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Old 09-08-2004, 14:58   #16
God Member
Acrylic-bob's Avatar

Re: Doorway one

Yerself gets the coconut. The whole group of buildings are Stock's Terrace (1890).
There are still some brick built sheds at the back of the terrace where the unutterably fantastic 'Iron Brew' was made. The stuff that Barr's make is like gnats water by comparison. I can remember the stuff in small black bottles with the picture of a blacksmith striking an anvil, it could take the lining off your tongue.

A special consolation coconut to Doug for coming up with one of the best Pub names I have heard for ages 'The Rack and Giblets' It sounds like my kind of place! :engsmil:
Enough is ENOUGH Get Britain out of Europe
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Accrington Web
Old 09-08-2004, 15:08   #17


Re: Doorway one

I was eight years old, I was poor and my dad had left home for clippy. That made me a disadvantage youth. Yeah, so there.

Today I would be allowed a Social Worker who would say there, there don't worry it's not your fault and a state benefit to buy it off the people that stole it in the first place.

Sorry John, lol

I did a lot of things that I’m not proud of, including the stealing of a pig (I was eight). But I was young “once” and undertook many of the evil deeds of childhood!

Let those who are without blame cast the first stone. And before you do, remember, many of us grew up on the same streets…………..
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Old 09-08-2004, 15:13   #18
Full Member

Re: Doorway one

Doorway one should be re-named scary door way one.
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Old 09-08-2004, 16:24   #19
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Re: Doorway one

It looks even worse close up. On a dark day you could almost imagine it as the setting for a Clive Barker novel.
Enough is ENOUGH Get Britain out of Europe
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Old 15-09-2004, 23:00   #20
Senior Member+


Just found this bit more info. re Stocks:

"Stocks mineral water works, providing sarsaparilla, dandelion and burdock and other childhood drinks in stone jars which doubled when empty as hot water bottles, cheaper and just as effective as the real thing"
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Old 16-09-2004, 06:34   #21
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Re: Doorway one

I just knew there were some "Bad'uns" on this site!!!!
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Old 16-09-2004, 07:36   #22
Resident Waffler

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Re: Doorway one

Originally Posted by accyplus
Doorway one I think is on Burnley Road next to Accy garages,and is still occupied................
Good grief!

I remember the shop when it was open and it looked decrepit even then but I just imagined it was an empty property having seen it recently. It certainly doesn't look inhabited. The shop used to fascinate me as it was so old fashioned. Wasn't the door on a sneck?

On the thread wander subject of the stone jars of pop - we used to get them, delivered to the house. Hand back the empties and get new full ones each week, apart from in the winter when empties were saved as foot warmers and hot water bottles by my Gran. I remember tops being held down by a wire contraption on some stone bottles. Or were they all like that? And red rubber washers round the black screw-in tops.

You're right - it did taste much better than the modern stuff. We used to get Iron Brew, Sarsaparilla (how come it was spelt like that but pronouced sassparella?) and Dandelion & Burdock.

Last edited by WillowTheWhisp; 16-09-2004 at 07:37.
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