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14-11-2010, 08:07
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Re: gypsys
This sounds like a load of balderdash.
If you construct permanent structures on a site, such as 'two large utility blocks', how can you be classed as being a traveller?
You aren't going to get very far if you attach them to the towbar of your 4 x 4.
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14-11-2010, 10:08
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Re: gypsys
Originally Posted by garinda
This sounds like a load of balderdash.
If you construct permanent structures on a site, such as 'two large utility blocks', how can you be classed as being a traveller?
You aren't going to get very far if you attach them to the towbar of your 4 x 4.
You never know with them pikes G 
09-12-2010, 16:26
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Re: gypsys
Originally Posted by jaysay
You never know with them pikes G 
I dont think its nice to judge others....
Majority of travellers are lovely, theres good and bad in everyone...
Cant believe how people judge others... No one every ones constantly complaining about this town!!
Lancashire Lassie x-x
- Look in the mirror before you start to judge others -
09-12-2010, 18:53
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Re: gypsies
Originally Posted by Lancashire Lassie
I dont think its nice to judge others....
Majority of travellers are lovely, there's good and bad in everyone...
Cant believe how people judge others... No one every ones constantly complaining about this town!!
When you've lived as long as I have think your opinion may just change a tad, especially if somebody has run of with the lead of your roof a couple of times and then moved on leaving a complete tip behind them to be cleaned up at the council tax payers expense, laddy or lassy whichever you are today 
Last edited by Mick; 20-12-2010 at 08:11.
Reason: language
09-12-2010, 18:59
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Originally Posted by jaysay
When you've lived as long as I have think your opinion may just change a tad, especially if somebody has run of with the lead of your roof a couple of times and then moved on leaving a complete tip behind them to be cleaned up at the council tax payers expense, laddy or lassy whichever you are today 
I'd blame it on the last labour government if I was you, during the Tory rule I had to sell the lead off my own roof!
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Last edited by Mick; 20-12-2010 at 08:11.
Reason: edit bad language out of quote
09-12-2010, 19:12
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Re: gypsys
Originally Posted by Less
I'd blame it on the last labour government if I was you, during the Tory rule I had to sell the lead off my own roof!
Less thats my standard responce now and was it just before you moved into rented property that you sold the lead  
19-12-2010, 10:00
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Re: gypsies
Originally Posted by jaysay
When you've lived as long as I have think your opinion may just change a tad, especially if somebody has run of with the lead of your roof a couple of times and then moved on leaving a complete S*** tip behind them to be cleaned up at the council tax payers expense, laddy or lassy whichever you are today 
although a dispicable act at least they arnt as bad as cameron whos new plans on social housing will remove the enitre roof from over somones head .. 
All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.
ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
19-12-2010, 19:14
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Re: gypsies
Originally Posted by accyman
although a dispicable act at least they arnt as bad as cameron whos new plans on social housing will remove the enitre roof from over somones head .. 
the tories coalition goverment have been in power what 8 months we had blair and brown for the last 13 years approx -. gypos aint got out to do with cameron
accy is labour through and through so perhaps the coalition will do something about these no respect brigade??? i hope so
06-01-2011, 14:56
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Re: gypsies
Originally Posted by jaysay
When you've lived as long as I have think your opinion may just change a tad, especially if somebody has run of with the lead of your roof a couple of times and then moved on leaving a complete tip behind them to be cleaned up at the council tax payers expense, laddy or lassy whichever you are today 
well since my partner is a traveller I dont think I will change my mind actually.
hes never stole a thing in his life never had a criminal record and never even spoke to a police officer - and he works honest and hard every day and pays his taxes and everthing else as a normal person would.
before I met him I didnt think much of gypsys either but i didn't go around calling people I didnt even know!! but it goes to show you shouldnt tar people with the same brush...
plenty of scummy smack head thieves pedos and rapists in accy that are protestants or 'normal ' but we're not called those things so theres no need is there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!
nobodys perfect so if people cant be nice they should keep there opinions to theirselves!!
Lancashire Lassie x-x
- Look in the mirror before you start to judge others -
06-01-2011, 15:19
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Re: gypsys
and if it was my grandma no my opnion would not change it would towards the person that did it but not against the rest of the innocent people just because of their culture.
majority of travellers are innocent - just as the majority of our lot are - and the majority of asians and so on and so on.
there is a small part in every community culture that is bad, that doesnt mean you should disregard the rest not unless you are willing to disregard all of your own too.
and i doubt your going to do that.
Originally Posted by RHFOY
you are right people shouldnt judge people on opinion,... but i think we are discussing people who have their own click community and who dont give a damm about other communities like us, the facts and deeds are allready laid down as with regards these disrespectfull travellers( the ones who are now static in the town are diff-) the no fixed abode brigade are a disgrace to our society!!! they dont pay attention never mind taxes!! they prey on the vunerable and do evil deeds to them, now thats not an opinion that is a brutal fact, yes others do to, but if you worked very closely with the trading standards as i do, you would be heart broke to see sum of the evil things these b ------ have done... for your further knowledge they even leave symbols on walls or trees off the next potential victim, so their evil relations can go and clean out the life savings off our oaps, disabled, WAR VETERANS, MENTALLY ILL PEOPLE, i am shouting yes because i have seen it first hand.....
now let me ask you this, if they did that to your grandma would you still have the same opionion????? and finally we are all equal and deserve too reap the rewards of what we pay into the local councill(council tax) these roaming rats pay nothing !!! if they did then east accy would have one or two extra facilities to enjoy?? so untill these roamers start to obey law and order, and show respect to the great people off accrington, i say lets all rally as one and throw the lot out !!!
Lancashire Lassie x-x
- Look in the mirror before you start to judge others -
06-01-2011, 17:37
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Re: gypsys
The problem is though, folk tend to remember their negative experiences rather vividly & should Gypsies be involved it's a forgone conclusion they'll all get associated. What a lot of people aren't aware of or choose not to differentiate is between the types of Gypsy, here in Germany we have Roma & Sinti & on occasion the Irish. The most readily accepted are the Sinti (and that grudgingly). I have had experiences both good & bad with the varying cultures within the framework of "Gypsies".
06-01-2011, 19:34
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Re: gypsys
Some travellers have moved into houses on the lower end of Exchange St . Accy .
I asked a friend who lives amongst them about them .
He said that the local yobs who used to congregate at the corner of Exchange St and Fairfield St had disappeared since their arrival . He has no problems with them , and is pleased that they seem to be a deterrent to anti-social behaviour .
06-01-2011, 19:36
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Re: gypsies
Originally Posted by JCB
Some travellers have moved into houses on the lower end of Exchange St . Accy .
I asked a friend who lives amongst them about them .
He said that the local yobs who used to congregate at the corner of Exchange St and Fairfield St had disappeared since their arrival . He has no problems with them , and is pleased that they seem to be a deterrent to anti-social behaviour .
They are no longer travellers JCB 
06-01-2011, 19:49
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Re: gypsys
I am of the opinion, that treat others as you would like to be treated and for the most part people respond to that ethos in a positive way, but as with all communities there are always the bad apples. I have experience of gypsys and the ones i have dealt with have been honest and hardworking if that was within the tax and payments system we all use i dont know, but they paid their way in that they didnt get benefits etc.Their homes were immaculate and they kept the areas around their homes tidy.You can only take as you find as they say. 
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06-01-2011, 20:21
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Re: gypsies
Originally Posted by jaysay
They are no longer travellers JCB 
Depends on how long they stay Jaysay 
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