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Old 23-08-2007, 19:47   #46
Junior Member

Re: Why is Church forgotten?

Originally Posted by jimlin View Post
ok so there are no big houses where the nobs live! so what. so there is no one looking down there nose at you because they have a bigger house than you. ]

thats a bit of a myopic view of things isnt it, surely communities are better when all social groups are included and not into ghettos , either rich or poor

[I work for landlords and the ones I know do not want to rent out to problem tenants, whats the point! If you know of any potential good tenants that want a nice 2 or 3 bed home in the area let me know and I will pass there details on.

So presumably this/these 'distressed' houses you are renovating are supplying an investment income for people who don't live in the immediate local area and as such are depriving local young couples of having the chance to own their first starter home
I wouldnt call it a ghetto, and if young couples can rent a home rather than not having one, whats the problem? its still their home.
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Accrington Web
Old 23-08-2007, 20:23   #47
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K.S.H's Avatar

Re: Why is Church forgotten?

Church was Ok till Joseph Arnolds built that massive warehouse and everything round it went dark
Mez - Nelson square lot pinched it, wasn't me

we used to set fire to it

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Old 31-10-2008, 17:31   #48

Re: Why is Church forgotten?

That stone across from the commercial hotel,was put there to commemorate the old
Church Urban District Council Offices
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Old 06-11-2009, 01:27   #49
Junior Member

Re: Why is Church forgotten?

Ive lived in Church All my Life (Sadly), i am 18 and the reason of which church is now forgotten is because its a degrading place to live with nothing 2 offer. Sure it was once a great place to live, my mother says that all the time, when i say i cant wait to get out of here ! : )
However look at church now ! 4 Pubs 2 shops one of which should totally be closed down with what they sell over the counter, a libaray which was closed down to be turned into some crap that helps women with domestic violence (Thanks for closing the only place we could truely chill) CRAP COUNCIL !!
Church now is full of Drunks, People with no respect for the elders and the community. Over the past YEAR i know of; 1 Drug Raid - 4 House Robberies - Several Attacks of which i know the attackers ! And people who are always in and out of jail. THATS WHY CHURCH IS FORGOTTEN ITS FULL OF PEOPLE WITH NO JOBS AND TAKE DRUGS AND ARE VIOLENT. The only thing church had going for it is the Sports Centre, and still thats sucks.
Also if this isnt bad enough, i was out 2night drinking with some mates, around a bombfire (Were the sweet factory was and there was like 11-12 years drinking and mouthing off). Church Sucks - I Honestly think that out of all 17-19 years olds in church myself and my friends are the only ones to actually go to college and come of with Btecs and Degrees.
The Council needs to get up off their ass and sort it out !
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