I found this on another forum and I thought I'd pop it up here it's really is cute funny
Here is the idea...
So, here's how it works:
1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that's playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
6. Don't lie and try to pretend your cool... its rather
I swear down I didn't cheat on any of these - I took the first one that came up. Its strange what appears sometimes. Copy the last part and fill in your soundtrack!
My Soundtrack
Opening Credits:-------> Inncommunicado - Marillion
Waking Up:------> You're Beautiful - James Blunt (Honestly no bulls**t that's what came up

First Day Of School:----> Bailamos - Enrique Inglesias
Falling In Love:-------> Footloose - Kenny Logan
Breaking Up:----> Long Time Suffering - Spocks Beard .......
Life:-----> I Wanna Be Adored - Stone Roses
Mental Breakdown:-------> Tears - Chameleons
Driving:-----> Inner Smile - Texas
Getting Back Together:-----> I'm With Stupid - Pet Shop Boys ......

I swear you couldn't plan some ofthese better
Wedding:------> Oppurtunities - Pet Shop Boys
Birth of Child:------> Cover My Eyes - Marillion
Divorce:-----> Set Me Free - Anastacia ...... OMG!!!
Final Battle:------> Seven Seas - Echo and the Bunnymen
Death Scene:------> Down Down - Status Quo ..... OMG!!!!! Is that uncanny or what!
End Credits:------> Out of this World - Marillion
Those are seriously what came out. Try it yourselves