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Old 17-01-2013, 18:57   #151
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Re: Update on Accrington Conservative Club

It may take a lot to save it but its like the rest thats may be had its day.
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Old 18-01-2013, 04:39   #152
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Re: Update on Accrington Conservative Club

Originally Posted by Ewoodsambo3 View Post
Of course I have been in! But not with my new camera.
I am going in this weekend with some professional urban explorers/photographers and also a lady who used to work there. I will upload the photos after I have visited this weekend.
(P.S its not kids who I am going with, they are all over 40.
I posted a forum on Derelict Places and got a few replies asking how to get in legally and then we arranged a visit.)
You are more than welcome to come along to have a nosey and take some pictures - As long as you do not damage or steal from the building then it is legal*
*You cannot be arrested for trespass in ENGLAND (unless you cause damage, steal or break an entry). Please see the following links about the law on trespass in ENGLAND:
Trespass Law
Derelict Places - Trespass & The Law
Naturenet: English Common Law
Young Sam.
Why do you keep quoting the Trespass Law. ?
You have said in the past that you know the owner and he is a very nice man.
Also you have been in the building with his consent therfore you are not trespassing in the sense of the word.
You say, I am going in this weekend with some professional urban explorers/photographers and also a lady who used to work there. Who have you arranged the visit with.
Who is in charge of the visit and who is in charge of the health and safety of the visit. ?
What facilities have you got and what arrangements have you made in case of an emergency. ?
Have all the Emergency services been made aware of your plans. ?
Do I take it that these people are being escorted by yourself as they are your guests. ?
Have you written consent that allows you to escort and supervise these people through a derelict building from the owner.?
Have you done a risk assesment on the route and the parts of the building you are going into and parts of the building that could have an effect of your presence there.?
Have you all the correct safety equipment for you and your guest including High Visability clothing and hard hats. ?
Have you a specific route planned and are all your guests fully aware of the designated walking route that they must travel.?
Have you made sure that they have signed and that they understand all the dangers and all the implications of not following the designated walking route. ?
IF ALL OF THIS IS a little bit over your head. ?
take a few minutes to digest what I have told you in other post of this thread.
You WILL be putting youself and other people into a dangerous situation.
As an Holder of IOSH and NEBOSH. ( I suppose these Abbreviations are way above your head as well.)
I may have a look around the area at the weekend.
KEEP away you stupid young man.
If anything happens to any of your guest.
You could be held responsible and all of your postings regarding you entering this building could be and may be used against you.
Let it go and stop being so daft before its too late.
If you do not have permission to be in/on the property then you are Trespassing.
It is nothing to do with damage or stealing.
An individual who has been found trespassing can be legally ejected from the property, providing that the amount of force used to do so is deemed by the courts to be reasonable.
Wynonie Harris and jaysay like this.

Last edited by Mick; 18-01-2013 at 06:31. Reason: tidy up post
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Old 18-01-2013, 07:21   #153
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Re: Update on Accrington Conservative Club

Originally Posted by Ewoodsambo3 View Post
Now go live your life how you want - go get wasted!
From what I gather they meet once a week, in the afternoon for a drink in the railway. It has become a sorta tradition for them. It goes back years of accyweb history. This heritage is more interesting than the conservative club.

Also. When I met Less briefly last year, he didn't appear to me to be an alcoholic, and I doubt he spends all his time "getting wasted"

Of course. I would be interested to see the photos, thats if you don't commit some kind of stupid ritualistic sacrifice to this building. Oh and please take photographs of the team of urban explorers/photographers and the lady that used to work there, otherwise these people do not exist.

You could just take the advice offered in this thread and stay away, or at least admire it from a safe distance.
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Old 18-01-2013, 07:26   #154
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Re: Update on Accrington Conservative Club

Also. When I met Less briefly last year, he didn't appear to me to be an alcoholic, and I doubt he spends all his time "getting wasted"
only because he cant afford too

And i dont call 3 or 4 pints on a friday or/and sat getting wasted
just a nice quiet drink talking about any new idiots that have joined the site

Last edited by Mick; 18-01-2013 at 07:31.
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Old 18-01-2013, 08:09   #155
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Update on Accrington Conservative Club

Originally Posted by Mick View Post
only because he cant afford too

And i dont call 3 or 4 pints on a friday or/and sat getting wasted
just a nice quiet drink talking about any new idiots that have joined the site
Originally Posted by Mick View Post
only because he cant afford too

And i dont call 3 or 4 pints on a friday or/and sat getting wasted
just a nice quiet drink talking about any new idiots that have joined the site
Good grief, it's just gone 8 in the morning and I'm seeing double, I MUST be wasted!
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Old 18-01-2013, 09:15   #156
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Re: Update on Accrington Conservative Club

Originally Posted by Mick View Post
only because he cant afford too

And i don't call 3 or 4 pints on a friday or/and sat getting wasted
just a nice quiet drink talking about any new idiots that have joined the site
Doubt if there will be enough time only meeting Friday and Saturday for that Mick
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Old 18-01-2013, 10:15   #157
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Re: Update on Accrington Conservative Club

Originally Posted by Restless View Post
From what I gather they meet once a week, in the afternoon for a drink in the railway. It has become a sorta tradition for them. It goes back years of accyweb history. This heritage is more interesting than the conservative club.

Also. When I met Less briefly last year, he didn't appear to me to be an alcoholic, and I doubt he spends all his time "getting wasted"

Of course. I would be interested to see the photos, thats if you don't commit some kind of stupid ritualistic sacrifice to this building. Oh and please take photographs of the team of urban explorers/photographers and the lady that used to work there, otherwise these people do not exist.

You could just take the advice offered in this thread and stay away, or at least admire it from a safe distance.
Sam, if you won't listen to the advice of us oldies then perhaps you will pay heed to Restless who at 34 is a lot closer to you in age. Read his post and think about it.
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Let sleeping polar bears lie...
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Old 18-01-2013, 10:16   #158
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Re: Update on Accrington Conservative Club

Originally Posted by Restless View Post
From what I gather they meet once a week, in the afternoon for a drink in the railway. It has become a sorta tradition for them. It goes back years of accyweb history. This heritage is more interesting than the conservative club.
I like to think of Less, Mick and co getting listed status!
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Let sleeping polar bears lie...
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Old 18-01-2013, 10:21   #159
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Update on Accrington Conservative Club

Originally Posted by susie123 View Post
Sam, if you won't listen to the advice of us oldies then perhaps you will pay heed to Restless who at 34 is a lot closer to you in age. Read his post and think about it.
Perhaps not just in age but also in maturity?

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“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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Old 18-01-2013, 10:21   #160
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Re: Update on Accrington Conservative Club

Originally Posted by Mog View Post
Young Sam.
Why do you keep quoting the Trespass Law. ?
You have said in the past that you know the owner and he is a very nice man.
Also you have been in the building with his consent therfore you are not trespassing in the sense of the word.
You say, I am going in this weekend with some professional urban explorers/photographers and also a lady who used to work there. Who have you arranged the visit with.
Who is in charge of the visit and who is in charge of the health and safety of the visit. ?
What facilities have you got and what arrangements have you made in case of an emergency. ?
Have all the Emergency services been made aware of your plans. ?
Do I take it that these people are being escorted by yourself as they are your guests. ?
Have you written consent that allows you to escort and supervise these people through a derelict building from the owner.?
Have you done a risk assesment on the route and the parts of the building you are going into and parts of the building that could have an effect of your presence there.?
Have you all the correct safety equipment for you and your guest including High Visability clothing and hard hats. ?
Have you a specific route planned and are all your guests fully aware of the designated walking route that they must travel.?
Have you made sure that they have signed and that they understand all the dangers and all the implications of not following the designated walking route. ?
IF ALL OF THIS IS a little bit over your head. ?
take a few minutes to digest what I have told you in other post of this thread.
You WILL be putting youself and other people into a dangerous situation.
As an Holder of IOSH and NEBOSH. ( I suppose these Abbreviations are way above your head as well.)
I may have a look around the area at the weekend.
KEEP away you stupid young man.
If anything happens to any of your guest.
You could be held responsible and all of your postings regarding you entering this building could be and may be used against you.
Let it go and stop being so daft before its too late.
If you do not have permission to be in/on the property then you are Trespassing.
It is nothing to do with damage or stealing.
An individual who has been found trespassing can be legally ejected from the property, providing that the amount of force used to do so is deemed by the courts to be reasonable.
This isnt a school trip!
I have not had permission from the owner to take them in but they want to visit and they are allowed to as long as they do not cause damage, steal and they leave asap if asked to do so.
They have been in many derelict buildings in their time including places with high security like whittingham hospital, they are doing what they enjoy - photography - and they know the risks of entering derelict places but they are experienced and they are not exactly going to stand in the middle of the ballroom raving and bouncing up and down on the staircase.
We will be taking an emergency first aid kit in the unlikely event that one of us gets injured even though it probably wont because we are just going around taking photos. Everyone will be taking torches and protective gloves will be supplied incase of glass or germs. I have got a lot of face masks and I will take those and offer them.
We will be walking around single file and being extremely cautious.
I will make them aware of the most 'unsafe' parts of the building (which are the rooms directly under the 2 'square domes at either side on top of the building, (as that is where the lead was removed and where the leaking occurs - the rest of the building is mostly dry and sturdy and safe.)

If we are asked to leave by the owner, police or other figure of authority, then we will do so by the quickest, and safest practical route.
It is extremely unlikely that we will have and charges pressexd against us in civil court as the owner would have to prove that we have broken an entry, vandalised or stolen things. The owner would have more sense than to do this anyway as it is a derelict building and he probably would not have the time to take us to court and he would know himself that it would be very unlikely that the court would do anything with us and then HE would have to pay the court fees.
We are photographers and could prove that. We will not be carrying anything that could be considered as something to vandalise or break an entry.
We are photographers - NOT arsonists!

But thanks for your concerns and I appreciate them.
Take care and I will upload the photos soon after the visit.
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The 'infamous' ewoodsambo3
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Old 18-01-2013, 10:24   #161
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Re: Update on Accrington Conservative Club

Originally Posted by susie123 View Post
I like to think of Less, Mick and co getting listed status!
They already have susie
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Old 18-01-2013, 10:24   #162
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Re: Update on Accrington Conservative Club

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
Whos the lady who used to work there Ewood?
Her name is Dawn.
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Old 18-01-2013, 10:26   #163
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Re: Update on Accrington Conservative Club

Originally Posted by Ewoodsambo3 View Post
This isnt a school trip!
I have not had permission from the owner to take them in but they want to visit and they are allowed to as long as they do not cause damage, steal and they leave asap if asked to do so.
They have been in many derelict buildings in their time including places with high security like whittingham hospital, they are doing what they enjoy - photography - and they know the risks of entering derelict places but they are experienced and they are not exactly going to stand in the middle of the ballroom raving and bouncing up and down on the staircase.
We will be taking an emergency first aid kit in the unlikely event that one of us gets injured even though it probably wont because we are just going around taking photos. Everyone will be taking torches and protective gloves will be supplied incase of glass or germs. I have got a lot of face masks and I will take those and offer them.
We will be walking around single file and being extremely cautious.
I will make them aware of the most 'unsafe' parts of the building (which are the rooms directly under the 2 'square domes at either side on top of the building, (as that is where the lead was removed and where the leaking occurs - the rest of the building is mostly dry and sturdy and safe.)

If we are asked to leave by the owner, police or other figure of authority, then we will do so by the quickest, and safest practical route.
It is extremely unlikely that we will have and charges pressexd against us in civil court as the owner would have to prove that we have broken an entry, vandalised or stolen things. The owner would have more sense than to do this anyway as it is a derelict building and he probably would not have the time to take us to court and he would know himself that it would be very unlikely that the court would do anything with us and then HE would have to pay the court fees.
We are photographers and could prove that. We will not be carrying anything that could be considered as something to vandalise or break an entry.
We are photographers - NOT arsonists!

But thanks for your concerns and I appreciate them.
Take care and I will upload the photos soon after the visit.
When your telling Porkies you have to have a very good memory, you keep tripping yourself up sunshine
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Old 18-01-2013, 10:36   #164
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Re: Update on Accrington Conservative Club

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
When your telling Porkies you have to have a very good memory, you keep tripping yourself up sunshine
Does he exist?Has anyone seen a photo of him?
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Old 18-01-2013, 10:49   #165
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Re: Update on Accrington Conservative Club

Originally Posted by maxthecollie View Post
Does he exist?Has anyone seen a photo of him?
think he's another Bee Frank, nobody ever saw him either
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