Originally Posted by Retlaw
Took you long enough. Looks like they had the old steps replaced & gone upmarket by calling it a Mews, Back Jacob St, was its proper name, and had been for 180 years.
Do you want another picture to search for.
Well, as long as not down any alleys again ... risked life and limb there. Chap swinging a walking stick saw me in Jacob Street walking up and down and asked if he could be of help. Thought I may have been a property developer from Marble Arch (isn't that where Ladies of the Night hang out ?) or Saville Row .. Uh ?
Showed him your 'photo and said "Follow me" (down this quiet alley)... gulp .. had to go through the process of explanation first. Came across lady painting at the house down the Mews. Asked me who was asking ... explanation again. Turned the corner ...it's there ! She shouted of the resident saying "He won't let you take a 'photo if he doesn't want you too" Gulp again. Resident emerges ... explanation again. "All reet then .. s'long as I'm not on it". Darts back into house. Grovelling thanks before scurrying off... but they were all OK really.
Did enjoy it though ... felt like I had stepped back in time.