We've not had a quiz for a while ..... see how these go.
1. Which summer month sees the annual Running of the Bulls through Pamplona?
July - Grannyclaret
2. What collective roles were originally filled by Smith, Jackson and Fawcett Majors?
Charlie's Angels - Grannyclaret
3. What was destroyed by
Little Boy? Hiroshima - simon
4. Which of his ears did Van Gogh carve up?
Left - Margaret Pilkington
5. What circumnavigates the Earth 23.2 degrees south of the North Pole?
Arctic Circle - Neil
6. Against whom did England manage to scrape together 46 runs in a 1994 Test innings?
The West Indies - Grannyclaret
7. Which US state includes the San Juan Islands?
Washington - Simon
8. Which leggy lovely was the Western world's biggest box office draw during World War II?
Betty Grable - Margaret Pilkington
9. What were the crossed slits in castle walls made to accomodate?
Nearly right they do fire arrows ..... crossbow - Margaret Pilkington
10. What does the dawn come up like in Kipling's Mandalay?
Thunder - Jeeves and Grannyclaret
11. How many dots mean 'therefore'?
Three - Margaret Pilkington
12. Which was the only major golf tournament that Arnold Palmer ever won?
The PGA Masters - Grannyclaret
13.Which US state boasts the least hours of sunshine per annum?
Alaska - Margaret Pilkington 
14. Which lee Marvin film featured Kid Shalleen?
Cat Ballou - Neil
15. Who was the first Prime Minister to fly supersonic in concorde?
James Callaghan - simon (eventually

16. Which Hampshire-born novelist wrote about Mansfield Park?
Jane Austin - Grannyclaret
17. What name is given to the point on the Earths surface immediately above the focus of an earthquake?
Epicentre - Margaret Pilkington
18. Which sport begins in front of the south stake?
Croquet - WillowTheWhisp
19. Which European country calls itself Ellas?
Greece - Margaret Pilkington
20. Which decade saw Michael Jacksons first solo UK number one?
1980's - Neil