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04-03-2009, 08:00
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Re: The area I grew up in. Woodnook
Hi, Issac lived on the row lower down than the picture I have recently shown of Daisy Hill. He lived a couple of houses below where the postbox is in the wall, corner of Manc Road and Christ Church Street. He is STILL living in the area. I remember Issac BEING IN CHRIST CHURCH CHOIR!
The photo which Retlaw has posted showing the group of people. This is a photo of the laying of the foundation stone of the Fire Station. My great uncle George Hindle is on it! He is the one standing to the left of the actual foundation stone (neXt to two upright pieces of wood). He was a stone mason for Cunliffe's the builders (thE foundation stone can still be seen by the entrance to the "Courts" on Manc Road)
04-03-2009, 08:06
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The area I grew up in. Woodnook
Although this is an old view, it does show The Wesley church. This was the one across from the Police Station on Spring Gardens and on the corner of Manc Road. I remember as a kid, they ran a "holiday club" from the church premises. Every Friday night I had a little job to do for my gran - taking the club card and the money to The Wesley! The other church which was across the way, also a car park area now, was The New Jerusalem, which you can just see on this photograph.
04-03-2009, 10:01
Coffin Dodger.
Re: The area I grew up in. Woodnook
thanks atarah, the name had completely slipped my mind, do you remember the caravan, which was tucked away around the back end of the church? a couple of blokes i knew used to kip in it, one sadly croaked about 3 weeks ago.
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04-03-2009, 10:42
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Re: The area I grew up in. Woodnook
Originally Posted by Atarah
Hi, Issac lived on the row lower down than the picture I have recently shown of Daisy Hill. He lived a couple of houses below where the postbox is in the wall, corner of Manc Road and Christ Church Street. He is STILL living in the area. I remember Issac BEING IN CHRIST CHURCH CHOIR!
That's right, remember going round to his gaff a couple of times. The thought of Isaac as a choirboy is mindboggling!! 
04-03-2009, 11:24
Coffin Dodger.
Re: The area I grew up in. Woodnook
Originally Posted by Atarah
Hi, Issac lived on the row lower down than the picture I have recently shown of Daisy Hill. He lived a couple of houses below where the postbox is in the wall, corner of Manc Road and Christ Church Street. He is STILL living in the area. I remember Issac BEING IN CHRIST CHURCH CHOIR!
The photo which Retlaw has posted showing the group of people. This is a photo of the laying of the foundation stone of the Fire Station. My great uncle George Hindle is on it! He is the one standing to the left of the actual foundation stone (neXt to two upright pieces of wood). He was a stone mason for Cunliffe's the builders (thE foundation stone can still be seen by the entrance to the "Courts" on Manc Road)
he was living on wellington street, before the pop club about 18 months ago, cos i was talking to him at his door. 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
04-03-2009, 12:18
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Re: The area I grew up in. Woodnook
Originally Posted by Mancie
The photo looks older than 1964 retlaw.. I moved to Hudson St at the top of South St in 1968 and Nuttal Street didn't look like that.
It was taken in 1964, I have aalways written the date on photo when I developed them and took them out of the dryer. Those properties were demolished in 1966.
Look at the picture of the Star Inn that was 1966.
04-03-2009, 12:34
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Re: The area I grew up in. Woodnook
This is a picture of the old Wesleyan Chapel, the site where the Fire Station was to be is on the left. The two black things at the top of the picture, are the over head supports for the electric tram wires.
04-03-2009, 12:46
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Re: The area I grew up in. Woodnook
Another picture of Nuttall St in 1964.
04-03-2009, 13:04
Coffin Dodger.
Re: The area I grew up in. Woodnook
Originally Posted by Retlaw
It was taken in 1964, I have aalways written the date on photo when I developed them and took them out of the dryer. Those properties were demolished in 1966.
Look at the picture of the Star Inn that was 1966.
wasn't sure of the year, but i remember em still there in the 60s, started going in the Star around 63 so they were there mancie. 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
04-03-2009, 13:32
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Re: The area I grew up in. Woodnook
Remembering more ....... on Nuttall Street, on the block facing the Star Inn, was an Off Licence, we used to call them "selling out shops", owned by the McCartney family. I remember a daughter being called Janet. I used to go to Christ Church, no I will rephrase that, I "had" to go to Christ Church, we were made to do in those days. Even I was in the choir!!! Tee hee. Had to go twice a day, morning service and evening service. T'was the Rev. Wenter in those days. The Sunday School was in Belfield Road, St Marys.
04-03-2009, 13:44
Beacon of light
Re: The area I grew up in. Woodnook
I grew up on Riley's Hill...went to the Wesley Methodist Church and sunday school.......can remember many of the places being talked about..... a lot of them were where we played out.
I remember Rev Wenter, and the Mc Cartney family......my dear old Gran used to come over from Sheffield and would stop off to have a glass of beer in the Star....and another on in the Britt....and was half kettled by the time she got to our house.
Ma still lives on Riley's Hill.
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04-03-2009, 13:57
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Re: The area I grew up in. Woodnook
Originally Posted by Atarah
we used to call them "selling out shops"
I remember when we called them that! There was one just round the corner from us in Willows Lane, owned by Mr and Mrs Britcliffe. They had a young son called Peter...wonder whatever happened to him? 
04-03-2009, 14:24
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The area I grew up in. Woodnook
Here is a photo, just before demolition, of the old Sunday School we have mentioned - Woodnook St Mary's.
All I have in my head is an old old school room, with big old "joined" desks around 3 sides of the room, leaving the centre free for the teacher to walk infront of you (and probably scare you to death!)
04-03-2009, 18:05
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Re: The area I grew up in. Woodnook
Atarah, are you getting mixed up between Christ Church School Hall and Woodnook St Marys School? The picture you show is as you say Woodnook St Marys, this was my junior school, but i'm pretty sure it was'nt used as a Sunday School, but the Church Hall next to Christ Church itself was, it was also used for Scouts/cubs too. Its now flats.
I wonder if anyone recalls the disabled man called Fred, who used to live in the house on Clement Street straight opposite Woodnook St Marys, he used to come across to the school and shake hands through the railings....and a damned strong grip he had too!, its the house that you can just see the corner of in your photo Atarah!
Best Regards - Taggy
04-03-2009, 18:33
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Re: The area I grew up in. Woodnook
Originally Posted by Atarah
Hi Retlaw, thanks for photo of when The Star was just about to be demolished. Arrgh, brought back lovely memories of my childhood. The shop at the opposite end to the pub was last owned by a Mr Cooper if I remember correctly. I remember as a kid going down past the side of his shop, it led you to Grange Street. On the corner of this street was Tommy Murray's butchers. Many a time over the years I have wished for that shop to be back!
The before and after views of Welly Bob Street are sad to see, I much prefer the "before" view, even though well before my time. Anyone remember "before" The Poplar Working Mens club was built? I seem to recall rather a nice house, the front of the house NOT on the street side, and an elderly lady who went to Christ Church Street living there??????
I recall Tommy Murrays butchers...best butcher in town. Always remember him giving the Chickens feet to us kids so we could pull the tendon and make the feet open and close!!
I also remember the lovely old house where the extension was built for the Pop club. It got rented out for a while after the old lady died but was'nt looked after properly and went downhill and was then demolished. Before the Pop club extension was built, this area was left as "spare ground" for a few years and we used to hold our Bonfire Nights there. The Pop club was always there prior to the extension being built but just consisted of a couple of terrace houses knocked through. I remember going on one of there Summer Trips to Southport! I used to live on Royds Street then, from being born in 1957 till 1987!
Best Regards - Taggy
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