08-08-2010, 07:54
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Re: Oh dear what can I say about Church
The area could be nice, but norfolk grove seems to be such a place of compressed negativity it could almost be down to mystical negative energies of nature that attract the dregs there
Originally Posted by nugget123
I bought my house in Church and loved it and still do and if I could I would still be living there
I moved to Church from Higher Antley Street in 2001 well I moved to Norfolk Grove * cringes as people roll eyes* I know I was asking for it.
I got and ex-three bed council house and it ws lovely just a shame about the neighbours 
is that why church is so known for its horribleness and hostility because you live there?  
Originally Posted by Tealeaf
I notice your residence is in Ossy. What are you doing parking your car in Church? Personally, I'm sick and tired of people from Ossy using Church as a place to park their old bangers. Get this scrapheap and your silly German faggot dog out of Church otherwise I may well come round and stick a half Nori through your windscreen.
he lives at express gifts? 
Originally Posted by flashy
my fella lives in Church, just off Henry Street, its not bad where he lives, very quiet, i think its down the bottom end near St James' Church thats bad now
Last edited by Restless; 08-08-2010 at 08:02.
Reason: AGH double post!!