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Old 05-01-2010, 13:35   #1
Senior Member+

Peel Park celebrates 100 years this year

Peel Park is 100 years old this year. Perhaps we have some ex pupils with their memories?

My great grandfather WILLIAM HINDLE was supposed to be the stonemason (working for Cunliffe's) who carved the "BOYS" sign over the boys school door, nearest to Manor Street. Whether true or not I will never know, just a family tale.
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Old 05-01-2010, 17:27   #2

Re: Peel Park celebrates 100 years this year

i remember the main hall had faces round the hall most were victorian
i left in 1963 to go to woodnook school the headmaster was mr hinchcliff
but rest of the teachers i can not remember
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Old 05-01-2010, 18:22   #3
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Re: Peel Park celebrates 100 years this year

I remember if we had been "bad" (i.e. if the teachers thought we had been "bad") we were made to STAND ON THE LINE, during our break times. THE LINE was just a crack down the centre of the hall floor, if I remember correctly! All the kids used to come and mock us. And ... I remember being hit over the knuckles by Miss Penlington (?) because I couldnt grasp how to do the letter "S" in joining up writing! Horrible teachers!
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Old 19-02-2010, 13:47   #4
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Re: Peel Park celebrates 100 years this year

Headmaster was Hinchcliffe who used to live in a cottage at the top of Sandy lane. There was a Miss Butterworth who was deputy head and John Heaton who taught us in mid school. Then there was a Mr Gough (Goff?) a sports teacher who held lunchtime cricket sessions on Stanley's car park (club was still at Peel Park).
Last but not least , there was 'Gleavo' who took us in class 1 and steered us towards the 11+ exam. A strict disciplinarian, he had a table tennis bat (know as the Wangee, if I remember correctly) to whack those who got out of line. He also gave us an early introduction to the mysteries of calculus for which I never ever forgave him.
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Old 20-02-2010, 13:50   #5
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Re: Peel Park celebrates 100 years this year

I was there from '69 to '73 and rememeber Mr Hichcliffe retiring - they got him a big green lawnmower. Mr Paris took over as head. Other teachers of the day were Mrs Clarke, Mrs Virtue, Miss McCarthy, Mrs Phillips and Mr Rawlinson. I know there were more but the grey cells ain't working too well this morning.
One lasting memory was singing hymes from the large song sheets hanging on the wall. "O Jesus I have promised" was always a fave!

Both my sone went there too in the 90's!
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Last edited by MovedtoBolton; 20-02-2010 at 13:54.
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Old 06-04-2010, 13:09   #6
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Re: Peel Park celebrates 100 years this year

I was there around 1964 to 66. Mr Heaton was one of my teachers - he was really nice, and Mr. Gleave was indeed a disciplinarian. I received the bat on the fanny from him for not having my science notes ready for him to check. But he was quite nice, really. One thing I do remember not-so-fondly was his reaction when I told him I was leaving in April to go to Canada. "YOU want to go to Canada?!!!" he said, as if I wasn't good enough to go. He was probably joking, but it stung me at the time LOL
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Old 06-04-2010, 19:24   #7
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Re: Peel Park celebrates 100 years this year

If a schoolmaster in today's schools hit a girl on the fanny there's not a ha'poth o doubt he would be locked up. !!!!!
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Old 04-05-2010, 11:04   #8
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Re: Peel Park celebrates 100 years this year

They are asking for ideas and memorabilia on the school's website. There is to be an open morning on Saturday July 10th.
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Old 04-05-2010, 20:04   #9
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Re: Peel Park celebrates 100 years this year

Originally Posted by rosegrove View Post
i remember the main hall had faces round the hall most were victorian
i left in 1963 to go to woodnook school the headmaster was mr hinchcliff
but rest of the teachers i can not remember
Miss Butterworth, Mr Gleave, Miss Kay (later married and became Mrs Phillips) Mrs Shaw, Mr Heaton.......alas I can't remember any more.
This was from the 1954-1958 era.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Last edited by Margaret Pilkington; 04-05-2010 at 20:07.
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Old 10-07-2010, 18:57   #10
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Re: Peel Park celebrates 100 years this year

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Miss Butterworth, Mr Gleave, Miss Kay (later married and became Mrs Phillips) Mrs Shaw, Mr Heaton.......alas I can't remember any more.
This was from the 1954-1958 era.
Went to this today ... was absolutely terrific ... what a good show Peel Park put on.

Picked up one or two class 'photos of mine I didn't have. Spent ages chatting to the very few people I knew. 'Course went over years up to 2000 so not all aimed at my era. Wished I could have stayed a little longer to look through the log books/registers etc .. nearly got thrown out.

Balbus... where were you !?! Had a query on the name of a pupil in our year which you may have been able to answer.

Could go on and on, but would probably bore other people into rigamortis.

Haha ... somebody reminded me of the crack that ran the whole length of the Junior school hall, and when you had been naughty .. had to stand on it for a while for all to see.

Merit badge to Peel Park ...
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Old 10-07-2010, 19:09   #11
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Re: Peel Park celebrates 100 years this year

Yes Kate.....I remember that crack down the main hall......and when you were pnished it was called 'Standing on the line'.

I am not big on the reunion thing, I always think that folk have aged better than me(how sad is that), but anyway with my little blister being over from Oz it would not have been possible to attend.
Glad you enjoyed it though.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 10-07-2010, 20:51   #12
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Re: Peel Park celebrates 100 years this year

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post

I am not big on the reunion thing, I always think that folk have aged better than me(how sad is that), but anyway with my little blister being over from Oz it would not have been possible to attend.
Glad you enjoyed it though.
It is sad, cos it aint true, ya aint too bad at all fer yer age.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 11-07-2010, 08:49   #13
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Re: Peel Park celebrates 100 years this year

Thanks old shmoozer you
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 11-07-2010, 14:03   #14
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Re: Peel Park celebrates 100 years this year

Whoops sorry Atarah .. just noticed you told the story of the line earlier on ... must pay more attention.

One lady there that was helping thought it may be a good suggestion to maybe have a day where past pupils could perhaps come again just to look at the records .. don't know whether this would come about ...hope so.
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Old 26-07-2010, 16:48   #15
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Re: Peel Park celebrates 100 years this year

Originally Posted by katex View Post
Went to this today ... was absolutely terrific ... what a good show Peel Park put on.

Picked up one or two class 'photos of mine I didn't have. Spent ages chatting to the very few people I knew. 'Course went over years up to 2000 so not all aimed at my era. Wished I could have stayed a little longer to look through the log books/registers etc .. nearly got thrown out.

Balbus... where were you !?! Had a query on the name of a pupil in our year which you may have been able to answer.

Could go on and on, but would probably bore other people into rigamortis.

Haha ... somebody reminded me of the crack that ran the whole length of the Junior school hall, and when you had been naughty .. had to stand on it for a while for all to see.

Merit badge to Peel Park ...
I was there. It was impressive, and the old building has survived well. Didn't recognise many people though. Perhaps the building has survived better than we have. Went over to Peel Park Hotel afterwards to arrange an informal get together for the day of the centenary - Tuesday August 24th - 18.30 onwards. Perhaps see you there. People have been asked to bring any mementoes with them.
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