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Old 06-03-2009, 14:39   #1
jooles's Avatar

will they ban the ban???

I saw a local M.P on T.V this week he was saying that the government should re think the smoking ban as it is considered to be one of the factors of the 35 pubs a week shutting down, I agree with him, but i also think that the government should re think the vat on beer and spirits. and what was wrong with the old smoke rooms . what does everyone else think?
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Old 06-03-2009, 17:22   #2
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Re: will they ban the ban???

Originally Posted by jooles View Post
I saw a local M.P on T.V this week he was saying that the government should re think the smoking ban as it is considered to be one of the factors of the 35 pubs a week shutting down, I agree with him, but i also think that the government should re think the vat on beer and spirits. and what was wrong with the old smoke rooms . what does everyone else think?
Well I'm a none smoker so it didn't effect me, but I didn't mind other people smoking so long as they weren't lowing smoke in my face. I've just heard that the ale at my favourite watering hole has just gone up about 15p, looks like Stella from ASDA is still the best bet. as for lifting the smoking ban, since when did this poxy government hold their hands up and say they made a mistake, they just blame the ban on every body but themselves
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Old 06-03-2009, 19:52   #3
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Re: will they ban the ban???

Okay,the government brought in the ban without consulting the people who helped vote them in.A democatic country no do as we wish.I cant believe the smokers of this country just let it happen,or some compromise was reached (i.e as abroad...landlords discretion,seperate smoking room etc).Smoking related illness' strain on NHS? Hells bells seen casualty at weekends due to drink related violence & injuries or wards with drink related illness'.You dont get smokers being paid for their addiction (alcoholics get money towards drink,i'm led to believe,on DHSS)Bottom line...the government were under pressure to either sacrifice tax from drink or fags & drink won(in a nutshell).Just me throwing my 2 cents in,if it does'nt make much sense.
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Old 06-03-2009, 21:53   #4
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Re: will they ban the ban???

I had a complaint made to me today, by a non smoker, he said 'It wasnt so bad when people smoked in the pub, but there is nothing worse than the smoke at the entrance to a pub! It is overpowering getting in the door, roll on when they change the rules back!'
If time travel were possible, wouldn't somebody have been back or forward and told us by now?
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Old 06-03-2009, 22:26   #5
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Re: will they ban the ban???

I doubt that the government will overturn the ban....when did they ever do anything that was popular?
when did they ever take notice of what the voters want?
maybe when all the public houses have gone to the wall, and it is too late they will wake up and realise that this could have been dealt with in a different way.
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Old 06-03-2009, 22:52   #6
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Re: will they ban the ban???

i agree with margaret, they are too thick to take popular action, Spain,Greece,etc carry on merrily ignoring it, its like sod the E.U. whats best fer us. but our lot will die of stupidity.
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Old 06-03-2009, 23:06   #7

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Re: will they ban the ban???

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
i agree with margaret, they are too thick to take popular action, Spain,Greece,etc carry on merrily ignoring it, its like sod the E.U. whats best fer us. but our lot will die of stupidity.
But which side is most popular? Smoking or not smoking?
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Old 06-03-2009, 23:17   #8
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Re: will they ban the ban???

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
But which side is most popular? Smoking or not smoking?
Well as far as I can see all the non-smokers who were saying they would use licensed premises once the smoking ban was introduced don't seem to be sticking to their word. I follow the rules and smoke outside but very rarely go out now. It does get on my wick when folk start complaining about people smoking in the streets but hey ho some people just like moaning
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Old 07-03-2009, 04:12   #9
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Re: will they ban the ban???

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
But which side is most popular? Smoking or not smoking?
Easy to find out,have smoking and none smoking pubs and see who is still in business in a years time.

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Old 07-03-2009, 06:07   #10
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Re: will they ban the ban???

Originally Posted by Benipete View Post
Easy to find out,have smoking and none smoking pubs and see who is still in business in a years time.
this would have been the sensible option in the first place as it has worked in spain/catalonia for years. Those premises wishing to allow smoking apply for a smoking license and when granted a sign must be placed in the entrance for potential customers to see that smoking is allowed.
It is about time the law was abolished for as far as i'm concerned it's a down-right breach of a smokers human rights.
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Old 01-06-2009, 16:25   #11
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Re: will they ban the ban???

Apparently smoking is still permitted in one of the House of Commons bars???????
Since the smoking ban on airlines there are far more incidents of chest complaints/colds etc. They used to use 3 air scrubbers and take in a greater percentage of fresh air. Now they take in far less air and don't use 3 air scrubbers - saves fuel and therefore makes more money for the airlines
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Old 01-06-2009, 16:36   #12
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Re: will they ban the ban???

Originally Posted by Barrie Yates View Post
Apparently smoking is still permitted in one of the House of Commons bars???????
Since the smoking ban on airlines there are far more incidents of chest complaints/colds etc. They used to use 3 air scrubbers and take in a greater percentage of fresh air. Now they take in far less air and don't use 3 air scrubbers - saves fuel and therefore makes more money for the airlines
Barrie, you're wasting your time, the 'real', none smoker's won't admit the whole ban thing, has done them any harm, they will continue to be smug about something they kept away from.

Most of them aren't very social anyway.

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Old 01-06-2009, 17:10   #13
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Re: will they ban the ban???

Yes Less, I gave up bothering a long time ago. Just stick a patch on if I am on a long haul flight and I was used to meetings of 6 hours or so which were non-smoking, so it has never bothered me.
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Old 01-06-2009, 18:11   #14
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Re: will they ban the ban???

get our m.p. greg pope to raise it in parliament if he wins will be more popular than war time winston
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Old 01-06-2009, 22:22   #15
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Re: will they ban the ban???

to say the demise of the local boozer is all because of the smoking ban is rubbish...I smoke and if I fancy a pint a smoking ban has never stopped fact I don't know of anyone that has stopped going to the pub because they'd rather stay indoors and smoke!'s not a very big factor in pubs closing.
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