Having a keen interest of Arden Hall / Plantation Road area, late last week, two large concrete dia drainage pipes were dropped off, along with a pile of stone at the very top of Plantation Rd, next to the old stone culvert were Pleck Brook flows under. "Whats going on" i wondered?
Late yesterday, found out that over £30,000 was allocated for this job. "What job" nobody knew.
Been up this evening,found that the road was blocked off,along with walking access, the complete length of the culvert ripped out, along with at lease 3 mature trees, with stones and rubble left like a bomb site.
This beautiful stone culvert, at least 150 years old, if not more, ripped out in less than a day.
I known that one side of the culvert was unsafe and needed work, so why was the money not better spent on a local stonemason, that would have given him,or her, 9 -12 months work and brought it back to its former glory?