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23-06-2007, 08:10
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Re: Why is Church forgotten?
na i wouldn't like to live up there either neil too busy
i lived in church as a youngster have some great memories of living there .....people were great if mum wasn't in there was always an "aunty" there for you everyone knew everyone it was wonderful to grow up & not be afraid of anyone because you knew them all .
i used to love bonfire nights .the weeks before collecting wood & furniture .only to be nicked by them off nelson square lot..............we used to get most of it back he he .
nelson square is were hyndburn baths are now .
Ilove accy, thats why i moved back  but now im up ossy 
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Last edited by mez; 23-06-2007 at 08:17.
Reason: missed bits
26-07-2007, 20:43
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Re: Why is Church forgotten?
Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
No, on the other side of Blackburn Road, just at the crossroads, bottom of Market Street, directly opposite the Commercial.
It's where the Town Hall or Council Offices used to be. I was not born and bred in Church but I have lived there 1962-66 when Church was a thriving place Not awfully good houses but clean and tidy ones. Plenty of shops banks , you name it Church had it. If you lived in Church you needn't travel to Accy or Blackburn Church had the lot. What's it got now.? Nothing, only one or two shops, a sports centre and...............Hyndburn YOU have let the town and it's residents down.
26-07-2007, 20:53
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Re: Why is Church forgotten?
Originally Posted by steeljack
I think one thing to realize is that there is nowhere in Church for the "nobs" to live , other areas of Hyndburn have 'better' class areas , ie the Esplanade in Rishton, Park Lane area in Gt. Harwood , New Lane in Ossy, up Manchester rd. in Accy , etc . probably the only " big" house in Church I can think of is the house overlooking Gatty park,
NEW LANE for the nobs!!! I wouldn't live up New Lane rent free. P. B. must think he's a nob... Well a nob head maybe.
26-07-2007, 22:10
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Re: Why is Church forgotten?
[quote=jimlin;438933] ok so there are no big houses where the nobs live! so what. so there is no one looking down there nose at you because they have a bigger house than you. ]
thats a bit of a myopic view of things isnt it, surely communities are better when all social groups are included and not into ghettos , either rich or poor
[ I work for landlords and the ones I know do not want to rent out to problem tenants, whats the point! If you know of any potential good tenants that want a nice 2 or 3 bed home in the area let me know and I will pass there details on.
So presumably this/these 'distressed' houses you are renovating are supplying an investment income for people who don't live in the immediate local area and as such are depriving local young couples of having the chance to own their first starter home 
27-07-2007, 10:43
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Re: Why is Church forgotten?
lived in church, all my life, still do. been in same house for nearly thirty years and boy have i seen some changes. when i was young church was a thriving community. it had every shop you could imagine. there was also the council offices, across from the commercial, two banks, chemist, dry cleaners, three chippies, fish shop etc could go on and on. plenty of businessess, including the shoddy (cotton mill ) top of grimshaw street which was then called duckworth street. we used to live across the road from it and can still recall the sights and sounds of the place. brings back many happy memories. has kids we would play with the shuttles, cones etc. there was rothwells, masterbar, blythes, woodyard, naylors, emerson and renwick, the foundry etc. unfortunately over the years many have closed and the others have reduced there workforce, which then had a knock on effect of people moving away to find work. also there was big areas of terraced streets that was demolished and as per usual left has empty spaces, which over the years become dumping grounds . there was three schools hyndburn park, church kirk lovely school, crying shame when that was pulled down, and earnest street. our lovely st james church, antely methodist and earnest st baptist church etc. luckily we still have our churches. i don,t include the beautiful church that was pulled down - sacred heart because its on the accrington side of church if you know what i mean. there was a police station and court, before it was made into a car show room, and many lively pubs and clubs. it is such a shame that its now almost a forgotton community. there is lots of scope for church it just needs marketing properly to the business world. there are several smaller businessess on bridge street which are helping with job prospects, but there is plenty more workable alternatives. bring back more retail shops etc in the open lands that are used as garbage grot spots. maybe then church people will pull together and get their pride back in this little hamlet. you would think a big marketing ploy would be the close proximity of ossie mills, why can,t we have something similar on say the spare land on church street where the school once stood, bring back enterprise, people will want to be close to thier employment, attract good community members and the friendly honest neighbours of yesteryear. i for one never have taken the name as hyndburn all my correspondence etc is in church, bring it back were it rightly belongs. 
27-07-2007, 12:06
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Re: Why is Church forgotten?
My Auntie lived in Church for many many years and i have a lot of happy memories from that time. Living in Wales now i dont so much, but whenever i do return i am amazed how much the place has changed.
27-07-2007, 13:13
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Re: Why is Church forgotten?
i well remember the magistates court
it was there it was recomnded my next
school be approved
way back in the late 50s
its just
like i've never been gone
02-08-2007, 16:41
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Re: Why is Church forgotten?
i lived in church a few years ago and hardly any body knew where i was on about
they would say were do u live i would say church and they would go you live in a church
yummy mummy !!!!!!
02-08-2007, 20:58
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Re: Why is Church forgotten?
Originally Posted by kathleen_firth
i lived in church a few years ago and hardly any body knew where i was on about
they would say were do u live i would say church and they would go you live in a church
That happened to me when i came to live in church from ibiza, when my mum asked me where i was living i told her in church and she says if you needed the money you could off told me i could off bought you a plane ticket back home lol poor soul 
03-08-2007, 14:07
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Re: Why is Church forgotten?
Originally Posted by jimlin
I am from out of the area, but I am working on renovating a property in Church, the area inside the Blackburn rd,Henry Street and canal triangle. And I think some of the posters want to be a bit more positive, from what I can see, the propertys are well built , there is a good community spirit and most of the people speak English.
I work in most of the locals towns and there is a lot lot worse and I honestly cannot say that there is much better. ok so there are no big houses where the nobs live! so what. so there is no one looking down there nose at you because they have a bigger house than you.
I work for landlords and the ones I know do not want to rent out to problem tenants, whats the point! If you know of any potential good tenants that want a nice 2 or 3 bed home in the area let me know and I will pass there details on.
One thing I have noticed is that some people look on the back alleys as a dumping ground, even when we are renovating houses we do not put any rubbish in thes public areas.
So come on, dont expect everything to be done for you, do it yourself. if its only picking up a bit of litter or puting some plants and baskets out, it all makes a difference.
we cant make church look nice, anyone puts out hanging baskets or plants a new garden or anything i can guarantee you that the day after it will be all over the road, the children around church have no respect for the community its them thats wrecking the place, not all children just a select few, when they changed the bottom park and made it into a beautiful garden it lasted two days before the trees were pulled out and the flowers were all over the streets.
The top park next door to the library was all done up with brand new equipment and a basketball court, so there is no excuse for the children to say theres nothing for them, instead they prefer to smoke and drink on the corners and wreck the area they live in. people do try but thers no point in making a place better if its just going to be vandalised the day after! its a shame really but until the lil buggers stop then church will just have to be like it is!
03-08-2007, 18:15
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Re: Why is Church forgotten?
Originally Posted by carla d
we cant make church look nice, anyone puts out hanging baskets or plants a new garden or anything i can guarantee you that the day after it will be all over the road, the children around church have no respect for the community its them thats wrecking the place, not all children just a select few, when they changed the bottom park and made it into a beautiful garden it lasted two days before the trees were pulled out and the flowers were all over the streets.
The top park next door to the library was all done up with brand new equipment and a basketball court, so there is no excuse for the children to say theres nothing for them, instead they prefer to smoke and drink on the corners and wreck the area they live in. people do try but thers no point in making a place better if its just going to be vandalised the day after! its a shame really but until the lil buggers stop then church will just have to be like it is!
I agree with carla, the place gets wreck as soon as someone does anythin nice to it.
I lived in canal st in church and i remember when they put the new floor for the kids so they woudnt hurts themselves if the fell, i think it lasted a week before some of the kids started pulling off pieces of it.
I like church cuz its nice and quite but it has changed since i came in 2004 and not for better just for worse 
04-08-2007, 00:48
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Re: Why is Church forgotten?
Originally Posted by mick
Please tell me if i am wrong but i would have thought the decline of Church started when the canal and coke ovens fell into disuse.
walking round the area with Tealeaf there is a lot of old industrial buildings located on the canal and i looks like it was a thriving area back then.
but not comming from this area i am not sure 
it would be interesting to know more though so if anyone know's or can help please post
I was brought up in the Church Area and as far as I can see the heart has long gone because of the new roads and loss of industry. Hyndburn Road was never like it is now when I was growing up on Riding Barn Street but I am afraid that is progress(or so they say). I would have the old Church back anytime, but that isn't going to happen 
21-08-2007, 22:14
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Re: Why is Church forgotten?
I do agree about vandalism. When I was a teen, which is only a few years ago, we used to drink and what have you, but vandalise, no. We knew we had to live here. You only have to look at the recent article about Dill Hall Cemetary to realise the lack of respect this new generation has. I think it's awful that they don't even have enough respect to keep out of the cemetary, never mind break headstones. It's really saddening, my Grandad, Great Uncle and Great Grandma are all buried there and several family friends are too. I'd be so upset I'd probably be forced to go and take the law into my own hands if anything happened to their gravestones. I do feel for the families that have been affected by this. Considering this is just "the tip of the iceberg", I don't really have anything to believe in anymore. It seems odd that a 22 year old would respect the over 40s moreso than his peers, but it doesn't take a genius to figure out why. When I was a child, it was places like Within Grove that people used to look down upon, now it seems several places in Church are worse off nowadays. On talking to a few people I hear the Meadoway estate used to be a place where people queued up to live, because it was one of the nicest, freshest new estates to be built. Now it's just an estate full of drunken, abusive, yobs, with broken glass and dogdirt all over the place. Sounds cliche, but I assure you it's true. It's a shame really.
I say parents need to discipline their kids, if I was out of hand I'd get a hiding and grounding. Do I hate my parents for it? Of course not, I'm glad that I was disciplined and taught to respect people and people's property. I really do think it's the parents faults, if they cannot teach their kids to be decent people then it's only going to get worse. Who else are we to blame? Ourselves? It's a national epidemic that only parents can solve. I know how I'll bring up my kids, if I ever have them. It's just a shame that a lot of people have no control over themselves, never mind their kids... 
21-08-2007, 22:51
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Re: Why is Church forgotten?
You are right Meadoway was a nice area when I lived in Church, I lived just further down on Lincoln Court. How refreshing to hear a young person speaking with so much respect, your parents should be proud of you(and I have no doubt they are). My dad is buried up there and so help me if any scumbag damages his grave there will be six of us after their guts. I really enjoyed reading your comments, wish there were more like you.
22-08-2007, 06:53
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Re: Why is Church forgotten?
i agree wholeheartedly with you infinitus , i lived in church till i got married & it was a great place to be very very friendly people, real sense of community & i had great friends their, who have moved away who still call church home .......fond memories.
Ilove accy, thats why i moved back  but now im up ossy 
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