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Old 09-08-2004, 11:57   #16
God Member
Caz's Avatar

Re: church

Remember the capsticks. They had the shop there then, they went to St Andrews school when I did. Dick passed away recently, didn't he. Also remember Elaine Warden, and her twin brother Anthony. He went on holiday with us once. They lived on Bradshaw St a few doors up from us. The oldest brother was Alan I think, he was a butcher and used to bring us cheap meat. Think he still has a shop in Harwood, near the cop shop. Still see Elaine occasionally, usually in the Stag.
A few more names:
Lynne Cornwall, Susan Shaw from the off licence, the Croasdales - who used to live on the corner of wesley St till the house collapsed.

Anyone remember the little old lady on China St, Cassie, who everyone thought was dotty? I used to run errands for her.Or the lady in the big house at the back of the old Sacred Heart School, was that Mrs Aspin.
Who used to play on top of the garages on China St when they were there?
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Old 09-08-2004, 12:01   #17


Re: church

I Remember the capsticks, and of course the armstrongs. Can any one remember the James's. Betty & harold, Kath and Jeff.
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Old 09-08-2004, 12:10   #18
Pheonixx's Avatar

Re: church

Cazzer I remember all these people and places you mentioned..the old lady with the willow tree behind the school was a very freindly kind old soul and I used to visit her often..I used to hang round with John Cornwall I think Lynn was his older sister and the Emblys..yep I used to play on those garages too I remember the paint splashes and I have remembered a few more names on China street was the bonnys and kath and John Hazelwood their dad had some sort of garage on China street..also I went to st Andrews from 1963-1969.
Doug I dont know any of those names sorry.
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Old 09-08-2004, 13:57   #19
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Re: church

I remember Malcolm Capstick and his brother Mike both went to Rhyddings and had a reputation for bullying I personaly never had a problem with them but if the kids were smaller then them watch out, I think they used to live at the second hand shop in Church.

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Old 10-08-2004, 08:38   #20
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Re: Church

Originally Posted by Atarah
Hi, here's an old postcard showing Church. Some scenes you may recognise.
Lovely postcard Atarah...

The part showing "Foxhill Bank Drive" is actually Coach Road, as it goes under the railway bridge. I've never heard of it being called Foxhill Bank Drive though.

To Pheonix and a couple of others. I lived On Oswald St, then Henry St, before moving to India St. I remember Elaine Warden who lived down the "Croft" and her brother Alan.

Does anybody remember Peter Jordan, who lived right at the top of Church Kirk Lane and ran a Poultry Business on the path down to the "Dunk". Maybe I'm a bit older and going back to the 50's, I also went to St. Andrews, but left in 1956.
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Old 10-08-2004, 10:08   #21
Pheonixx's Avatar

Re: church

Opppss did you live on India street in the 1970s Darby if you did sorry for the noise and stuff for some unknown reason we liked to hang out on the swings there it was known back then as the triangle..we could get served cider at that selling out shop and we used to for reasons better known to ourselfs fight the irish but only after we had drink the cider lol they were a tough lot back then..perhaps they still are LOL..Linda
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Old 10-08-2004, 11:16   #22
Senior Member+

Re: church

Forgot a few there Linda.What about the 2 Irish brothers, one called Bulldog,Lynda your mat and Julie not to mention the Browns that lived on Leyland street.Memory lane or what
BigMikDick from krautland
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Old 10-08-2004, 11:44   #23
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Re: church

Originally Posted by Pheonixx
Opppss did you live on India street in the 1970s Darby if you did sorry for the noise and stuff for some unknown reason we liked to hang out on the swings there it was known back then as the triangle..we could get served cider at that selling out shop and we used to for reasons better known to ourselfs fight the irish but only after we had drink the cider lol they were a tough lot back then..perhaps they still are LOL..Linda
You're OK ....I left India St. in 1960/61 and moved to the more select neighbourhood of Dill Hall. I lived at No. 31 right next to the selling-out shop. We didn't have swings on the tri-angle either...just dog s**t and grass.
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Old 10-08-2004, 17:20   #24
Senior Member+

Re: church

Lived on Blackpool street for a year and that is my only claim to Church
BigMikDick from krautland
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Old 13-09-2004, 22:38   #25
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MOUSEUK's Avatar

Talking Re: church

Hello everyone i used to live in the hardware shop next to the butchers nellie and harry ran that shop 1966 to 1970 all i can remember is the coal dep and the canal being covered with oil.I used to go down church streetn singing knock thee times onthe celling at 7 o clock in the morning with a girl can rememberhere name.iI was only 4 at the time.
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Old 14-09-2004, 06:52   #26
Senior Member+

Old view of Church

Here's a very old view before our times, but you will recognise something I am sure!
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Old 14-09-2004, 08:57   #27
Resident Waffler

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Re: church

That is a brilliant photograph Atarah. Any idea when it was taken?

Of course I recognise the building on the right but not much else. All those different sizes and shapes of buildings explain why there is such a variety of bricked up windows and doors in the wall along there.

I'd still love to know what the double arched window along therewas part of. Any ideas?

I'm trying to work out where it is in comparison to this photo.

Looking back on these old photos makes me realise how much character we've lost. Market Street looks very narrow.

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Old 14-09-2004, 12:52   #28
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Tealeaf's Avatar

Re: church

That piccy is brilliant, Atarah...........dare I ask, any more like it?

The picture was taken some time after 1901, because that is when the traway was electrified (fom the mid-1880's until then coal powered trams ran this route). We can see its's electrified from the overhead power lines. In addition, it was taken before 1911 when the council offces at Church were built (the date stone is still on the site...Im pretty sure it's 1911, from memory.)

The next question it before or after 1907? That is the year in which the trams were extended up to Ossy. If we could see the lines swinging to the left, we could say it's post 1907...but we can't. So does this make it pre-1907? Not neccessarily so....the problem lies in the angle of the camera. While we can see the warehouse immeadiatly to the right, we can't really judge how far back the Commercial is extending, which raises a question mark about the identity of the street on the left. If that is Market street, then we know that it is pre-1907; if it is not Market street, but is in fact a back street to Market Street, then we are still uncertain because we cannot see the aerations made to Market Street, namely the curvingof the buildings to allow the Trams to go round.

The other fasinating point about this picture is the sign above the large lamp to the left.. -"Telephones". Was this a mobile phone shop for Church in 1907? Obviously not, but it may well have been the post office, not that many yards from where it is currently located.

Last edited by Tealeaf; 14-09-2004 at 12:54.
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Old 14-09-2004, 13:02   #29
Resting in peace
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Re: church

Cazzer, didn't one of the Capsticks open a posh hairdressers in Accy in the 60s? I seem to remember going there, it was a lot more expensive than Maison Dorothea - but it wasn't a bad hairdo. With Dorothea, it seemed that whatever you asked her to do, you always came out looking the same! Anybody else out there have their first perm from Dorothea (no, not you Tealeaf!). She was in Market Street, but then moved round to Blackburn Road, next to the woolshop (or was it the other way round?)
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Old 14-09-2004, 13:52   #30
Senior Member+


Thanks for all that info on the photo Tealeaf, thats what you call "putting flesh on the bones"

Hope this one inspires you as well
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