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30-05-2013, 11:48
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Tax refund
Just had an interesting email from Australia offering me a refund on my taxes of 347.99 AD.
All I have to do if fill in my details of the attached form and send it off.
30-05-2013, 12:00
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Re: Tax refund
Originally Posted by Retlaw
Just had an interesting email from Australia offering me a refund on my taxes of 347.99 AD.
All I have to do if fill in my details of the attached form and send it off.
To Nigeria
30-05-2013, 12:41
I am Banned
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Re: Tax refund
Actually all the details are for the Assie taxation authorities addresses tel no. etc, its just not possible for any one outside Aussie to fill in ie tax number, address, drivers licence number, Post code.
30-05-2013, 12:41
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Re: Tax refund
Originally Posted by Retlaw
Just had an interesting email from Australia offering me a refund on my taxes of 347.99 AD.
All I have to do if fill in my details of the attached form and send it off.
if teh text isnt upside down it isnt genuine 
All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.
ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
30-05-2013, 13:07
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Re: Tax refund
Originally Posted by accyman
if teh text isnt upside down it isnt genuine 
Aussies can't get money out of the Austalian Tax Office let alone poms.
Just delete it.
30-05-2013, 13:24
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Re: Tax refund
Originally Posted by Retlaw
Actually all the details are for the Assie taxation authorities addresses tel no. etc, its just not possible for any one outside Aussie to fill in ie tax number, address, drivers licence number, Post code.
Do they want to know your bank details so they can put the money in Retlaw
You would be surprised to find where these people get their information from. The only people that are going to get any money, is them, from you.
Why would the Aussie tax office owe you money.
Just remember if it sounds to good to be true it is.
Last edited by Neil; 31-05-2013 at 07:08.
Reason: fix quote
30-05-2013, 13:59
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Tax refund
If anyone wishes to check if they've been spammed all they have to do is:-
Contact me, giving their bank details, National Insurance number, passport/drivers licence details and I will check their accounts to see if they are worth spamming.
I can assure you this will in no way invade your privacy, because I probably won't be in touch with you again.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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30-05-2013, 14:16
I am Banned
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Re: Tax refund
Originally Posted by Aussie Irene
Aussies can't get money out of the Austalian Tax Office let alone poms.
Just delete it.
No I'm keeping it just to amuse me from time to time.
30-05-2013, 14:17
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Re: Tax refund
Originally Posted by Less
If anyone wishes to check if they've been spammed all they have to do is:-
Contact me, giving their bank details, National Insurance number, passport/drivers licence details and I will check their accounts to see if they are worth spamming.
I can assure you this will in no way invade your privacy, because I probably won't be in touch with you again.
30-05-2013, 15:13
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Re: Tax refund
Originally Posted by Aussie Irene
Aussies can't get money out of the Austalian Tax Office let alone poms.
Just delete it.
our tax office cant get tax out of multi billion £ corporations
maybe they shoudl exchange notes
All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.
ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
30-05-2013, 15:29
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Tax refund
Originally Posted by Retlaw
You are of course right, what I put was only a joke.
However, is Security a joke?
Oh, yes, we all get spam checkers, virus checkers, install them allow them to update, some cost a great deal of money.
Hang about though?
Take a step back, if virus checkers cost a large amount to produce, who pays for the viruses? Surely they cost money to develop?
Maybe, some people aren't doing us any good?
They supply software with a promise to swiftly remove viruses, but if they removed the folk that actually create them, bang goes a very large multi-million business.
Maybe the virus creators would be wearing T-shirt's, Sponsored by... (enter the name of the Company you use).
Just to steal a moment from Mag's and Conspiracy what if the Virus checkers put this crap out? No wonder they can fix it so quickly!

“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
Quotes & quoting
Last edited by Less; 30-05-2013 at 15:32.
30-05-2013, 16:17
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Re: Tax refund
thing is less people are quick to scream virus when infact all they have is malware which in a lot of cases they agreed to install when they skipped past the check boxes when wanting to install some new cute smilies etc.
it may seem free but its not and in most cases the cost of this so called free software is your internet history
All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.
ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
30-05-2013, 17:11
Resting in Peace
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Re: Tax refund
The only problem is there will be some one who WILL get hooked, otherwise they wouldn't do it, its usually elderly people, who can't tell the difference. These scams used to be by way of mail shots, but with more and more elderly people using the internet the scammers have changed tack, but its still the same adage if it looks to good to be true it usually is
30-05-2013, 23:25
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Re: Tax refund
Originally Posted by Retlaw
Just had an interesting email from Australia offering me a refund on my taxes of 347.99 AD.
All I have to do if fill in my details of the attached form and send it off.
My last post on this. The reason it says 347.99AD, is because they don't have this $ sign on their keyboard. Likewise, i don't have the pound sign on mine. Also, it would if written, say AUD 347.99 not 347.99AD.
31-05-2013, 00:47
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Re: Tax refund
Sure you have the £ sign Irene, just push and hold alt while typing 156 or 0163 on your side numeric pad.
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