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04-02-2013, 11:07
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Re: Update on Accrington Conservative Club
Originally Posted by DtheP47
I'll tell you what though judging by the quality of his photos he has some serious camera kit. 
It was a Christmas present from his mummy and daddy.
Let sleeping polar bears lie...
04-02-2013, 20:56
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Re: Update on Accrington Conservative Club
Originally Posted by susie123
It was a Christmas present from his mummy and daddy.
Prob belongs to mummy and daddy
05-02-2013, 11:30
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Re: Update on Accrington Conservative Club
Is this our errant and callow youth?
The lads from DMc scaffolding went back to the Con yesterday to check the scaffolding after those high winds. Cut a long story short one of the boys thought he could hear some noises coming up from the basement steps or passages and decided to investigate. Creeping slowly down the wet stairs he was surprised to see a flickering light coming from one of the cellars. As he crept ever deeper into the crypt unfortunately his mobile phone rang alerting whoever was down there. Realising his cover was blown he pressed quickly on downwards only to see a pair of legs and nike trainers dissapearing into a rubble strewn passage way. There was however on the table left in the trespassers haste to escape identity, two tins of Red Bull a pack of Swizzells Love Hearts but more importantly a brand spanking new Black Pentax K-30 DSLR Camera with 18-55mm DAL Lens.
The upshot of it all is we have uploaded all the photos and whilst a lot are not fit to be published on the Accyweb to be seen by ladies of a delicate disposition, this one is of particular interest. I think it’s the boy himself.
05-02-2013, 12:36
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Re: Update on Accrington Conservative Club
i think the police need to be looking into this
05-02-2013, 12:40
Beacon of light
Re: Update on Accrington Conservative Club
Me too!
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It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
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05-02-2013, 13:14
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Re: Update on Accrington Conservative Club
breaking an entering perhaps
05-02-2013, 13:29
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Re: Update on Accrington Conservative Club
Originally Posted by DtheP47
Is this our errant and callow youth?
The lads from DMc scaffolding went back to the Con yesterday to check the scaffolding after those high winds. Cut a long story short one of the boys thought he could hear some noises coming up from the basement steps or passages and decided to investigate. Creeping slowly down the wet stairs he was surprised to see a flickering light coming from one of the cellars. As he crept ever deeper into the crypt unfortunately his mobile phone rang alerting whoever was down there. Realising his cover was blown he pressed quickly on downwards only to see a pair of legs and nike trainers dissapearing into a rubble strewn passage way. There was however on the table left in the trespassers haste to escape identity, two tins of Red Bull a pack of Swizzells Love Hearts but more importantly a brand spanking new Black Pentax K-30 DSLR Camera with 18-55mm DAL Lens.
The upshot of it all is we have uploaded all the photos and whilst a lot are not fit to be published on the Accyweb to be seen by ladies of a delicate disposition, this one is of particular interest. I think it’s the boy himself.
Why would he run, after he went to great pains to tell us that there is no such law as trespass, or is there more to this story !
05-02-2013, 14:13
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Re: Update on Accrington Conservative Club
Yeah because thats true isnt it.
The 'infamous' ewoodsambo3
05-02-2013, 14:23
Resting In Peace
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Re: Update on Accrington Conservative Club
Originally Posted by DtheP47
Is this our errant and callow youth?
The lads from DMc scaffolding went back to the Con yesterday to check the scaffolding after those high winds. Cut a long story short one of the boys thought he could hear some noises coming up from the basement steps or passages and decided to investigate. Creeping slowly down the wet stairs he was surprised to see a flickering light coming from one of the cellars. As he crept ever deeper into the crypt unfortunately his mobile phone rang alerting whoever was down there. Realising his cover was blown he pressed quickly on downwards only to see a pair of legs and nike trainers dissapearing into a rubble strewn passage way. There was however on the table left in the trespassers haste to escape identity, two tins of Red Bull a pack of Swizzells Love Hearts but more importantly a brand spanking new Black Pentax K-30 DSLR Camera with 18-55mm DAL Lens.
The upshot of it all is we have uploaded all the photos and whilst a lot are not fit to be published on the Accyweb to be seen by ladies of a delicate disposition, this one is of particular interest. I think it’s the boy himself.
I don't believe a word of this.
1. Where is the electricity coming from to power that lamp in the picture? Don't think the power would still be on after all these years. Especially as Sam keeps mentioning torches.
2. Sam said his camera was a Samsung WB101 not a Pentax. And the folks from DMC are now in possession of whatever camera it was? That's theft.
3. Do we know it really is the cellar of the Con Club?
Think a very large pinch of salt is needed.
Let sleeping polar bears lie...
05-02-2013, 14:27
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Update on Accrington Conservative Club
Originally Posted by susie123
I don't believe a word of this.
1. Where is the electricity coming from to power that lamp in the picture? Don't think the power would still be on after all these years. Especially as Sam keeps mentioning torches.
2. Sam said his camera was a Samsung WB101 not a Pentax. And the folks from DMC are now in possession of whatever camera it was? That's theft.
3. Do we know it really is the cellar of the Con Club?
Think a very large pinch of salt is needed.
sometimes lady, you do miss the obvious and go on one!
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Winnie the Pooh
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05-02-2013, 14:49
Resting In Peace
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Re: Update on Accrington Conservative Club
Originally Posted by Less
sometimes lady, you do miss the obvious and go on one!
Sorry Less if I'm being naive or thick, and here's me thinking I'm applying logical scientific principles!
Let sleeping polar bears lie...
05-02-2013, 15:01
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Re: Update on Accrington Conservative Club
Pentax K30- that's a £500-£600 camera. You need to deliver a lot of newspapers to buy one of those, although I bet he's more upset he left his Swizzells Love Hearts behind.
Good to see his interests go beyond derelict buildings, though. Or is it?
05-02-2013, 15:04
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Re: Update on Accrington Conservative Club
Originally Posted by susie123
Sorry Less if I'm being naive or thick, and here's me thinking I'm applying logical scientific principles!
hate to say it sue, but a bit of both, love
ask yourself would they have a chandalier down the cellar too?
05-02-2013, 15:10
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Re: Update on Accrington Conservative Club
Originally Posted by churchfcrules
ask yourself would they have a chandalier down the cellar too?
Surely that was exactly my point - you don't really think I was taken in do you? that post was written with tongue firmly in cheek.
Let sleeping polar bears lie...
05-02-2013, 15:13
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Re: Update on Accrington Conservative Club
hey ive had two pints n a whiff of the barmaids apron with less n mick, anthings possible today
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