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02-02-2018, 12:14
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Re: Accrington Borough Police
I was driving my tanker near Whitchurch Shropshire in about 1972 when i was stopped by a traffic cop.
I wondered what I had done wrong until he asked me if I knew Tommy Sweeting, because he had seen Accrington on the back of the tanker..
I said I knew him pretty well because he drank in the Royal on Meadow street when I did.
The traffic cop was a swimmer for the Shropshire force and swam agains Tommy a few times and wanted to get in touch with him again.
He gave me his address which I gave Tommy next time I saw him in the Royal. He was very pleased, so much so he bought me a pint.
Gremlin R.T.
02-02-2018, 15:24
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Re: Accrington Borough Police
Originally Posted by Bob Dobson
I was privileged to serve with George as a sprog PC. He was a born tutor. Amongst the tips hge gave me was -" always carry 6 pennies in your pocket in case a member of the public comes to you and asks if you have any pennies for the phone" I never met a PC who was smarter than (ex-Guardsman) George - He looked like a bobby should look
He wur a reyt grand chap were George, like tha sed a proper bobby, which is more than a con say abeyut thee, and by the way Dobbo yer bluudy ugly as weel.
Most o them bobby's in Acc were ex military, 6 ft or more, and you treated them with respect, they had earned it. Does ti remember owd Tommy Custard lips, an there was one called Hazlewood, he were always after buyin my working model steam trains, an when a went to Padgate on national service me mam sold em to him, before they'd even gi me a uniform. I never saw any ot money ayther.
10-02-2018, 09:22
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Re: Accrington Borough Police
After reading the remark "6 ft or more", does anyone remember Cyril Burnett? He was a detective inspector I think. A huge guy at least 6ft 4in and around 18 stone. Always wore a greenish raincoat and a trilby. A very nice guy if you didn't get on the wrong side of him.
10-02-2018, 20:59
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Re: Accrington Borough Police
Cyril Burnett was a detective constable in Accrington, having joined Bacup Borough Police just after the war. He was promoted to uniform sgt and transferred to Fleetwood, where he was my next-door neighbour. A lovely chap. He had his finger on the pulse of crime in Acc, mostly working with Det Sgt Vic West, who was a 'short-arse' but master thief-taker. I used to see them walking into the snooker hall under the King's Hall. Cyril died many years ago. His son Fred is in touch with me. He was a telephone engineer after leaving the Grammar School
11-02-2018, 09:20
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Re: Accrington Borough Police
Hi Bob,
I stand to be corrected! Always had the impression he was an Inspector.
The snooker hall under the King's Hall “Bug Hut” was the Central Snooker Club. I played a lot of games there, and even to this day I don’t have any signs of having a “Misspent Youth”.
11-02-2018, 10:51
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Re: Accrington Borough Police
I have seen some photos which may have been of the Accrington Borough Police - but I have my doubts because of the shape of the helmets. If anyone has any photos pre=1947 showing uniformed officers, p-lease would they send it/them to me ( [email protected])
11-02-2018, 11:08
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Re: Accrington Borough Police
Originally Posted by landhusweg
Hi Bob,
I stand to be corrected! Always had the impression he was an Inspector.
The snooker hall under the King's Hall “Bug Hut” was the Central Snooker Club. I played a lot of games there, and even to this day I don’t have any signs of having a “Misspent Youth”.
DS Sargeson used to slam the doors open at the Central, stand at the top of the steps and then start pointing at individuals - no words, but whoever was picked out knew they had to leave and pass by him. Each received a clout around the head and his hands seemed enormous. Fortunately I was never chosen even though I was well under age.
19-03-2018, 22:25
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Re: Accrington Borough Police
Did you know Harold 'Jock' Mclennan (I don't know if that is how his surname is spelled; which is the thing I'm trying to discover). He was living in Glentham, a village north of Lincoln, in the early c1953/4. His wife told a story about having to crawl across Burnley Road during the winter of 1947 to avoid sliding down to Whalley Road, so I assume he was on the Borough Force at that time. I also know Fred Burnett; he was working at Rochdale when I joined P.O. Telephones in 1962, oddly, we had both attended Springhill school.
20-03-2018, 09:20
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Re: Accrington Borough Police
Originally Posted by cyril
Did you know Harold 'Jock' Mclennan (I don't know if that is how his surname is spelled; which is the thing I'm trying to discover). He was living in Glentham, a village north of Lincoln, in the early c1953/4. His wife told a story about having to crawl across Burnley Road during the winter of 1947 to avoid sliding down to Whalley Road, so I assume he was on the Borough Force at that time. I also know Fred Burnett; he was working at Rochdale when I joined P.O. Telephones in 1962, oddly, we had both attended Springhill school.
I cannot find my list of Accrington Borough men. If you email Accrington library( [email protected]), he will know where his copy is. I provided it.
I hear from Fred Burnett frequently., also Alan Heys, another PO engineer. Both attended Accrington Grammar School
20-03-2018, 23:51
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Re: Accrington Borough Police
Thanks for the contact address. I also know Alan. I occasionally got a lift to Rochdale with him when he was installing equipment in the new exchange c1964/5. He had one of those early minis of which the engine became waterlogged in heavy rain. It once happened at Ewood Bridge on the way to work.
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