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21-01-2010, 00:57
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TESCO - new site in Accrington.
Thanks to GypoDec for pointing out to us that "activity" has started on the old college site, near the Railway Station. Its hard to see the full extent of the site as you have to "peep" through "fencing" on the railway station side. The site is MASSIVE, it will be an eye opener when we get to see the whole site cleared.
The first photo is an old view. I have tried to mark the approx. site to give members an idea of where it covers.
The other photos were taken 20th Jan, 2010
21-01-2010, 03:07
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Re: TESCO - new site in Accrington.
Thanks for the pics Atarah,.. there pulling it down fast, theyd only just started when i saw it.
And..... Dare i say it,..... LOOK AT ALL THAT SCRAP METAL !!  haha
21-01-2010, 03:35
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Re: TESCO - new site in Accrington.
lol i cant wait to see how bad blackburn road gets for traffic jams after this is completed yu can barely get past as it is becaue of illigaly parked cars so throwing in extra traffic from tescos isnt going to make things any better
the tescos in ozzy has already cause huge problems but big companies dont seem to have any problems getting things approved by councils, the new one is osy has seen a quiet lane safe for locals to walk down into a double parks speed track and exiting the place is an accident waiting to happen infact a few accidents have occured already
is this one going to be a full sized tesco or one of those mini tesco stores that arnt cheaper than any other shop on the high street
All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.
ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
Last edited by accyman; 21-01-2010 at 03:40.
21-01-2010, 10:11
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Re: TESCO - new site in Accrington.
is this one going to be a full sized tesco or one of those mini tesco stores that arnt cheaper than any other shop on the high street.
All systems go for new Tesco - News - Accrington Observer
Bear in mind, this is dated Sept 2008.
Going off the size of what can be seen already, I would say its going to be a mega massive one! Good comments you posted accyman about traffic problems. The obvious move will be to make an entry/exit on Scaitcliffe Street as well as on Eagle Street, but with both of these having to get out onto Blackburn Road it must cause terrible traffic problems.
21-01-2010, 10:41
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Re: TESCO - new site in Accrington.
Originally Posted by GypoDec
Thanks for the pics Atarah,.. there pulling it down fast, theyd only just started when i saw it.
And..... Dare i say it,..... LOOK AT ALL THAT SCRAP METAL !!  haha
So we can take it that you'll be round with your horse and cart them Dec 
21-01-2010, 11:44
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Re: TESCO - new site in Accrington.
What mystifies me is which route will HGV's take to deliver to the store ? Surely Blackburn Rd - Eagle st is not an option, Scaitcliffe st possibly but would they get under the railway bridge ? The only other option I can see is via Eastgate/Manchester Rd and along Grange Lane. Anyone got a clue ?
21-01-2010, 12:18
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Re: TESCO - new site in Accrington.
Originally Posted by jaysay
So we can take it that you'll be round with your horse and cart them Dec 
Haha i myt pop round and lets say,...... Offer to take it off there hands lol
Me poor horse couldnt shift that anyways lol  Id need tha transit !!
21-01-2010, 12:33
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Re: TESCO - new site in Accrington.
Originally Posted by Reamer
What mystifies me is which route will HGV's take to deliver to the store ? Surely Blackburn Rd - Eagle st is not an option, Scaitcliffe st possibly but would they get under the railway bridge ? The only other option I can see is via Eastgate/Manchester Rd and along Grange Lane. Anyone got a clue ?
No, it would be along Wellington St instead of Grange lane. Got my streets mixed up 
21-01-2010, 13:50
Coffin Dodger.
Re: TESCO - new site in Accrington.
Originally Posted by jaysay
So we can take it that you'll be round with your horse and cart them Dec 
hey in 60s, would have hired one from trelfalls down clayton n nabbed it meself. 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
21-01-2010, 15:17
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Re: TESCO - new site in Accrington.
Originally Posted by cashman
hey in 60s, would have hired one from trelfalls down clayton n nabbed it meself. 
Haha we'll go halfs on the profits Cashman 
21-01-2010, 15:21
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Re: TESCO - new site in Accrington.
Originally Posted by Reamer
No, it would be along Wellington St instead of Grange lane. Got my streets mixed up 
well unless blackburn road starts following UK traffic laws and not pakistans i dont think the store will do to well because people will find it much easier to go to asda or drive the extra to blackburn tesco or haslingden tesco if they dont fancy asda unless part of the deal for bringing a tesco to accrington is that the council and teh police do somthing about it and not simply shrug its shoulders and give up trying to enforce the law down there like they did before 
All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.
ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
21-01-2010, 15:33
Coffin Dodger.
Re: TESCO - new site in Accrington.
Originally Posted by accyman
well unless blackburn road starts following UK traffic laws and not pakistans i dont think the store will do to well because people will find it much easier to go to asda or drive the extra to blackburn tesco or haslingden tesco if they dont fancy asda unless part of the deal for bringing a tesco to accrington is that the council and teh police do somthing about it and not simply shrug its shoulders and give up trying to enforce the law down there like they did before 
well theres one here that drives to blackburns, but will certainly use accy tesco. 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
21-01-2010, 15:38
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Re: TESCO - new site in Accrington.
Originally Posted by cashman
well theres one here that drives to blackburns, but will certainly use accy tesco. 
yeah but you could polevault to accy's nevermind drive ,if you lived on avenue parade for example it would be a lot less hassle to got to haslingdens tesco even though its twice as far if not three times the distance to travel
im not counting tesco express stores because they arnt cheap infact an item at ossy tesco that cost 54p is 98p at the accy tesco express and when i asked why its because ossy tesco has more competion so they make prices cheaper there which to me is wrong as each store shoud have teh same price throughout its range and prices shoud not be based on what they think they can get away with charging in one particular area over another
All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.
ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
Last edited by accyman; 21-01-2010 at 15:43.
22-01-2010, 23:23
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Re: TESCO - new site in Accrington.
Can I just pass on this info. By chance, as I was walking into the Reference Library (which has a new name, cant remember it though) I spotted a large map on the wall by the entrance door. Its dated 1892 and just happens to be more or less about the EXACT area where the new Tesco is gonna be. Its just an ABSOLUTE COINCIDENCE its on the wall. It proves that the site of Tesco is .. absolutely bang on the site of all the track and buildings etc of our lovely old Accrington railway station. It shows where the waiting rooms were, the parcels office, the refreshment rooms. It shows where the Goods Shed was, behind the wall which now faces the front of The Globe centre.
Pop in and have a look, its rather interesting.
22-01-2010, 23:45
Coffin Dodger.
Re: TESCO - new site in Accrington.
Originally Posted by Atarah
Can I just pass on this info. By chance, as I was walking into the Reference Library (which has a new name, cant remember it though) I spotted a large map on the wall by the entrance door. Its dated 1892 and just happens to be more or less about the EXACT area where the new Tesco is gonna be. Its just an ABSOLUTE COINCIDENCE its on the wall. It proves that the site of Tesco is .. absolutely bang on the site of all the track and buildings etc of our lovely old Accrington railway station. It shows where the waiting rooms were, the parcels office, the refreshment rooms. It shows where the Goods Shed was, behind the wall which now faces the front of The Globe centre.
Pop in and have a look, its rather interesting.
thanks atarah will pop in on monday n have a good sneck. 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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