04-09-2011, 14:38
Rest in Peace
Join Date: Sep 2011
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Re: Accrington_built stationary stem engine maker's plates.
Originally Posted by Retlaw
I served my apprentice ship at Lang Bridges as a Pattern Maker, Langs kept all the patterns for any thing they had ever made, in 4 pattern stores in the factory, many times I had to search the stores for a pattern, to cast a new part for some machine Langs had once built. I never came across any patterns for steam engines, nor have I ever heard of them making any. Somtimes I would be sent to a local factory, to get the numbers off the part that needed to be replaced, Steiners was one of their main customers, went there many times, to check the broken part.
Things started to go down hill at Langs in the early 1950's, I transferred to Bulloughs, and worked there for 5 years.
I served my time as a turner at Langs in the 1950s with Les Powdrill and I had never heard of steam engines,possibly before our time