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Old 08-02-2012, 20:19   #16
I am Banned

Re: Pineapple pub?

Originally Posted by susie123 View Post
That is true Cashy, amazing how many pubs there must have been way back
Quite a lot.
In the block staring at Adelaide St, to Plantation St, from Abbey St, to Cobham Rd.
There were the 12 places to get plastered.
Swan Inn Abbey St,
Kings Arms Lee St,
Gardeners Arms Chapel St,
Oak Tree Inn Abbey St,
Red Lion Abbey St,
Peels Arms Birtwistle St,
Pine Apple Elephant St,
Prince of Wales Higher Pitt St,
Royal Oak Plantation St,
St Ledger Plantation St,
Weavers Arms Abbey St.
Welcome Inn Elephant St,
Two church's Wesley & New Jerusalem, more supped than prayed.

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Old 08-02-2012, 20:43   #17
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Re: Pineapple pub?

Great stuff Walter, cheers!
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Old 09-02-2012, 00:37   #18
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Re: Pineapple pub?

I have no reference books to assist me, but have not heard of the Peel's Arms on Birtwistle St. , where there was a Colliers Arms at one time.(certainly 1951) Perhaps name changes occured, though I doubt it, as they were not common in the 19th century. This reinforces my thought that a detailed study is required of Accrington pub names & locations. There was a Peel Arms on Burnley Rd at its junction with Whalley d.
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Old 09-02-2012, 16:27   #19
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Re: Pineapple pub?

This is getting silly! just found this on a website about closed pubs Elephant Inn, Accrington - another lost pub

The Elephant Inn was situated on Elephant Street. Closed in 1966 due to its location in a redevelopment area.
Source: Max Taylor

Now either there were three pubs on Elephant Street or this is one of the other two by another name - or Max Taylor who submitted this is totally mistaken. The website also mentions the Welcome Inn with no closure date listed, but not the Pineapple.

According to a listing in the London Gazette for 1973 copied below, Elephant Street was only 150 feet long. Three pubs in that length would not be bad going!

Bob you might find the lost pubs site useful to check your thoughts in your last post.

Notice of applications to stop up certain highways under
section 108 and the 12th Schedule to the Highways
Act 1959.

Application I
Those parts of the highway known as Higher Pitt Street,
Accrington, the one 162 feet and the other 102 feet in
length ex-tending respectively from Plantation Street to
Birtwistle Street and from Higher Pitt Street aforesaid to
the common yard formerly serving the dwelling houses 13-
27 Birtwistle Street shown on the said plan and coloured
green thereon.
Application II
The highway known as Elephant Street, Accrington,
150 feet in length extending from Plantation Street to
Birtwistle Street shown on the said plan and coloured
yellow thereon.

Application III
The highway or back street lying behind Elephant Street
and Law Street 147 feet in length extending from Plantation
Street to Birtwistle Street shown on the said plan
and coloured blue thereon.
Application IV
(a) The highway known as Law Street, Accrington, 144
feet in length extending from Plantation Street to
Birtwistle Street shown on the said plan and coloured
red thereon ;
(&) The highway known as Agnes Street, Accringtpn,
extending from Law Street in a north-easterly direction
for a distance of 72 feet shown on the said plan
and also coloured red thereon ;
(c) The highway or back street lying behind Law Street
98 feet in length and extending from Plantation Street
ito Agnes Street shown on the said plan and also
coloured red thereon.
Dated 14th February 1973.
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Old 09-02-2012, 19:02   #20
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Re: Pineapple pub?

My cousiin was pleased that I had located the Pineapple for her and told me a bit more about the family. It was her great grandfather who had the pub, she thinks he was called John, but it would have been later than the John Tattersall who was living in Elephant street in 1851, see post 12. That John had six sons one of whom might have been publican John's father.

According to my cousin's father the publican ran off with the takings and ended up in St Louis USA. His wife Alice had two letters from him which were found among her things when she died. One was written on the ship, the other from St Louis. She never saw him again and was left with two children, a boy of 12 and a girl of ten. The boy Robert was married in 1890 and born late 1860s so the publican's flight to America must have been about late 1870s/1880.

Fascinating, if true, but you never know with these family stories!
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Old 09-02-2012, 19:55   #21
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Re: Pineapple pub?

Originally Posted by Bob Dobson View Post
I have no reference books to assist me, but have not heard of the Peel's Arms on Birtwistle St. , where there was a Colliers Arms at one time.(certainly 1951) Perhaps name changes occured, though I doubt it, as they were not common in the 19th century. This reinforces my thought that a detailed study is required of Accrington pub names & locations. There was a Peel Arms on Burnley Rd at its junction with Whalley d.
You know quite well that all the names of old pubs & ale houses has already been done, your just piqued because you don't have a copy of it.
Just do what I did go through all the old newspapers,
journals, council minutes, census returns, etc.
The Peels Arms was in Birtwistle St, the site is now covered by the new housing. Nowt to do with the Peel Arms. The Colliers Arms was at 31 Birtwistle St.
Why you doubt names changes beats me, many name changes have occurred over the past 150 years.


Last edited by Retlaw; 09-02-2012 at 20:00.
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Old 09-02-2012, 19:57   #22
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Re: Pineapple pub?

The info is wrong susie. There was "NO" "Elephant Inn" On Elephant St in 1966 or from 1962 even, cos i was supping underage in the Welcome Inn, from then.Plus from 1964-66 I was living on Birtwistle St, corner of Elephant St at "Black Annies" Lodging House. Its n error in the book.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 09-02-2012, 20:07   #23
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Re: Pineapple pub?

[quote=susie123;969217]This is getting silly! just found this on a website about closed pubs Elephant Inn, Accrington - another lost pub

The Elephant Inn was situated on Elephant Street. Closed in 1966 due to its location in a redevelopment area.
Source: Max Taylor
Thats what you get when you believe all that appears on the internet.
There were only two pubs in Elephant St, I lived in Hargreaves St in the 1930's which is not very far from where Elephant St was. A member of the Accrington Pals lived on that street next to the ginnal that led thro to Higher Pitt St.
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Old 09-02-2012, 21:26   #24
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Re: Pineapple pub?

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
The info is wrong susie. There was "NO" "Elephant Inn" On Elephant St in 1966 or from 1962 even, cos i was supping underage in the Welcome Inn, from then.Plus from 1964-66 I was living on Birtwistle St, corner of Elephant St at "Black Annies" Lodging House. Its n error in the book.
Originally Posted by Retlaw View Post
Thats what you get when you believe all that appears on the internet.
There were only two pubs in Elephant St, I lived in Hargreaves St in the 1930's which is not very far from where Elephant St was. A member of the Accrington Pals lived on that street next to the ginnal that led thro to Higher Pitt St.
Thanks Cashman and Walter, thought it must be wrong, good to have it confirmed by local residents.

By the way Cashy the info was on a website not in a book.
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Old 09-02-2012, 22:13   #25
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Re: Pineapple pub?

Sorry susie, same difference though, anyone can put out on either.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 09-02-2012, 22:31   #26
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Re: Pineapple pub?

When someone is writing a book I would hope that they research well, check facts and edit/proofread thoroughly. A book can stay around for a long time. Websites, being more ephemeral, tend not to receive the same attention to detail, sad to say.
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Old 09-02-2012, 23:07   #27
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Re: Pineapple pub?

Hope they research well n actually doin so are 2 different things susie, as i'm sure retlaw can attest to.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 09-02-2012, 23:12   #28
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Re: Pineapple pub?

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
Hope they research well n actually doin so are 2 different things susie, as i'm sure retlaw can attest to.
Used to be a researcher, got to stick up for em!
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Old 09-02-2012, 23:15   #29
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Re: Pineapple pub?

Originally Posted by susie123 View Post
Used to be a researcher, got to stick up for em!
Its no different than any job.Good n Bad in all fields.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 09-02-2012, 23:45   #30
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Re: Pineapple pub?

Originally Posted by susie123 View Post
When someone is writing a book I would hope that they research well, check facts and edit/proofread thoroughly. A book can stay around for a long time. Websites, being more ephemeral, tend not to receive the same attention to detail, sad to say.
Trouble is some people just rely on other folks work, add a few embelishmets, then pass it off as there own work.
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