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20-03-2009, 22:10
Resting in Peace
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re: Planning Applications
Has been nothing but private applications for the last three months, apart from ramp for the disabled at Accington Cricket Club to the bar (sure Lindsay knows about this  ).
Just a few you may be interested in :-
11/09/0106 Listed Building Consent: Change of use at Accrington Market Hall Peel Street, Accrington 12/03/2009
balcony level from traders storage rooms and
former bus office to retail (A1) cafe (A3)
business (B1) and exhibition space (D1) and
internal alterations including extension of
existing balcony floor installation of stairs
and DDA compliant passenger lift
Quarterbridge Project Management
11/09/0102 Discharge of condition No. 3 of 11/06/0208 The Bandstand Oak Hill Park 13/03/2009
Manchester Road Accrington
Hyndburn Borough Council
11/09/0100 Change of use from shop (A1) Oxfam to college information centre 54 Broadway
Accrington BB5 1EW
Mr Stephen Carlisle
No building applications yet but think, according to sources, may be picking up a little, now they have consolidated, cut down costs e.g. redundancies, can begin to look at further projects.
28-03-2009, 01:14
Resting in Peace
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re: Planning Applications
Next lot ... think I should win an award for most boring thread, however, will plod on. Where's me mate Park .. come back honey, all is forgiven ... LOL:-
11/09/0098 Erection of 9m high Wind Turbine Accrington Academy Queens Road West
Accrington Lancashire 18/03/2009
Lancashire County Council and Catalyst Lend Lease
Love these.
11/09/0120 Change of use of land to form car park Land adjacent Union Road 20/03/2009
Lancashire County Council
Where's this ?
11/09/0105 Erection of 4 No. two-storey dwellings 14 - 16 Bamford Crescent 19/03/2009
together with associated car parking Accrington BB5 2PQ
Mr Marcus Serene
Who the hell has a name like Marcus Serene ??
28-03-2009, 02:57
re: Planning Applications
Originally Posted by katex
11/09/0120 Change of use of land to form car park Land adjacent Union Road 20/03/2009
Lancashire County Council
Where's this ?
My guess is at the side of the Theatre.
Thats the land that LCC sold and are now buying back again. Your tax money hard at work 
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28-03-2009, 15:29
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re: Planning Applications
Anyone read todays LET, page 15 the article headed Planning office 'is weak'
Auditors assessing HBC's annual performance labelled the planning department as "weak" after successful appeals roase from 26.7% to 41.1% last year.
The Council lost £49,336 on the appeal bids in addition to the cost of lost officer time.
They also stated that regeneration plans are at risk because they turn down too many planning applications.
May be the planning committee made up of butchers, bakers, and candlestick makers should follow the direction of the Technical Officers of the Council who are qualified planners. All to often you read of an application where the technical officers have recommended an application be passed, but the committee in their wisdom turn it down.
In the LET article PB blamed opposition councillors
"for reasons that have nothing to do with planning laws"
"I am not surprised the number of successful appeals is so high. Opposition councillors are playing party politics instead of doing what is best for the council, housholders and developers"
Any further ideas as to why the %age of successful appeals rose from 26.7% to 41.1%. That is some increase.
Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.
Albert Einstein.
28-03-2009, 15:44
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re: Planning Applications
I think this post is in the correct thread since the article is about housing market renewal/regeneration
Here we have another example of jobs for the boys, a "basic" salary of £140,000. for the new boss of the 'Super council'
East Lancs 'super council' chief named (From Lancashire Telegraph)
Looks like we are to have a Pennine Lancashire council/committee made up of representatives from six borough councils as well as lancashire county council..................yet more expenses for the lucky ones 
Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.
Albert Einstein.
28-03-2009, 15:54
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re: Planning Applications
Originally Posted by katex
Next lot ... think I should win an award for most boring thread, however, will plod on. Where's me mate Park .. come back honey, all is forgiven ... LOL:-
Hello.......... i'm back
11/09/0098 Erection of 9m high Wind Turbine Accrington Academy Queens Road West
Accrington Lancashire 18/03/2009
Lancashire County Council and Catalyst Lend Lease
whats that for............show
Where's this ?
11/09/0105 Erection of 4 No. two-storey dwellings 14 - 16 Bamford Crescent 19/03/2009
together with associated car parking Accrington BB5 2PQ
Mr Marcus Serene
Who the hell has a name like Marcus Serene ??
Off Manchester road.Streetmap.co.uk- search results for bb5 2pq
Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.
Albert Einstein.
28-03-2009, 17:19
Resting in Peace
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re: Planning Applications
Originally Posted by Neil
My guess is at the side of the Theatre.
Thats the land that LCC sold and are now buying back again. Your tax money hard at work 
Was hoping it was .. much needed parking for the theatre. Wonder what is the difference between their selling price and buying price then ?
Still, expect the money they made from selling in the first place was needed at the time for more desperate needs ?
[quote=park381;697834] Hello.......... i'm back
Hi Park ... thought you had dropped of the Earth.
Re. the increased appeals, you are not possibly suggesting that the elected officers are turning Planning Applications down for political gain are you ?LOL.
Sure there could an element of this at times.
However, what the LET has omitted to say is the actual increase in the number of appeals .. well, might have, haven't seen the article.
In 2006>2007 15 appeals were launched. 11 disallowed, 4 allowed.
In 2007>2008 17 appeals were launched.10 disallowed, 6 allowed, 1 split decision.
So not many are there really? Not really a percentage increase really, just percentage increase against the number of planning applications.
Have a look at this to see if you agree :-
Against other authorities, we don't appear to have that high a percentage really.
28-03-2009, 17:37
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re: Planning Applications
Originally Posted by katex
However, what the LET has omitted to say is the actual increase in the number of appeals .. well, might have, haven't seen the article.
No the LET only quoted %ages Looks worse that way
The cost of those appeals = £49,000+ could well have been spent on something more worth while don't you think.
Good info in that report kate. HBC's formar Chief Planning Officer is now with the Planning inspectorate
Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.
Albert Einstein.
28-03-2009, 17:38
Resting in Peace
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re: Planning Applications
11/09/0098 Erection of 9m high Wind Turbine Accrington Academy Queens Road West
Accrington Lancashire 18/03/2009
Lancashire County Council and Catalyst Lend Lease
whats that for............show
Don't you like wind turbines .. I think they are bootiful !
May have been some sort of condition to allow it to go through?
Funny though, how authorities view applications in a different way.
Son has just related a story in the Planning magazine with regard to Biomass power (yeh, know where they use rotting fruit, etc, and produces methane gas to power turbines).
Cardiff had an application for one on their docks, but was turned down as thought it was too near populated areas .. like wouldn't be pleasant for residents to have wagons rolling up with this 'fuel'.
The authority next to them turned a similar application down because was too far away from population, and difficult to power to residents ! Seems about a third of power is lost due to power plants being miles away from residents.
Ironic ... 
28-03-2009, 17:48
Resting in Peace
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re: Planning Applications
Originally Posted by park381
The cost of those appeals = £49,000+ could well have been spent on something more worth while don't you think.
We could all have an opinion on where monies could be better spent Park, but we have to have a system, and it stands at :-
1. Goes to Planning Office.
2. Submitted to Planning Committee.
3. Re-submission if unsuccessful.
Can go higher up, of course, if affecting National interest to Secretary of State.
Just wonder where they pulled out the figure from exactly; they do also make money on planning applications too.
LOL. missed the bit where PB was blaming the opposition.
Hope G Jones will come on in defence as he is now on the panel ... 
28-03-2009, 17:51
Resting in Peace
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re: Planning Applications
Originally Posted by park381
I think this post is in the correct thread since the article is about housing market renewal/regeneration
Here we have another example of jobs for the boys, a "basic" salary of £140,000. for the new boss of the 'Super council'
East Lancs 'super council' chief named (From Lancashire Telegraph)
Looks like we are to have a Pennine Lancashire council/committee made up of representatives from six borough councils as well as lancashire county council..................yet more expenses for the lucky ones 
This they may have been better on a new thread ... our members love knocking people earning more than they think they deserve ... 
28-03-2009, 18:09
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re: Planning Applications
Originally Posted by katex
11/09/0098 Erection of 9m high Wind Turbine Accrington Academy Queens Road West
Accrington Lancashire 18/03/2009
Lancashire County Council and Catalyst Lend Lease
Don't you like wind turbines .. I think they are bootiful !
May have been some sort of condition to allow it to go through?
Thought the application had only just gone in, and not been before the committee yet.
As for not liking wind turbines, I do not think they are the answer to the problem.
Like those on scout moor, crown point and now hapton, they don't run when the wind blows.
Funny though, how authorities view applications in a different way.
Son has just related a story in the Planning magazine with regard to Biomass power (yeh, know where they use rotting fruit, etc, and produces methane gas to power turbines).
Think residents living near to whinney hill could tell you a thing or two about methane gas.
They do have 2/3 CHP units burning methane and producing electricity up there, so not all the gas is escaping
Cardiff had an application for one on their docks, but was turned down as thought it was too near populated areas .. like wouldn't be pleasant for residents to have wagons rolling up with this 'fuel'.
Not all biomass boilers burn "rotting fruit" some burn woodchip and or wood pellets, in fact I think Lancashire county council may have installed some in their schools
Remeha Commercial Site UK: Biomass Range : Biomass Range
Remeha Commercial Site UK: News details[tt_news]=45&tx_ttnews[backPid]=338&cHash=ba2499666e
Even though the wood is from a sustainable source the woodchips, pellets have got to be manufactured ?
I don't know what the answer is but I don't think wind farms are the answer
The installation of the CHP units at whinney hill is a step in the right direction, since the tip is a good source of methane gas and will be for several years.
Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.
Albert Einstein.
28-03-2009, 18:15
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re: Planning Applications
Originally Posted by katex
This they may have been better on a new thread ... our members love knocking people earning more than they think they deserve ... 
You may well be correct there kate, but it is about the regeneration of housing stock in Hyndburn.
On the regeneration of housing stock, have you travelled in to Blackburn in the past week or so, and seen the refurishment of houses on both sides of Accington/Blackburn road from the junction with Audley Range right along to the Burnley Road junction. Don't they look well, much better than the road in to Accrington from Church traffic lights.
Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.
Albert Einstein.
28-03-2009, 18:15
Resting in Peace
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re: Planning Applications
Believe Biomass is very popular in Mexico .. OK .. just thought I would add that useless info. 
28-03-2009, 18:18
Resting in Peace
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re: Planning Applications
Originally Posted by park381
You may well be correct there kate, but it is about the regeneration of housing stock in Hyndburn.
On the regeneration of housing stock, have you travelled in to Blackburn in the past week or so, and seen the refurishment of houses on both sides of Accington/Blackburn road from the junction with Audley Range right along to the Burnley Road junction. Don't they look well, much better than the road in to Accrington from Church traffic lights.
Haven't been down there for a couple of months, but will take a look next time. Was too busy negotiating the cars parked opposite each other, and on pavements. Now, that did remind me of Blackburn Road.
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