 23-07-2013, 19:05   #37
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Re: Porn to be banned by ISP's?

You're right-I've just asked Neill-I had a feeling he would have done his research on it lol
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Old 23-07-2013, 19:07   #38
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Re: Porn to be banned by ISP's?

Originally Posted by Less View Post
O.K. so suppose all porn is banned, it seems to be a thriving industry, will it just die or will it find itself being viewed under the same circumstances as the method described by entwisi?
Suddenly millions could be open to prosecution for not having a pin number, the same millions could because of the way they are forced to watch porn even go several steps further and say, a sheep for a lamb, may as well watch child porn, these same people leave the site open and your grandkid walks into a friends house then sees that.

Still the same irresponsible parent and nothing has stopped the kids from seeing it.
I don't know what will happen.......after all, I seem to be pretty naive in such matters......but I reckon if you ask someone what an 'onion ring' is the majority of folk will tell you it is a tasty fried vegetable.
And how are millions of people forced to watch porn if they do not know how to access one of these onion rings(and I'm not talking fritters)?

Entwisi is an IT specialist so he would be far more aware of possibilities than many ordinary internet users.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 23-07-2013, 19:37   #39

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Re: Porn to be banned by ISP's?

It wont work. My mobile ISP blocks over 18 things unless I tell them not to. It doesn't work because for interest I have tried to get around it very simply and can.
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Old 23-07-2013, 20:04   #40
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Re: Porn to be banned by ISP's?

Most kids know about vpn and proxies before they get to the age that the female form is remotely interesting to them.

And I think that most people will have to opt-in because the filters will have to be set so high that many sites will be inaccessible (e.g. which is the largest online art community), which kinda makes the whole exercise just a lip service by a government in disarray
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Old 23-07-2013, 21:10   #41
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Re: Porn to be banned by ISP's?

see....? I don't know about VPN..or proxies....and I won't be opting in so that I can avail myself of any online art community.
I will ask my daughters nine year old to help me out in understanding these things.

I do however, agree that much of these proposals are what the government think will bamboozle us...and that they are in disarray...most definitely.
Pass me an alternative...please, if you know of one!
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Old 23-07-2013, 21:18   #42
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Porn to be banned by ISP's?

At last, folk are coming around to what I said in post #1.

It's just a useless sound bite.
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Old 23-07-2013, 23:09   #43
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Re: Porn to be banned by ISP's?

Kids will always find a way to do what they shouldn`t. Whether it`s drinking, smoking or watching things they shouldn`t. In my opinion, the more blockades they have in the way the better. It may be an inconvenience to others, but that`s all it is, an inconvenience. How well it will work, we will only find out when it`s implemented.
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Old 24-07-2013, 07:16   #44
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Re: Porn to be banned by ISP's?

Like you, I think the more barriers that are in place, the harder it is for children to get to this stuff, then the better it will put off those who are just looking out of mild curiousity and those who are persistent may get rumbled by their parents.
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 24-07-2013, 08:23   #45
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Re: Porn to be banned by ISP's?

Originally Posted by Eric View Post
Sheesh! What next? Thoughtcrime.
i hope an alarm dosnt get set to go off every time i think of boobies it could get very noisy around here

google search for great bluetit - zero search results

recipe for cream pie - zero search results

pubs called the dog inn - zero search results

10 years in prison for innocent searching lmao
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