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Old 14-09-2008, 12:07   #16
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Re: moorfield pit disaster

Heres the pics of the Memorial
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Que Sera, Sera
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Old 23-11-2009, 07:38   #17
Junior Member+

Re: moorfield pit disaster

THanks for posting these pictures - I am indebted to you. My Great Grandfather and Great Uncle died in the disaster (aged 37 and 12). I only found this out yesterday. I am 57.
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Old 23-11-2009, 10:09   #18
Junior Member+

Re: moorfield pit disaster

Atarah ; Thanks for your messages - sorry I could not respond - I got a message that the board did not recognise the membership.
No matter. Sorry I should have added to the above posting that the names of my Great Grandfather and Great Uncle were James (37) and Richard Osbaldeston (12). James had a daughter, Mary who was born shortly after his death in 1883 and she was my grandmother. Mary Osbaldeston married Herbert Lightfoot and had two daughters, Kathleen (my mother) and Doris. My mother left the area in 1941 to marry my father (an Aberdonian). My grandparents moved to Blackpool in the 40's and opened a B&B at 35 Shaw Road. If there any Lightfoots or Osbaldeston's out there who might be connected, I am delighted to hear from you - I have quite an extensive family tree on Family Tree, Genealogy and Census Records -

Best wishes

PS Do you know if H Tootle's book is still available ?
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Old 23-11-2009, 20:07   #19
Junior Member+

Re: moorfield pit disaster

I see that Mr Tottle's book is available online from WH Smith and I have ordered it
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Old 02-12-2009, 11:56   #20
Senior Member+

Re: moorfield pit disaster

Hi, Mr Edinburghkiltie, just looking at an old newspaper which mentions your poor ancestors. It states JAMES OSBALDESTON, Well Street, Clayton le Moors: he left a widow and three children, one injured in the explosion. I think the miners who worked there referred to the pit as "Dicky Brig". How very sad, just like the Accrington Pals, it must have affected many families around the Clayton/Accrington area. Your James was buried in our Accrington Cemetery. If you like could always try and find his grave if you dont know its whereabouts.
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Old 02-12-2009, 17:50   #21
Senior Member+

Re: moorfield pit disaster

I am kicking myself that I have supplied a copy of Harry Tootle's book to WH Smith. They do not stock publications from small publishers like me, but are content to order for customers. I won't be supplying any more to bookshops. I have a few left (£6 post free, cheque with order) It is better for me to deal direct with the customer - and quicker for the customer. I repeat what I said earlier - this is a superb book.
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Old 02-12-2009, 20:05   #22
Senior Member+

Re: moorfield pit disaster

Hi Mr "Kiltie" - have just found this amongst my files. On it is your relative Richard, as well as James. Maybe young Richard didnt die straight away (he didnt seem to be in the newspaper I was reading) but died soon after of his injuries? Here is the list anyway ....
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Old 10-12-2009, 23:32   #23
Junior Member+

Re: moorfield pit disaster

Atarah - do you know where this image comes from by any chance ? It is fascinating - Both Richard and James are listed.It also shows James as aged 33 where elsewhere he is listed as 37 interesting.
I shall attempt to attach a picture of James which I found last weekend.
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Old 10-12-2009, 23:39   #24
Junior Member+

Re: moorfield pit disaster

Originally Posted by Atarah View Post
Hi, Mr Edinburghkiltie, just looking at an old newspaper which mentions your poor ancestors. It states JAMES OSBALDESTON, Well Street, Clayton le Moors: he left a widow and three children, one injured in the explosion. I think the miners who worked there referred to the pit as "Dicky Brig". How very sad, just like the Accrington Pals, it must have affected many families around the Clayton/Accrington area. Your James was buried in our Accrington Cemetery. If you like could always try and find his grave if you dont know its whereabouts.
Hi - I'd love to know where the grave is but I read somewhere that it was an unmarked grave - but this may be a mistake.

I also now attach a picture of my great grand mother Sarah who dies in 1911. Within 2 years of 1881 Sarah lost a daughter Martha aged 1 and then James her husband and son Richard (who I was named after)
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Old 10-12-2009, 23:43   #25
Junior Member+

Re: moorfield pit disaster

Originally Posted by Bob Dobson View Post
I am kicking myself that I have supplied a copy of Harry Tootle's book to WH Smith. They do not stock publications from small publishers like me, but are content to order for customers. I won't be supplying any more to bookshops. I have a few left (£6 post free, cheque with order) It is better for me to deal direct with the customer - and quicker for the customer. I repeat what I said earlier - this is a superb book.
I would endorse that statement - it is an exceptional publication to those who have an interest in this event. I sent to my mother (91) in Aberdeen the granddaughter of James who died in the disaster and it has provided her with such interest and excitement to learn of an incident that was never spoken about by her mother (too painful I guess).
warmest regards
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Old 11-12-2009, 03:51   #26
Senior Member+

Re: moorfield pit disaster

I find it "odd" (and sad) that this poor ancestor of yours COULD be in an unmarked grave. I will have a "delve" for you and if find anything, let you know.
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Old 25-09-2010, 14:35   #27
Junior Member

Re: moorfield pit disaster

Originally Posted by Bob Dobson View Post
I am kicking myself that I have supplied a copy of Harry Tootle's book to WH Smith. They do not stock publications from small publishers like me, but are content to order for customers. I won't be supplying any more to bookshops. I have a few left (£6 post free, cheque with order) It is better for me to deal direct with the customer - and quicker for the customer. I repeat what I said earlier - this is a superb book.
Hi Bob, I have only just come across this site and wonder if you have any copies of Harry's book left, I live in Preston and my great granddad, Henry Walter Coles, was killed in the accident. I can let you have a cheque as soon as if you let me know your address. Many thanks.
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Old 25-09-2010, 15:49   #28
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Re: moorfield pit disaster

I have responded off-site to Colesy.
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Old 04-02-2011, 23:50   #29

Re: moorfield pit disaster

There is still a listing of the Men and Boys that died in the disaster in The Greyhound pub. It is a framed listing, a bit liked the one posted on here, located next to the ladies loo entrance.
I have done a bit of research on this as Thomas Hamriding was one of my ancestors and was also killed leaving behind a young family. Seeing as I live very near to the site and the mentioned pub, I did some reading. It is a very sad story as fathers and sons perished together and the bodies were taken down to The Greyhound in the aftermath. The landlord at the time was the son of the pit manager who died in the disaster. He too comes to a sad end as a few years after the incident he hung himself in the bar. I can't quite remember right now where I found that story but I believe it was published in The Accrington Observer. I am sure I probably found it online and when I find it again I will upload the link.
Bob, do you have any copies of the mentioned book left? I would dearly love to own one and will forward a cheque and my address asap. Thanks
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Old 04-02-2011, 23:56   #30

Re: moorfield pit disaster

Thirteen children among 68 killed in pit disaster | Accrington Observer -
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