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Old 15-04-2007, 08:40   #121
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Re: Global trivia quiz.

I set my alarm this morning so I could play the 02.00-10.00 GMT set of questions, and the damn sites not working!

Twenty two more minutes to keep trying, or Else that CurryKing will take my fourth place again!

'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 15-04-2007, 22:07   #122
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Re: Global trivia quiz.

Yeah, it wouldn't let me play my morning round. Said I'd already played them. Not sure if they just double credited them from the night before or not!

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Old 15-04-2007, 22:35   #123
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Re: Global trivia quiz.

Originally Posted by LancYorkYankee View Post
Yeah, it wouldn't let me play my morning round. Said I'd already played them. Not sure if they just double credited them from the night before or not!
There was apparently a power blackout.

Please ensure you Americans pay your electricity bill on time next month.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 22-04-2007, 00:50   #124
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Re: Global trivia quiz.

Just received this kind of amusing challenge of ancestry on the Global Trivia site. It's from a 14 year old girl from Clitheroe. Should anyone over there happen to know this young lady, please give her a thorough thrashing, with love, from me! My response to her follows.

Can I just ask how, if you were born in the USA and you live in the USA, you could possibly be From Lancashire. Just because your parents are from our County does not mean that you are. Sorry if i seem rude but I just cant see how you could even be classed as British!

LouiseGender:FemaleLocation:clitheroe Lancashire UK Hobbies:Stuff-animals,reading, computers, sports, just general random stuffComments:Ello, Louise is my name i am 14 and hope i hav a large enough IQ to actually get one right on these quizzes (incidentally my IQ is 136)

The tone of your note was certainly somewhat rude (IMO). You have a legitimate question but to challenge me as some diabological Lancashire wannabe is kinda excessive. However, here is my response.

First, as far as any information you have about me, I have never claimed that my parents were from Lancashire. They are not. Heck, I've never even claimed to be British (as far as you know)!

I was invited to play Global Trivia by some very good friends from Lancashire. I first started playing on the Virginia locality but wanted to play with/against my Lancashire peers. I don't believe there is anything wrong with this. Heck, I certainly wouldn't put Virginia as where I'm from if I was trying to hide anything.

I hope this satisfies your curiosity. Should you have any more questions or concerns, please feel free to write me back. Finally, I'm a memeber of a website over there called Accyweb. There are alot of great people from all over Lancashire on that site and you may find it of some interest!

Mr. Atkin

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Old 04-05-2007, 15:37   #125
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Re: Global trivia quiz.

Well, I took the temporary plunge into Gold Membership. Mailnly thought it well worth the $20 for the entertainment Funtrivia has been.

However, getting pretty burned out from playing all kinds of different quizzes, challenges, crosswords. I find alot of my play is done almost zombyish and my times and scores have suffered a bit. I've been only playing some i.e. Regional, Obscure, World to build up my trivia points. Being on a team has made it a bit more competitive. The Team is very nice and freindly, I just find myself trying to help the team by playing ALOT!


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Old 04-05-2007, 17:56   #126
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Re: Global trivia quiz.

Originally Posted by LancYorkYankee View Post
Well, I took the temporary plunge into Gold Membership. Mailnly thought it well worth the $20 for the entertainment Funtrivia has been.

However, getting pretty burned out from playing all kinds of different quizzes, challenges, crosswords. I find alot of my play is done almost zombyish and my times and scores have suffered a bit. I've been only playing some i.e. Regional, Obscure, World to build up my trivia points. Being on a team has made it a bit more competitive. The Team is very nice and freindly, I just find myself trying to help the team by playing ALOT!

My friend Don, who I got hooked on GC, has now gone Gold as well, and is currently playing in the Canaries.

You still getting hassled from the Clitheroe Kid, for not being Lancastrian enouigh?
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 06-05-2007, 22:58   #127
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Re: Global trivia quiz.

I was being caught up by my friend who is now sat playing in the sun all day, so I gave in and became a gold member too.

It's great not to have those pop-ups, and being able to play in all the quizes.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 08-05-2007, 20:46   #128
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Re: Global trivia quiz.

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
My friend Don, who I got hooked on GC, has now gone Gold as well, and is currently playing in the Canaries.

You still getting hassled from the Clitheroe Kid, for not being Lancastrian enouigh?
I have tried all week to respond. I had alot of wit ( well I thought it was witty ) Talked about heading over and paying a visit and all. However, low and behold, I just received this from her!

Received: May 08 07 [2:54 PM]
From: wackyone01
To: LancYorkYank
Subject: Re: hmmm...


I'm confused-sorry but did I send you a message- I don't remember it! My sister has probably been messing with my account, sorry if she was rude!

I think she must have heard I was coming over. Probably thought little, innocent me was to seek vengence! Sounds a little fishy to me, but I shall forgive and forget!


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Old 08-05-2007, 23:29   #129
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Re: Global trivia quiz.

There's a lot of inbreeding in Clitheroe, perhaps she's a Siamese twin.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 17-05-2007, 11:37   #130
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Re: Global trivia quiz.

Hey Rindy, found it very ironic that you "lost" your computer 2 days ago and then mine went bust the next day. What's the chance of that happening? Ya think the Clitheroe "twins" have cursed us?

At least the broadband connection works on this old Gateway. Finding a bit slower times though. In a way, I was hoping it was no computers for a few days. All this playing is starting to wear me out!


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Old 17-05-2007, 15:01   #131
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Re: Global trivia quiz.

It was like a little holiday, not having to play every eight hours, but somehow I've gone up to third in Lancashire...though I'll still never catch you!

If only there were more cultural catagories like Opera, Shakespeare, and needlepoint, then I'd stand a chance.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 18-05-2007, 15:17   #132
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Re: Global trivia quiz.

I'm thinking of switching out of Lancashire and getting into the Virginia grouping. More where I belong. I definitely have an American advantage in History and a bit ib General. Not sure if some of the other cats. are heavily leaned American or not.

It's really funny how some days I'll be at the top in the Lancashire group and not even make any in the top of my team group. And no, I'm not afraid of the "Clitheroe twins!" (well maybe just a little!) !

Now that your gold I'll still get to see ya more throughout the boards. Most of the rest of Accyweb kinda farted out on it all anyhoo.


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Old 22-05-2007, 12:28   #133
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Re: Global trivia quiz.

Wow, the Virginia team seems to suit me quite well. Double points and all . Now my locals ill think I'm cheating straight out of the gate. Absolutely no idea how that happened and certainly hope it gets corrected. Just thought it was a rather cool oddity. Okay, it didn't copy well but I'm in both 1st and 2nd place with 15 out of 15 in 94 seconds.

Top 50 Regional Scores So Far Today ( yesterday's scores )

Updated every minute (click refresh to update). Ties go to player playing first. [ Key: = Gold Member. = Editor. ] PlayerFromTeamCorrectSecondsScore1. LancYorkYankVirginia, USAclassicalmusic/mensan159414062. LancYorkYankVirginia, USAclassicalmusic/mensan159414063. HeleenaVirginia, USAThe Cat People1410712934. grateful readVirginia, USAYes, We're Babes!137112295. hindyroseVirginia, USAThe Dog People1311111896. traveler56Virginia, USAclassicalmusic/mensan127211287. Polaris101Virginia, USA---118210188. u_r_mistakenVirginia, USATrivially Challenged111319699. weatherrangerVirginia, USA---5196304


Last edited by LancYorkYankee; 22-05-2007 at 12:31.
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Old 22-05-2007, 13:55   #134
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Re: Global trivia quiz.

Lol, first and second in the same quiz is some going!

We'll miss you in the Lancashire league, but good luck in the Walton's Mountain league.

What with you gone, and Polly on holiday, I'm within a hair's breath of taking the top spot in Lancashire. I hope she's away for three weeks!
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 22-05-2007, 15:13   #135
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Re: Global trivia quiz.

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
Lol, first and second in the same quiz is some going!

We'll miss you in the Lancashire league, but good luck in the Walton's Mountain league.

What with you gone, and Polly on holiday, I'm within a hair's breath of taking the top spot in Lancashire. I hope she's away for three weeks!
Sorry Mate, Pauline (Polly) will be back on the 25th. She had offered to show me around the Ashton-under-lyne area. As for giving up my "throne." I did it all for me little bruva!

Now that you owe me, what time can I play me first games from The Chateau West View? Before or after I stop by Less for a "visitation?" My goal is to stay in the top 50 in GC.


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