19-10-2009, 22:11
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Re: New Puzzle for Katex.
Originally Posted by katex
Folds ?? No idea how many and what it means ..sure you are going to tell me, and seriously would love to know. Not googled at all .. perhaps it was summat like an encapsuled place in a bubble or dip in the landscape ?
A fold was a place of refuge from invaders, the last one to disappear was Broad Oak Fold. Before it was demolished for the present Legoland, all the houses only had widows facing the inner yard, in the form of a square and a big gate, every one including cattle would dash inside close the gate.
The Scots were the main culprits.
Not going to say any more as I might put some pictures up of Folds.
New one please. 
Gotta' give this to Gayle though .. she found it first, after that was easy.