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Old 10-11-2014, 09:01   #31
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Re: old st peters school crown street

Originally Posted by JCB View Post
Wyn , you can probably remember a priest who was at St. Peter's a million years ago .

I can picture him walking down Willows Lane to the school in his cassock and wearing a biretta . More Catholic than the Pope .

I pass it sometimes on my way up from town . I see Peter Crook , I think that's his name , going into the church . He used to live in Willows Lane near the top of Ormerod Street . When I was living up Fern Gore I would often have to go down the lane to Ingham's butchers and Whittaker's confectioner's . Peter's mum would be outside their front camping . Come back in two hours , and she would still be there camping .

Days when people had time and were not caught up in the frenzied rush of our 21st century life .

Peter is a member on here, He was at St Peters with me. Lets hope he responds. Last time I saw Peter was about 20 year ago in the Royal on Blackburn Rd.
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Old 10-11-2014, 16:03   #32
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Re: old st peters school crown street

Originally Posted by JCB View Post
Wyn , you can probably remember a priest who was at St. Peter's a million years ago .

I can picture him walking down Willows Lane to the school in his cassock and wearing a biretta . More Catholic than the Pope .

I pass it sometimes on my way up from town . I see Peter Crook , I think that's his name , going into the church . He used to live in Willows Lane near the top of Ormerod Street . When I was living up Fern Gore I would often have to go down the lane to Ingham's butchers and Whittaker's confectioner's . Peter's mum would be outside their front camping . Come back in two hours , and she would still be there camping .

Days when people had time and were not caught up in the frenzied rush of our 21st century life .
Yep, I still see Peter up the Stanley from time to time. The priest you remember was probably Eric Franklin who was there in the late 50's/early 60's. St Peter's always was High Church back in the day (or "smells and bells" as some folk like to put it!).
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Old 22-04-2021, 15:02   #33
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Re: old st peters school crown street

I am sorry to be so late at joining this thread but on my school report, when I was in Miss Briggs class, it stated "Peter's work is satisfactory but he does tend to be slow". Anyway to answer a few of the queries St. Peter's Church is still open for worship however the rear half of the church is leased of to SureStart to be used as a nursery; I think that the priest you used to see going down to school in cassock and biretta could possibly have been Glynn Jackson as Eric Franklin didn't tend to go out with his biretta on; the Institute was sold off many years ago to an Asian group called HUDA although it seems to used as family house now.Terry Murnane who was a assistant Curate at St. Peter's got the position as vicar of St. Thomas', Musberry and St. James, Haslingden but sadly died after being there only a short time.
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Old 03-07-2021, 00:45   #34
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Re: old st peters school crown street

Originally Posted by davidf View Post
I think that St Peter's Institute was a building mainly fronting Richmond Street, but also at the corner of Higher Antley Street. It was on the left hand side facing up Richmond Street.
that was the Women's institute, my grandma used to go there.
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Old 03-07-2021, 00:48   #35
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Smile Re: old st peters school crown street

Originally Posted by JCB View Post
Would that be Len's chip shop on Ranger Street ?

One of the best .
it was Len's chip shop and it was on Eden Street across from the old St. Peters School, I used to go to Sunday School there in the 50s. my gran used to live across the street from Len's on Ranger Street, it has since been pulled down.
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Old 18-07-2021, 09:08   #36
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Re: old st peters school crown street

The Institute was used by the Mother's Union for its meetings and they used to hold afternoon teas there, upstairs there was 1 full size snooker table and one three quater size snooker table.
Yes Len's chip shop was at the corner of Ranger Street and Eden Street and at the top of that row Lena Whittaker had the grocer's shop and as you say all demolished now.
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