My Soundtrack
Opening Credits:-------> Rock steady - all saints
Waking Up:------> hey kid - matt Willis hahaha that would get me up
First Day Of School:----> Family portrait - Pink [scary]
Falling In Love:-------> Self control - Infernal yep have a bit of that
Breaking Up:----> Love u promised - cascada
Life:-----> Crazy thing called Love -Queen
Mental Breakdown:-------> Voodoo child - rogue traders

hahahaha its a mental song too
Driving:-----> who knew - Pink [yeh they'd say that if i did drive ]
Getting Back Together:-----> My culture - feat maxi jazz [faithless] & Robbie williams erm
Wedding:------> I want to break free - Queen [how how sooooo bloody true

Birth of Child:------> The great escape - England footy dario G 98

thats true pmsl
Divorce:-----> Dancing in the dark - mickey modelle vs jessy
Final Battle:------> Why do all good things come to an end - Nelly futado
Death Scene:------> Dont stop me now - Queen
End Credits:------> Something kinda ooH - Girls aloud [like a teasing ending

Pmsl some of them was very apt indeed scarily